Irregularities in UNICEF project at Nageshwari Upazila hospital alleged
Nageshwari (Kurigram) Correspondent
In Kurigram's Nageshwari Upazila Health Complex, the UNICEF-funded WASH FIT project has been accused of indifference by the DSK (Disordered Health Centre). According to UNICEF Bangladesh, among the three upazilas of Kurigram, Nageshwari Upazila Health Complex has also received approval for WASH FIT (sewerage, waste management) project at a cost of about 30 lakh taka.
In this regard, project money hooliganism is going on through the self-proclaimed contractors and brokers of the health complex in the field level activity of the distressed health center DSK implementing the project.
It can be seen on the surface that the truth of various allegations including appointment of preferred contractor secretly without tender, formation of project implementation committee with fake persons, completion of project work in the middle of night with low quality materials.
When UNICEF Bangladesh Media Specialist Faria Salim and Media Wing Officer Farzana Sultana asked about these issues, they said that UNICEF does not have enough manpower to supervise the project at the field level. If there is a complaint of negligence in the work of DSK, the implementing agency of Wash Fit project, the matter will be looked into.
Meanwhile, when asked about the Baskbayan project, project manager DSK MA Rob Patwari spoke incoherently. He said, it is a government job, you ask the government.
On the other hand, when the reporter wanted to see the work of the project going on at night, Nabid Faisal, the project assistant pro-counsel, said that the work has not started yet. However, District Civil Surgeon Doctor Manzoor A Murshed said, I have not been informed about the implementation of the UNICEF project. This has met a couple of times.
Meanwhile, Upazila Health Officer Abdullah Al Mamun made a serious complaint and said that the contractor was appointed by forging my seal and signature. I do not know when and how the work will be implemented and I have no authority to interfere.
On the other hand, Abdul (pseudonym), the expelled leader of the self-proclaimed student society who identified himself as a contractor, revealed the name of Sangsad Sadyas and said, "I am doing the work of UNICEF in the upazila health complex, the MP also knows about it." Please don't write about work inconsistencies. I will see to your honor.
Member Secretary of the Project Implementation Committee Dr. Saheb Ali and Member Dr. Fatekhar Ul Islam told this correspondent that although we have our names and signatures on the committee, we do not know anything about it.