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Sunday, 08 September 2024
104 buffaloes  imported from India

104 buffaloes imported from India

Jashore Correspondent

Some 104 buffaloes were imported from India through Benapole Land Port in Jashore. Out of these,  there are 48 big buffaloes, 48 baby buffaloes and 8 bull buffaloes.

On Saturday afternoon, these 104 buffaloes, big and small, arrived at Benapole port in 7 Indian trucks.

Aziz Khan, Revenue Officer of Customs Cargo Branch, said that the importing company named 'Gentech International Limited' of Dhaka imported the buffaloes from India. And the exporting company is Norreal Dairy Farm of India.

According to the information of buffalo import documents, the import value of buffalo is 1 lakh 17 thousand 647 US dollars. Which is 1 crore 38 thousand 823 lakhs in Bangladesh money. Clearance will be given from these buffalo ports in duty free facility. Later the buffaloes will go to the buffalo development project farm at Fakirhat in Bagerhat.

Sharsha Upazila Livestock Officer Vinay Krishna Mandal said, the buffaloes were found to be good after the initial health check. Clearance will be duly issued after collection of official duty of Animal Husbandry Department. The official said that the imported buffaloes will play a big role in increasing the demand for milk and the spread of buffaloes in the country.

Rezaul Islam, Acting Director of Benapole Land Port, said that a C&F agent named Mukti Enterprise has filed the necessary documents to release the buffaloes from Benapole Customs House. Later release from the port after inspection and customs clearance. All kinds of assistance are being provided so that the buffaloes can reach their destination quickly.

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