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Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Surma-Kushiara Capital Dredging Project not implemented even in four years

Surma-Kushiara Capital Dredging Project not implemented even in four years

S A Shofiee, Sylhet

Surma-Kushiara capital dredging project has not seen the light even in four years. After the flood 2022 , the dredging of Sylhet's main rivers Surma and Kushiara started, but the people of Sylhet region were disappointed because the project did not start. Several related sources said that the project is stalled due to not getting clearance from the Ministry of Finance.

BIWTA sources said that 18 rivers are expected to be dug simultaneously in the 5-year project. In the project, Surma river will be dug 4.3 meters deep and 90 meters wide. And the total cost was estimated at 1 thousand 675 crores. Experts blame Surma-Kushiara inundation of many areas of the district including Sylhet city in successive floods in Sylhet region since 2022.

BIWTA Executive Engineer (PUR) in charge of the project ASM Mashrekul Arefin said, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) has taken this project with the aim of capital dredging of 18 rivers including Surma-Kushiara, the main river of Sylhet region. In the first week of this month, the project was sent to the finance ministry for the no-objection letter. It will be sent to the Planning Commission soon after receiving the no-objection letter from the Finance Ministry. ECNEC shall be raised and passed after the approval of the Planning Commission. Later BIWTA will start the project implementation activities.

He said that if the project is implemented, the navigability of the rivers in Sylhet region will be restored. The project is prepared after the expert team of BIWTA conducts field study.

While talking to journalists in Sylhet recently while visiting the flood affected areas of Sylhet and Sunamganj, State Minister for Water Resources Zahid Faruq said that a project for dredging small and big rivers in Sylhet region including Surma-Kushiara is awaiting the approval of the Ministry of Planning. Dredging will start after getting the approval of the ministry. He said that initiatives have been taken to establish 9 dredging stations across the country to maintain the navigability of rivers. Referring to dredging as an expensive work, the state minister said that the continuity of dredging should be maintained. A large amount of silt also comes with the upstream water. Due to which the river bed is filled. That is why the river has to be dredged every two years. The state minister commented that ongoing dredging in Surma river is being disrupted due to the presence of plastic at the bottom.

Abdul Karim Kim, General Secretary of Bangladesh Environment Movement (Bapa) Sylhet said in this context, river dredging project is like robbery. There is no trace of it - there is no cool edge. For example, 50 crore rupees were lost in the name of surma mining. It is necessary to restore navigability by digging under all rivers including Surma-Kushiara. It has to be done anyway. However, the details of the river dredging project should be made public. So that the public can know which river is being mined for how much money. A monitoring committee should also be formed by coordinating various professionals. There should be strict vigilance to prevent looting in the name of river mining.

According to BIWTA data, Surma River, Kushiara River, Kalni River, Jadukata River, Rakti River, Boulai River, Manu River, Purangi River, Jumnal Canal River, Khoai River, Sutang River, Beleshwari Canal River, Titas River, Pagla River, Buri River , Mogra River, Kangsh River and Upper Meghna River in 2020 BIWT's expert engineers prepared a Development Project Proposal (DPP) after on-site study. The project was then sent to the Planning Commission in 2021. The Planning Commission sent the project back to BIWTA with some notes to revise it. In early 2022, the project was again sent to the Planning Commission for revisions, and the project came back to BIWTA for revision. After that again the experts prepared the project and sent it to the Finance Ministry for the no-objection letter in the first week of this month. Currently, the project is with the Ministry of Finance for clearance along with opinions.

Once the no-objection letter is received from the Finance Ministry, the project will be sent to the Planning Commission quickly. The Ministry of Planning will then raise the Eknek to pass the project.

Excavation work will be started from the source of Surma River and Kushiara River in Jokiganj, Sylhet to Upper Meghna River in Ashuganj. At present, 8 feet deep and 30 meters wide excavation is done every year in Ashuganj according to Bangladesh-India protocol. Ashuganj is currently being excavated at the expense of the Government of India. If BIWTA's project is approved, the width of the river will be widened to 70 meters instead of 30 meters. Not only the river will be dredged, but a total of 56 ghats will also be constructed in the river. BIWTA will construct 8 cargo wharves, 28 launch wharves and 20 wharves. Also 15 sluice gates will be constructed.

According to the project information, the project will be implemented in two phases over a total of 5 years under the supervision of BIWTA's expert engineers. The first two years will be capital dredging. All the areas of the 18 rivers that have been filled up will be excavated and completely cleared in the first two years. The next three years will be reserved. In the next 3 years, all areas that are re-grazed will be re-excavated.

Surma and Kushiara rivers will be excavated with a width of 90 meters and a depth of 4.3 meters or 14 feet. The 18 rivers currently navigable by cargo boats will not be dredged so deep. Where such excavation is required as per survey; BIWTA will dig there accordingly. Dredging the entire river except the part of the river which is or has already been dredged by the public.

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