Agricultural land decreasing in N'ganj
Staff Correspondent, Narayanganj
The agricultural land in the industrial city of Narayanganj, known as the "Dandy of the East," is decreasing at an alarming rate. While the national average reduction of agricultural land is 1% per year, the rate in Narayanganj is 2.5%. The total agricultural land in the district is 68,839 hectares, of which 46,774 hectares are cultivable. There are a total of 172,289 farming families in the district.
As the population grows, urbanization, housing companies, and industrial establishments continue to diminish agricultural land. Additionally, pollution has reduced soil fertility, threatening food security in the district. Farmers fear that if the encroachment by housing companies is not controlled, they will face a food crisis in the future.
In response, Narayanganj Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mohammad Zahidul Islam Miah, known nationwide for his humanitarian initiatives, has taken special measures to protect agricultural land. Aiming to reduce food shortages in the country, he has launched a project to convert double-cropping land into triple-cropping land. On Thursday (February 6), he organized a farmers' gathering in Sarabdi village of Haizadi Union, Araihazar Upazila, to introduce the project. The initiative focuses on utilizing land that remains fallow after two harvests by cultivating an additional crop.
Local sources report that Rupganj, Sonargaon, Araihazar, and Bandar upazilas of Narayanganj were once predominantly agricultural areas. However, since the early 1980s, industrial factories started emerging in Rupganj, followed by an influx of housing companies from 2010 onwards. This trend led to a rapid decline in agricultural land. In Bandar and Sonargaon, industrial expansion began in the 1990s, whereas Araihazar remained reliant on agriculture for a longer period.
Currently, Rupganj has the highest number of housing companies in Narayanganj, along with numerous industries. According to upazila administration sources, there are around 25 housing companies and over 700 industrial factories in Rupganj. Araihazar has 8–10 housing companies and around 15 industrial factories, including the Japan Economic Zone. Sonargaon hosts 10 housing companies and more than 50 industrial units, while Bandar has 5–6 housing companies and around 50 factories.
Farmers in these areas say they once relied solely on agriculture for their livelihood, but declining earnings have forced many to sell their land. Powerful real estate developers and factory owners have allegedly seized fertile lands and filled them with sand, leaving farmers with no choice but to sell.
Shariful Islam, a successful farmer and president of the IFM Farmers' Organization in Sarabdi village, said, "We used to grow two crops on most of our land, leaving it fallow afterward. But after hearing the DC speak about the global agricultural crisis and the growing threat of food shortages, I have decided to cultivate vegetables on my entire land."
Similarly, Jewel Ahmed, son of Mokbul Hossain from the same village, shared, "We were unaware of the severity of food shortages. The DC personally visited my field and encouraged me to grow vegetables. If the yield is good, I will benefit financially."
Hridoy Hossain from the same area added, "The DC has promised to provide high-quality vegetable seeds. Once I receive them, I will cultivate vegetables on my unused land for both personal consumption and commercial sale."
Narayanganj Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Zahidul Islam Miah inaugurated the pilot project to convert double-cropping land into triple-cropping land in Sarabdi village, Araihazar Upazila. According to government regulations, triple-cropping land is usually not approved for acquisition, meaning this transformation will protect farmers' agricultural land.
The upazila administration and agriculture office organized this farmers' gathering as part of a revolutionary initiative to boost food production. The local farmers honored the DC by presenting him with a traditional farmer's scarf (gamcha) and headgear (mathal) and gifted him organically grown vegetables.
Araihazar Upazila faces several agricultural challenges, including the rapid decline of arable land due to industrialization and housing projects. The unplanned establishment of factories has reduced soil fertility and harmed the agricultural environment. Additionally, there is a shortage of agricultural labor. Despite these obstacles, the upazila agriculture office is working tirelessly to increase food production by raising farmer awareness, providing modern techniques and technology advice, regularly monitoring farmland, conducting farmer training, and ensuring the availability and supply of fertilizer, seeds, and pesticides.
As part of the pilot project, three agricultural blocks have been selected out of 32 in the upazila:
Haizadi Block** in Haizadi Union (Total land: 333 hectares, double-cropping land: 180 hectares, target for triple cropping: 40 hectares)
Shalmodi Block** in Mahmudpur Union (Total land: 270 hectares, double-cropping land: 200 hectares, target: 50 hectares)
Fatehpur Block** in Bishnandi Union (Total land: 172 hectares, double-cropping land: 40 hectares, target: 30 hectares)
The total target for this pilot project is to convert 120 hectares of double-cropping land into triple-cropping land. If successful, the knowledge gained will be applied to develop a comprehensive plan for the entire upazila.
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