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Friday, 18 October 2024
Dignity and characteristics of Jumu'ah, punishment for not praying Jumu'ah

Dignity and characteristics of Jumu'ah, punishment for not praying Jumu'ah

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Today is friday Allah Ta'ala gave the completion of creation of the world on this day. On this day Hazrat Adam (a.He gathered Hawa (a.s.) to Paradise and on this day the Muslim Ummah gathers in the mosque for the weekly Eid and worship, the day is called Yaomul Juma'a or the day of Friday.

It is obligatory for every wise man to perform the Friday prayer in congregation. To explain the importance of Friday prayers, Almighty Allah has sent down 'Surat al-Jumu'ah' in the Holy Qur'an. On this day, the two rak'at prayers performed in congregation at the time of Zuhr are called Friday prayers. The word Juma is Arabic. It means to unite, join together, line up. Friday prayer is one of the most important acts of Islam.

On certain days of the week, adult believers-Muslims gather at the same place at a certain time and offer this prayer instead of the Zuhr prayer of that day. That is why this prayer is called 'Friday prayer'.

The best day of the week is Friday and Friday. It is one of the most significant days in the world. A distinct Surah has been revealed in the Holy Quran called Juma. There Allah the Most High said, 'Then when the prayer is over, spread out in the world and seek the grace of Allah and remember Allah more; So that you will be successful.' (Surah Jumu'ah, verse: 10)

Narrated by Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu, Rasulullah (SAW)He said, 'The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. On this day Adam was created, on this day he was admitted to Paradise and on this day he was expelled from Paradise.' (Sahih Muslim: 1410)

> Importance of Friday

The importance of Friday is very high. Allah Ta'ala gave the fullness of the creation of the world on this day. It was on this day that Hazrat Adam (a.s.) and Eve (a.s.) were brought together in Paradise, and on this day the Muslim Ummah gathers in the mosque for the weekly Eid and worship, so the day is called Yaomul Juma'a or the day of Friday.

Friday prayer was obligatory in the first Hijri. Rasulullah (pbuh)He reached Madinah on Friday after his stay in Quba during Hijrah and reached the valley of the tribe of Bani Salem when it was time for Zuhr to offer Friday prayers there. This is the first Friday prayer in history.

> Virtues of Friday

In a hadith narrated by Abu Huraira (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) saidSaid, 'Whoever enters the mosque on the first day of Jumu'ah with ablution as an obligatory ablution, it is as if he sacrificed a camel, whoever enters the mosque on the second time, he sacrifices a cow, and whoever enters the mosque on the third time, he A goat was sacrificed.

Then the person who went to the mosque in the fourth time, it is as if he sacrificed a chicken. In the fifth time, the person who entered the mosque, it is as if he sacrificed an egg. Then when the Imam came out and sat on the pulpit for the sermon, the angels stopped writing and sat down to listen to the sermon.' (Bukhari: 881, Ifa 837, Modern 830).

_ Sins of 10 days are forgiven

10 days of sins are forgiven for those who observe the rituals of Jumu'ah. Rasulullah (pbuh)Said, 'Whoever is well purified, then comes to the mosque, sits quietly to listen to the sermon attentively, for him, the sins of 10 days are forgiven by adding three more days to the seven days between the two Fridays. On the other hand, whoever moves stones, pebbles or anything else during the sermon, it is as if he has done something in vain.' (Muslim: 857).

_ The sins of 10 days of those who observe the etiquette of Friday are erased

Rasulullah (SAW) said, three types of people appear in Friday prayer. (a) There is a type of people who joke after entering the mosque, they will get nothing but jokes in return. (b) There is another type of people who appear on Jumu'ah and pray there, so that Allah gives to whom He wills and He does not give to whom He wills. (c) The third type of people are those who appear on Jumu'ah, remain silent, listen to the sermon attentively, do not step forward on anyone's neck, do not trouble anyone, add three more days including the seven days between the two Jumu'ahs for a total of 10 days. Allah forgives sins' (Abu Dawud: 1113).

Each step earns the reward of one year of Nafal fasting and one year of all-night Tahajjud: A person who performs the Jumu'ah prayer with respect for his manners, for each step he takes, the reward of one whole year of fasting and nightly Tahajjud is written for him.

Narrated by Aws bin Aws As Saqafi (RA), Rasulullah (SAW)Said, 'One who performs Ghusl on Jumu'ah (i.e. has sexual intercourse, so that his wife performs Fard Ghusl and) himself performs Fard Ghusl, arrives at the mosque early in the morning and himself goes to the mosque in the first part, walks to the mosque on foot (i.e. does not mount anything). , sat near the imam, listened attentively to the sermon, played with somethingNot kidding; For every step of that person, there is a reward equivalent to observing fasting for a whole year and praying for a whole year(Musnad Ahmad: 6954, 16218).

