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Qur'anic description about Jesus Christ of Christians

Qur'anic description about Jesus Christ of Christians

By Md. Zillur Rahaman

Islam is a perfect way of life and Al Qur'an is the last divine book not only for Muslims but also for all mankind. Many Prophets are described in the holy Qur'an. Belief in all the previous Prophets mentioned in the Qur'an is among the basic beliefs of Islam. The Jesus Christ of Christians (Messiah mentioned in the Holy Qur'an) is the last prophet of the children of Israel and the Messenger of Allah who has the Book as described in the Qur'an.

He was born in Jerusalem, Palestine, more than two thousand years ago. By Allah's special power he was born to a virgin mother without any paternal relation. The Gospel was revealed to him among the famous four heavenly books. All the prophets before him and the verifier of the divine book and gave the glad tidings of the coming of the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). The miraculous birth, call to faith, Jewish conspiracy and ascension of Hazrat Isa (AS) are described elaborately in 98 verses of 15 Surahs of the Holy Qur'an.

The entire Christian community around the world celebrates the birthday of Jesus Christ or Hazrat Isa (AS) on 25 December simultaneously. This practice has been in place for a long time. Its origin probably dates back to the Roman Empire. Although many Christian scholars today believe that December 25 is not the birthday of Jesus Christ, everyone still observes it. December 25 is not the birth day or even the birth month of Jesus Christ according to Bible and Qur'an. According to the Holy Qur'an, the time of birth of Prophet Isa (AS) is summer or midsummer. Surah Maryam verse 25 says, 'And shake the stem of a palm tree towards you, and it will yield ripe dates'. When do dates ripen in the Middle East? Usually summer or mid summer. So according to the Qur'an, the birthday of Hazrat Isa (AS) is not in December or winter.

Hazrat Isa (AS) came to the world without a father by the exclusive power of Allah. The first 40 verses of Surah Maryam of the Holy Qur'an describe that incident. Ashama Najjashi, the Christian king of Abyssinia (present Syria) during the time of the Prophet, was converted to Islam after hearing these verses of Surah Maryam. The beliefs of the heavenly religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, are that he was the messenger of Allah. There is no conflict of faith in this matter. But it is said in the Holy Qur'an, "The Messiah, the son of Maryam, is nothing but the Messenger." Many Messengers passed before him and his mother was very faithful. They both ate and drank. Behold, I set forth for them what arguments; Look again, they are going in the opposite direction.' (Surah Mayida, verse: 75).

Almighty Allah says about the arrival of Isha (AS), 'When the angels said, O Maryam! Allah gives you the good news of one of His Messengers, whose name is the Messiah-Isa Ibn Maryam; In this world and in the Hereafter he will be honored and will be among those close to Allah. When he is in his mother's lap and matures, he will speak to people, and he will be among the righteous. He said, Lord! How will I have children; No man has touched me. He said, like this. Allah creates whatever He wills. When He wills a thing to be done, He says, 'Be,' and it is done.' (Surah Al-Imran: 45-47)

There are excesses and deficiencies in Jewish and Christian thinking about Prophet Hazrat Isa (AS). Christians show him great respect and believe him as 'Son of Allah'. The Jews, on the other hand, showed such audacity towards him that they called him the 'bastard son' of Yusuf Mistry (Nauzubillah). According to the Qur'anic description, he was not the son of Allah, nor was he born illegitimately, rather he was born miraculously by special power of Allah. He is not the son of Allah. He is the prophet of Allah, as Yahya (AS) was miraculously born. Allah Almighty is completely pure from wife and children.

Hazrat Isa (AS) called people towards the monotheism of Allah. He instructed them to follow the path of the great Lord. Allah Almighty says, 'When Isa came with clear signs, he said, I have come to you with wisdom and to clarify that about which you differ. Therefore, fear Allah and obey me. Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord. Therefore, worship Him. This is the simple way. (Surah Az-Zukhruf: 63-64).

Christians believe in 'Trinitarianism'. It is their widely discussed religion. 'Trinitarianism' means the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. One of the three partners is God. Then all three are one and one is three. No logical answer can be found as to how the sum of three becomes 'one'. The existence of these multiple gods began to be debated during the papacy. It derives mainly from the teachings of the Hellenic and Gnostic philosophers. In the second century, the priest of Antioch, Siophilos, used the Greek term 'Trias'.

Hazrat Isa (AS) is worshiped by Christians in the seat of 'Allah'. It should not be done, Almighty Allah Himself says in the Holy Qur'an, "Those who say that the Messiah, the son of Maryam, is God; They have committed blasphemy. But the Messiah said, O Children of Israel, worship Allah, who is my Lord and your Lord. Indeed, whoever sets up partners with Allah, Allah forbids Paradise for him and his abode is Hell. The oppressors have no helpers. Surely they are disbelievers, who say, Allah is one of three; But there is no god but one god. If they do not desist from what they say, then those of them who persist in disbelief will have a painful chastisement". (Surah Mayida, verse: 72-73).

The Injil Sharif was revealed to Prophet Isa (AS). But no real Bible exists today. Today, the Bible refers to the four biographies of Isa (AS) compiled by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Along with it, Luke's 'Apostle', 14 letters of Paul and eight other letters and pamphlets written by Peter and John etc. are also called the Gospels. However, Christians generally promote all 27 as 'Injil Sharif', although there is considerable debate about the authorship of these four books.

If the teachings of Hazrat Isa (AS) about Almighty Allah are not found in uninterrupted sources, it is clear that he taught his Ummah about monotheism. In the current Gospel of John, Isa Masih (AS) while praying to the Almighty Allah, he said, 'To know You, the One and True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent is true life' (John 17:3). A leader said to Jesus (AS), Lord! You are a good person. Jesus (AS) said to him, 'Why do you call me good? There is none good but God alone.' (Luke 18: 18, 19). From these statements it is very easy to conclude that Jesus (AS) taught his Ummah about monotheism.

It is stated in the Holy Qur'an, 'And because of their saying that we killed Isa, the son of Mary, who was the Messenger of Allah. But they neither killed him nor impaled him, rather they fell into a kind of puzzle. In fact, they talk about it differently, they are in doubt about it, they do not keep any information about it except conjecture. And surely they did not kill him, but Allah raised him to Himself. And Allah is Mighty, Wise. (Surah Nisa: 157-158)

Jesus Christ or Hazrat Isa (AS) is a revered prophet in Islam as also in Christianity; However, Islam does not accept and believe in his crucifixion. It is said that when the bearer entered the house to receive him for crucifixion, Allah lifted him up and the face of the bearer was Isa (AS). It conforms to its appearance; As a result, Jesus thought that the bearer was crucified. According to Islam, Hazrat Isa (AS) is currently living in Paradise. After the advent of Messiah Dajjal before the doomsday, Hazrat Isa (AS) is the last prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (SA) as one of its ummats or followers will descend again to earth and kill the Dajjal. After that he will take over the rule of all the world and establish peace and good governance on earth. The earth will then take the form of a new paradise in flowers and crops. Everyone will accept Islam in groups. He would eventually die as a king and be buried next to the grave of Muhammad (PBUH).

The writer is a Banker and Columnist

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