How the 200-year old Shirni Mosque established in Laksam
Zakir Azad, Cumilla
Gainerdahor is a village in Laksam Upazila of Cumilla . A mosque was built in this village 200 years ago.
There are many myths associated with it. There is a cement house in the grounds of this mosque. At one time more than three hundred Patil Shirnis of Manat (fulfillment of wishes) were recited in it.
Thousands of devotees used to line up for that shirni. Hence the name of the mosque is Shirni Masjid. Those who are aware have demanded to preserve the mosque of ancient craftsmanship.
According to local sources, 20/22 years ago, Shirni was poured in the mosque house. But still every Friday a few bottles of Manat Shirni come here. Jilapi comes, sweet. People from the surrounding 20/22 villages used to come to this mosque to fulfill their heart's desire. People from different districts used to come with him. Even 20 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Muslims from different areas used to participate in Friday prayers.
About 70 years old Abdul Baten, a family member who takes care of the mosque, said, I heard from the teachers that a fakir built a mud house and opened the mosque here two hundred years ago. He used to cook Shirni and feed everyone.
Legend has it that Fakir used to cook Shirni and distribute hot Shirni by hand. Once he went somewhere. After that the locals took care of the mosque. My grandfather and father were also involved in the renovation of this mosque. The current structure of the mosque will be more than 150 years old. At one time there were thousands of worshippers.
The worshipers had to stand on the road even past the mosque, the open balcony. Since there are several mosques in the surrounding villages, the number of worshipers has decreased.
People from Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet used to come here with Manat Shirni. Going to the mosque area, it can be seen from Laksam bypass to Chauddagram road. The mosque is located in Dohra village of Gain, next to this road. The distance from the bypass to the mosque is about two kilometers. A simple old mosque. There are various crafts inside the mosque.
A tall minaret outside the mosque. It is believed that Azan was given standing there. Now the mike is installed on top of the minar. Shamchul Alam Rajan, a resident of Telipara village, said, "We used to go there to pray." Like us, people from different areas like Dighirpara, Bhojpara, Kadra, Narpati, Gunti, Gandamara used to come to pray. Even 20 years ago we saw the distribution of Shirni kept in the house. The imam of the mosque, Hafez Abdul Hai, said that the mosque was established two hundred years ago. Our family is maintaining the mosque.
We do not collect any contribution from the worshipers in the mosque. I spend and renovate the mosque with money donated by people. Laksam upazila executive officer. Abdul Hai Siddiqui said, traditional buildings need to be preserved. One day I will visit the mosque. I will take necessary measures in this regard.