World Down Syndrome Day ”Down Syndrome The children have to extend our hands to our compassion
Dr. Mohammed Mahtab Hossain Mazed
21 March 'World Down Syndrome Day' 2025. People with Down Syndrome, their families, colleagues, friends, doctors and conscious people celebrate this day every year through various programs. Increasing social awareness about Down Syndrome, the social rights of people suffering from down syndrome, ensuring the participation of down syndrome like the general public in various social programs and the participation of the people in the Down Syndrome is aimed at creating a world of love for those suffering from down syndromeThe day has been celebrated worldwide since the 2006st.However, many may not know what the down syndrome is about. It is a special type of genetic or genetic condition. The structure of human chromosomes born with Down Syndrome is somewhat different from the common man's chromosome.
Down Syndrome is a child's hereditary problem. And in the human body, the 46 number of chromosomes in each cell has 21. In the case of the Down Syndrome, there is an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome in each body, called 'Trias 1886'. Down Syndrome baby is born with certain physical and mental defects due to this excess chromosome. In 800 a man named John Langdon Down in England discovered it. From then on, it was found in medical science as Down's Syndrome or just Down Syndrome.
And according to the World Health Organization (WHO) data, one out of every 800 babies in the world is born in baby. There are about 70 million down syndrome people on earth. It is estimated that in Bangladesh, 15 down children are born every day and five thousand down children are born every year in the country. About two lakh children are suffering from this problem in the country.
> Types of Down Syndrome
There are three types of down syndrome:
Trisomi 21: The most common type, about 9 5% of cases, where each cell in the body contains three copies of chromosome 21.
Transloce Down Syndrome: This condition occurs in about 4% of the cases. In this syndrome, the part of the chromosome 21 becomes attached to another chromosome.
Mosaic Down Syndrome: In about 1% of cases, some cells have three copies of chromosome 21, while others usually have two copies.
> Reason :-
The human body contains 46 chromosomes, half of which comes from the mother and half the father. Different features of human beings, such as conduct, intelligence, appearance, height, color color are all determined by the inner DN of the chromosome. If these DNA or chromosome inconsistencies are inconsistent, various genetic genes of physical and mental genetic are occurredThis is called 'Trisomi 21'. 95 percent of Down Syndrome is because of this. Due to the inconsistencies of this extra chromosome, Down Syndrome is seen in children's special physical and mental tract.
> Risk: If the mother is less than 20 years old or more than 35 years, the risk will increase. The older the baby's downs syndrome, the higher the age. For example, one of the 35 pregnant mothers of the age of 350 and one mother of every 100 mother of the age of 3 can have a down baby. On the other hand, if a mother has a down child before, then the risk of becoming a down child. Parents can be a child down child if they are carriers of the trunk chromosome.
> Identification of pregnancy :-
It is doubtful whether the baby has a down syndrome before the baby is born through the test. Ultrasonography gets an idea of the risk of being born as a baby down baby within 11 to 14 weeks in the mother's stomach. Cronicvilus sampling or aiosentas will be required to confirm the down syndrome. However, chromosome tests are the only way to ensure the disease.
> Symptoms and complications :-
The symptoms that can be seen with children who are born with Down Syndrome are:
- The body's muscles are not strong or the muscles are not as stressed as normal children. This is called the relaxation of the muscle and the baby is soft, called a floppy baby.
- outer
- can have only one line across the palm of their hands
- flattened the nose
- the ears are short and low
- the jib out of the jib
- The weight and length of the baby at birth, lower than the average weight and length, is lower in height
Infected with Down Syndrome are in personality and capacity and various levels of intelligence and disability. In addition, many children with Down Syndrome have various physical and health problems-
- congenital heart disease
- the abnormality of the bowel
- the hearing and sight of sight
- Thyroid
- Fear of more infection
- neck bone problems
- Blood disease
Some children do not have it, and some have to enjoy some of it.
> Baby Care:-Down Syndrome is as difficult for the family when the baby is born, it is not uncommon for negative thoughts to come to mind.
It is very important to get support from family, relatives and neighbors.
Although Down Syndrome has no cure, there are many ways to help such children so that they can grow as healthy and fulfilled, self -sufficient.
Physical problems can be controlled through various care. Down syndrome children can become self -reliant by giving proper care, nutritious foods, speech and language therapy and physical therapy. If they have more physical problems than usual, they need to be tested by regular pediatricians and experienced homeopaths, so the problems can be identified quickly.
> Down Syndrome will be known through the blood test of the mother:- If she thinks she has a down syndrome of the fetus, her blood can be tested chromosomeley. This test determines that your DNA carries the genetic ingredient that matches the additional chromosome 21 elements.
The biggest factor of impacting the possibility is the age of a woman. A 25 -year -old woman has the chances of having children in Down Syndrome. At the age of 35, the opportunity increased to 350 to 1.
If one or both parents have a down syndrome, the baby is more likely to happen.
> Down Syndrome - Homeopathy Homeopathy: Real homeopathy is an effective treatment in the current world. Homeopathy medical science ensures genetic defects or congenital diseases. Because the factors that work to be a genetic disorder are PRS - Post Rebens Syndrome is also infectious Mayazam - psychosis and syphilis miams and tubercular diathesis
He may be behind it. And there are effective ways to solve these problems in the homeopathic treatment system. However, by identifying the problem in time, you can get the results as expected by taking advice and treatment of a homeopathic therapeutic system.
> Remember
_ Through timely care and treatment, hormonal complications, including hormonal complications, are often controlled.
_ If you can grow up through the right environment and special education system, these children can live a meaningful life.
_ If the mother has a child at an early age, the risk of the disease increases. So the child should be held at the right age.
> Finally, personal, family and social awareness are needed. Since the risk of having a down child with the age of the mother is less than or older, in medical science is discouraged from becoming a mother, especially at the age of twenty -five. If the mother's previous baby is infected with down syndrome, then the doctor should also consult a doctorAnd if everyone comes forward to create awareness, then a healthy and beautiful future will be created for our next generation. They are not the burden of society. Adequate care and cooperation can make them a resource of society.
The writer is a, Founding Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society.
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