_ Atonement for the sins of the period between two Fridays

For those who perform the Jumu'ah prayer, it is a form of expiation for the sins between the two Jumu'ahs. Rasulullah (pbuh)Said, "Salat five times, from one Juma to the next Juma, from one Ramadan to the next Ramadan, as expiation for all (saghira) sins, on the condition that the servant of the poets keep himself from sin." (Muslim; 233).

Prayers are accepted on Friday

The most significant aspect of the virtues of Jumu'ah is that there is a time on this day when a believer makes a supplication and Allah Almighty accepts his supplication.

A hadith is narrated from Abu Huraira (R.A.), he said, Rasulullah (S.A.W.)He said, "There is a time on the day of Friday, when a believer asks Allah for something good, Allah will surely grant it to him." (Sahih Muslim: 852, Musnad Ahmad: 7151, As-Sunanul Kubra: 10234).

A hadith is narrated from Hazrat Anas (RA). He said, Rasoolullah (pbuh)Said, the desired time of Jumu'ah is from after 'Asr to before sunset. (Musnad Ibn Abi Shaiba: 5460, Tirmidhi: 489).

> Important deeds mentioned in hadith on Friday

take a bath Recitation of Surah Sajda and Surah Dahr/Insan in the obligatory Fajr prayer. Dress well. Use perfume. Go to mosque early. Reciting Surah Kahf. Go to the mosque and pray at least two rakats. Sit near the imam. Listen to the sermon with attention. Do not speak during the sermon. Pray more during the time between two sermons. Pray at other times. Because prayers are accepted on this day. Rasulullah (pbuh)Reciting as many Daroods as possible on it throughout the day.

_ Rules

Two rakats are obligatory in Friday prayers. Apart from this, four rak'ats of Kabalal Jum'ah and four rak'ats of Ba'dal Jum'ah (Sunnah prayers) are to be performed before the obligatory prayer. If a person likes Zohar, he can perform extra nafl prayers during this time. However, these nafal prayers are not offered as part of Jumu'ah and are not required, rather a person can do them voluntarily and there is no blame on him if he does not.

It is obligatory to perform the Friday prayer in congregation and there is no rule to perform it alone. In the Qur'an, when it is time for Friday prayers, it is urged to stop work and go to the mosque for prayers. However, if a person cannot perform Jumu'ah due to some reason (such as a very sick person), then it is customary to perform Zuhr prayer in his case.

Moreover, in some cases, Jumu'ah is not required for a healthy person, such as a traveler, and in that case, performing the Zuhr prayer is acceptable. However, the traveler can perform Juma if he wants.

_ Sermon

The two rakat farz prayers of Jumu'ah and the Imam's sermon have been replaced by the four rakat farz prayers of Zohar.

One of the most important subjects of Jumu'ah is the sermon. In this, the Imam discussed important issues of contemporary issues and gave guidance in the light of Quran and Hadith. The Imam who delivers the sermon is called Khatib. During this two sermons were given. A short break is taken between two sermons. The daily imam of the mosque may deliver the sermon or a special person may deliver the sermon on Friday. The sermon is usually delivered in Arabic. However, in some places there is a practice of delivering sermons in the local language.

Friday prayer has been made obligatory instead of Zuhr prayer. Which is one of God's blessings for us. There is evidence in this regard in the Qur'an-Hadith. So it is important for us as Muslims to perform Friday prayers. Those who avoid Jumu'ah prayer and busy themselves with other activities. Allah turns away from him.

> Punishment for not offering Friday prayers

Rasulullah (pbuh)It is said that whoever misses three consecutive Fridays without reason and willfully, Allah Ta'ala will put a seal on that person's heart. (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah).

In another hadith, Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, people who leave Juma should refrain themselves from this evil deed. (i.e. perform the Friday prayer), otherwise Allah will seal their hearts with the punishment of this sin. Later they will become self-indulgent. After that, the chance of getting correction will be denied. (Muslim).

Narrated from Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA). He said, Rasulullah (pbuh)He said, "Whoever abandons three Juma's in a row, he has thrown Islam backwards." (Muslim).

But again, Rasulullah (SAW) said, it is a sin for the poets to leave the Friday prayer except for four classes of people. The four classes of people are slaves, women, minors, travelers and sick persons. (Abu Dawood).

Apart from this, praying is a sign of Muslims. That is why Hazrat Umar (R.A.) used to say, "He who abandons the prayer is an absolute disbeliever" (Bayhaqi: 1559, 6291).

Hazrat Ali (RA) said, "He who does not pray is a disbeliever" (Bayhaqi: 6291).

The proofs of the Qur'an and Sunnah about the one who abandons the prayer prove that the person who does not pray is indulging in the major kufr that destroys Islam. Therefore, it is important to give importance to the obligatory prayer of Friday and any time. Therefore, Friday prayer is a very important obligatory worship for the Muslim Ummah. And the status and characteristics of Friday are many times higher than other days. It is important to refrain from the Friday prayer and the alms of this day. May Allah Ta'ala give tawfiq to the Muslim Ummah to perform the prayers and deeds of this day properly. Amen.

The writer is a, columnist and researcher Founder and Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society.

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