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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Another Bangladeshi-American gets key role in Biden administration

Another Bangladeshi-American gets key role in Biden administration

News Desk

Kazi Sabeel Rahman has been named Senior Counselor at the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs in the Biden administration
Another Bangladeshi-American, Kazi Sabeel Rahman, has been appointed to a key position in the administration of US President Joe Biden.
Sabeel has been named Senior Counselor at the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs in the Biden administration.
Sabeel’s former workplace, a think tank called Demos, confirmed in a twitter post.
A Muslim American and the child of Bangladeshi immigrants, Sabeel grew up in New York.
According to Demos website, Sabeel is the former president of Demos and Associate Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School.
He is the author of Democracy Against Domination which was published by Oxford University Press in 2017, which won the Dahl Prize for scholarship on the subject of democracy.
His book, Civic Power, looks at how to build a more inclusive and empowered bottom-up democracy.
Sabeel was a co-chair of the Biden-Kamala transition team, one of seven working groups working on far-reaching strategies in light of the in-depth observation of the US economy.
Prior to that, he was a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, a Fellow of the Roosevelt Institute, and a Fellow of New America.
Sabeel has worked extensively with a range of think tanks, advocacy organizations, and foundations to develop novel approaches to addressing these issues.
Recently, he has been a featured speaker at high-level events that have included US-Vice President Kamala Harris.
Sabeel has also previously served as a special advisor on economic development strategy in New York City.
He earned his law degree and doctorate at Harvard University and his Masters degrees at the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.
According to a Bangladeshi online news portal, Sabeel’s father, Kazi Afzalur Rahman, served as an economic counselor at the Bangladesh Mission in New York as a public servant in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for five years until 1986.
After that he also worked in the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). Retired in 2007, Afzalur worked at ESCAP’s regional office at the United Nations and retired two years ago as director.
One of Sabeel’s two sisters is a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the other lives in New York.
Earlier, Zain Siddique, an American of Bangladeshi descent, was appointed as a senior adviser to the White House Deputy Chief of Staff.
Farah Ahmed, another American of Bangladeshi descent, has become the Chief of Staff of the Under-Secretary of the Rural Development Secretariat under the Ministry of Agriculture in the Biden administration.
Rumana Ahmed, another American of Bangladeshi descent, is also in charge of Biden's transition team's international media team.
Rumana and Farah Ahmed held two different positions under Barack Obama.

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