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Monday, 01 July 2024
Annual session of Senate held at DU

Annual session of Senate held at DU

DU Correspondent

Dhaka University Senate Chairman and University Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. ASM Maksud Kamal expressed his conviction to transform Dhaka University into a research-based educational institution and said that the 'Bangabandhu Doctoral Fellowship Program' will soon be launched in the university to attract local and foreign researchers.

A multi-dimensional plan has been adopted to prepare Dhaka University to face future challenges. He said these words in the president's address at the annual session of Dhaka University Senate held at Nawab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Building on Wednesday.

The Vice-Chancellor said that to ensure the social security of the students, all poor students of the first year will be brought under the scholarship. New campus-based job opportunities will be created to improve students' skills. Dhaka University will be developed as a smart campus by taking various activities including smart classroom, library, transportation and result processing and certification.

Various initiatives have already been taken to enrich the students with information and technology knowledge.

The session approved the proposed budget of 945 crore 15 lakh 45 thousand rupees for the financial year 2024-2025 and the revised budget of 973 crore 5 lakh 78 thousand rupees for the financial year 2023-2024. After the Vice-Chancellor's speech, the Treasurer Professor Mumtaz Uddin Ahmed presented the budget.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. ASM Maksud Kamal also said that Dhaka University has been expanding higher education in the region for more than 100 years since its establishment by combining humanistic, basic and practical education. So far this university has imparted higher education to about 33 lakh students.

The emancipator of the Bengali nation and the bearer and bearer of history and tradition, this oldest institution of the country has entered the second century of its establishment. Pointing out that higher education and high growth are inextricably linked, he said, to achieve demographic dividends, it is necessary to create skilled and up-to-date human resources in the use of human and technology.

Academic Development Plan and Physical Master Plan have been formulated for this purpose. If the initiatives taken with these two plans are implemented, Dhaka University will reach a unique position in the world education map. Our aim is to prepare specially trained students suitable for the international market.

Emphasizing new innovations to raise Dhaka University to global standards, the Vice-Chancellor said that to survive in the era of knowledge economy, we must be focused on presenting new ideas and innovations. He said, contemporary curriculum, research and innovation, industry-university linkages, collaboration-cooperation, automation and networking as well as international communication, integration and integrity, sustainability and leadership are essential parts of global higher education. Higher education creates new knowledge and develops specialized skills through analytical thinking and research.

The Vice-Chancellor said that a compulsory training course has been launched for the professional excellence of young teachers. A modern training center will be set up in the university to institutionalize this training programme. Besides, the 'Teaching Evaluation' system has been introduced to ensure more active participation of students in reading and learning in the classroom and to raise the teaching-learning process to global standards. He laid emphasis on higher education to create thoughtful and skilled manpower and to achieve social development and economic growth. The Vice-Chancellor sought the cooperation of all to take Dhaka University to a unique height in the field of higher education and research.

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Administration) Professor Dr. Muhammad Samad and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) Professor Dr. Sitesh Chandra Bachar was present. The Senate members participated in discussions on the Vice-Chancellor's address and the Treasurer's budget speech.

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