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Sunday, 09 March 2025
Rights and Dignity of Women in Islam

Rights and Dignity of Women in Islam

By Md. Zillur Rahaman

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day. Basically the main theme of this day is protection of women's rights and elimination of discrimination between men and women in the society. In the current context, women's rights, respect and dignity are a very important topic in Islam. There is a lot of confusion and misconceptions about this issue in Western society. On the basis of which the anti-Islamists are trying to smear women in various ways. And there is confusion and misconception among many people in our society about the perspective of Islam in this matter. Western society and anti-Islamists campaign that Islam shackles women within four walls, deprives them of their due rights and burdens them with oppression.

Whether many people know it or not, thousands of such accusations regarding women are being imposed on Islam. But the reality is completely opposite. In this regard, Islam is the only system of life, which has given men as well as women the seat of their rightful rights, due respect and dignity. And Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is the only person who has arranged for all the rights of women. He has established the respect and dignity of women in society. A widow like Khadijah (RA) did an exemplary and courageous act in the society of that time by marrying a widow. Bibi Khadija (RA) not only the first woman but also the first person to embrace Islam. If we compare the status and position of women in pre-Islamic period of Jahiliyyah and post-Islamic period, then the matter becomes clear as daylight.

Before the advent of Islam, in those days of Jahiliyyah, women did not even have the right to live, far from being given social status. Everyone's face turned black as soon as they heard about the birth of a girl child. Everyone would get busy to bury her alive and consider it an act of honor, dignity and virtue to bury this daughter alive. Highlighting this dire situation of the Jahili period, the Holy Quran declared, “And when some of them are given the good news of a daughter; Then his face turned black. And he remains burdened with sorrow. Saddened by the news that has been given to him, he hides himself from the people. Shall it be left despite the humiliation, or will it be buried in the ground? Know, how evil is what they decide!” (Surah Nahl: Verses 58, 59). Such was the status of women in pre-Islamic Arab societies. Even in all religions other than Islam, the full rights of women have not been recognized till date.

Thus, in all religions other than Islam, women are mentioned as sinful, ugly, dangerous and harmful. Far from giving them any rights, they were not recognized as human beings in many cases. They considered women only as commodities and still do. In this way, when the women were humiliated and disrespected everywhere, at that terrible moment, the savior of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) came and freed women from the inhuman oppression of that barbaric era. Islam is the only religion that has given back to the women race their rightful rights, due respect and rightful status.

In the capitalist society, the criteria of women's respect and dignity is mainly the physical beauty and financial establishment of women. And the measure of respect and dignity of women in Islamic society is her fear of Allah or taqwa. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "This world and everything in it is precious. But the most precious is a virtuous woman (Muslim)". Capitalist society has given no respect and dignity to motherhood of women. And Islam has made women as mothers the most respected and glorious. The Prophet (PBHU) said, "Under the mother's feet is the child's paradise." The current social system has neglected women's important work like housework. And Islam has given the status of Jihad to women's important duties within the home, giving birth and raising children. Basically this is the basic and main job of a woman. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "You (women) take care of your children at home and that is Jihad for you (Musnad Ahmad)". Islam has given full respect and dignity to women as wives. The Prophet (PBUH) said, "The best among you is the one who is good to his wife. And surely I am the best to my wife (Tirmidhi)".

Islam has given priority to women over men in many cases. In describing the respect and dignity of parents, Islam has given priority and more respect to women. The honor and dignity of the mother has increased manifold from that of the father. When Rasul Karim (PBUH) was asked about this, he mentioned the mother three times and the father the fourth time. Moreover, recognizing the rights of women over men, the Qur'an declares, "Just as you have some rights over women, so they have some rights over you." Man's status over wife. And surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.” (Surah Baqarah: Verse 228). In old age women are entrusted with the responsibility of children. It is declared, "And I have enjoined upon men to be good to their parents." (Surah Ankabut: Verse 8).

