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Tuesday, 22 October 2024
BNP calls for unity against revival of Awami fascism

BNP calls for unity against revival of Awami fascism

Staff Correspondent

BNP senior leader Nazrul Islam Khan on Saturday urged democratic political parties to maintain their unity, rising above narrow political interests, to resist the revival of Awami fascism.

Speaking at a memorial discussion meeting in the capital, he also called upon the government to fulfill its duty of restoring democracy through elected public representatives as soon as possible.

The BNP leader also said those who have oppressed the people of the country over the past 16 years have neither expressed regret nor shown remorse, and they continue to work to harm the nation.

“We must remain aware and united, with our goals steadfast. Unfortunately, it seems we have not learned our lesson despite facing so much repression and suppression,” he said.

Nazrul, a BNP standing committee member, also lamented that one pro-democratic party is making derogatory comments about another solely for narrow political interests, which serves no purpose.

“We could oust autocracy and fascism with the mass unity we have forged. If this unity is compromised in any way, that fascism and autocracy will revive, and none of us will be spared. That’s why we must not jeopardise our unity,” he said.

The BNP leader said their party aims to collaborate with all forces—right, left, moderate, and Islamic—to build the country and ensure the welfare of its people. “We want to ensure that the people of this country are never again subjected to fascism and repression. We also advocate for freedom of the press, but not its abuse.”

Jamiat Ulema-e Islam arranged the progarmme at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh in memory of its former leader and ex-MP Mufti Mohammad Wakkas. Later, the party’s national council was also held at the venue.

He warned that the cohorts of the autocratic regime are making various efforts to create division among democratic forces. “We must resist all such evil efforts.”

The BNP leader stated that their party aims to assist the current interim government in properly fulfilling its specific responsibilities, such as restoring democracy following the fall of autocracy.

“Democracy means governing the country through the elected representatives of the people. While fascism has been removed, democracy has yet to be restored. The government has the responsibility to restore it. We hope they will do it correctly and as soon as possible," Nazrul said.

He said political parties, including the BNP, are prepared to give the government a reasonable timeframe for the restoration of democracy. “However, the government’s goals need to be clear to the people. We must understand the nature of their actions.”

The BNP leader also said those who attempt to obstruct the restoration of democracy must be dealt with firmly.

He noted that associates of fascism still hold key positions at various levels of the administration. “We must be vigilant to ensure they cannot plot to bring back the fascist Awami forces."

The BNP leader said over 700 BNP leaders and workers have been subjected to enforced disappearance over the past 15 years, with most of them not returning. “We don’t know whether they are alive or not. Their children, parents, and relatives are still waiting for the return of their loved ones.”

He said more than a thousand BNP leaders and activists were killed during Sheikh Hasina’s regime, while hundreds of thousands were implicated in false cases.

The BNP leader emphasised that the people of the country were freed from Sheikh Hasina’s autocratic rule through the sacrifices of many students and citizens. “It is now our responsibility to ensure that the people do not face such a regime again."

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