Islam came step by step and secured women with security, honor and dignity in every aspect of their lives. In a society where female birth was considered a sin, Islam was the first to affirm the right of female birth, issued a stern warning to female child killers. The Qur'an declares, “And remember that day! When the living buried daughter will be asked. For what crime was he killed?” (Surah Takweer, verses 8-9). The child will be a boy or a girl, it is decided by Allah Almighty. He bestows children of a certain gender upon whomsoever He wills. Keep someone childless again. Therefore, it is said about the unimaginable dignity of the guardians of female children compared to the childless and that the female child can be the best child, “To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates whatever He wills. He gives daughters to whom He wills and sons to whom He wills. Or bestows upon them both sons and daughters and makes whomever He will barren. He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.” (Surah Shura: Verses 49, 50)

After establishing the right of women to give birth in human society, ensuring the rights and dignity of female children, Islam has also declared men and women equal in terms of honor and dignity. By birth, men and women are equal in the eyes of God, and women have been declared equal to men in terms of honor and dignity. The Qur'an declares, “O mankind, fear your Lord, Who created you from one source. And from it He created your wives. After that many men and women spread from it. And fear Allah, by which you ask one another. And be afraid of blood relatives. Indeed, Allah is watchful over you (Surah Nisa, verse 01)". Elsewhere it is stated, "O mankind, I have created you from one female and one male and divided you into different nations and tribes. That you may know each other. Among you, the one who is most pious among you is the one who has the most piety among you (Surah Al-Hujrat: 13)". The standard of excellence and success in the sight of Allah has been determined by piety and fear of Allah. Therefore, a woman can be superior to a manIn the above verse, men are mainly warned by pointing to this matter.

In the western society, the satisfaction is swallowed by perverse things like live together or homosexuality, as a result of which the number of divorces, lawsuits and broken families is constantly increasing in the society. But after reaching puberty, both men and women are fulfilled through both. But for this reason, Islam has given a beautiful provision like marriage and through this marriage, Islam has benefited women. Given a pinnacle of honor and dignity. Through marriage, a spiritual relationship develops between two families. The dignity of men and women is protected. Along with family peace and the maintenance of the beautiful woman, the responsibility of the children is also placed on the shoulders of the husband. Regarding marriage, the Qur'an says, "It is He who created you from one man and from him his spouse, that he may find peace with Him." (Surah A'raf, verse 189).

Basically marriage is a commandment and blessing of Allah and through it people fulfill their natural needs in a legitimate way. Attains peace in family life and gives birth to children legitimately. That is why the Holy Prophet (PBUH) ordered marriage for all young men capable of providing for a wife, forbidding celibacy, while in today's society it is the complete opposite, a monster called dowry is making a sacred act like marriage abhorrent. In Islam, it is obligatory for men to pay dowry for their wives at the time of marriage. It is declared, "So marry them with the permission of their guardians and justly give them their dowries (Surah Nisa, verse 25)".

Islam gave women not only social status but also economic rights and freedom. Before the advent of Islam, women had no right to property. In civilized England, the law to burn women as witches was abolished in 1736. And until 1882, the law of that country made it illegal for women to own women's property. But in Islam, a full-grown Muslim woman, whether she is married or a child, can own and transfer ownership of property according to God's law without consulting anyone, has an equitable right in the property left by his parents. The Holy Qur'an declares, 'Allah commands you concerning your children: The share of a man is equal to that of two women. And if only women are more than two, then for them two thirds of the waste goods. And if (the daughter) is only one, then for her half (Surah Nisa: 11)" This is how Islam established women's rights in property and inheritance.

Islam has also allowed women to go to work, keeping within the limits of the Shari'ah for special needs to ensure women's financial independence. Even going to war is allowed. A woman Sumayya (RA) became the first martyr for Islam while fighting. Although Islam assigns the responsibility of fulfilling women's own needs to father, husband, and children; Full control and freedom over women's own income, profits earned by investing their property in any business, etc. has been given to women. In this case, consuming wealth for someone else by force is prohibited. Islam has also ensured that no one can insult women in the society. Punishment has been provided for anyone who wrongfully slanders a woman.

When there was no movement for women or people to shout for rights like today; Then the Prophet (PBUH) instructed to treat women well. The Prophet (PBUH) highlighted the best status and honor of women to the ignorant and barbaric people of that dark age and said, 'Paradise is under the feet of the mother.' Fourteen hundred years ago, Islam prohibited all forms of violence against women and sex trade. Affirmed with due respect the clear social, economic and political rights of women. This is how Islam describes the rights, honor and dignity of women, but in many parts of the world women are still seen only as sex symbols, financial criteria and objects of consumption. As a result, women are not only being oppressed, they are losing their rights, respect and dignity.

The writer is a, Banker and Columnist

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