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World Food Day: Humans need safe food for good health “There is no substitute for food for survival

World Food Day: Humans need safe food for good health “There is no substitute for food for survival

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Today, Wednesday 16 October is World Food Day' 2024. An internationally declared day. "Food is an essential part of our life. Moreover, to raise awareness among people worldwide, "World Food Day" is celebrated by international organizations related to food security, such as International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Programme, etc. The day creates global awareness to ensure food security and the need for a nutritious diet for all.

The main focus of this day is food - on this occasion, to honor our farmers who produce food for our survival and livelihood, and their work, World Food Day celebrations started in 1981 with the first ceremony and theme. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was established on October 16, 1945. (Food and Agriculture Organization) started their activities with a commitment to provide the necessary food for the people of the world, eliminate the poor and malnutrition and create a world free from hunger. Out of the 6.5 billion people in the world with a growing population, about 850 million people are dying due to lack of food. Therefore, efforts are being made to reduce the number of poor people by half by 2015, due to the increase in food prices, poverty, unequal food distribution, etc.,

it will not be achieved before 2150, said the head of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. People are born on this earth with the right to food. And in order to ensure this right, every country in the world is working to implement it by keeping a specific action plan in front of it. However, the relationship between agriculture and food is inextricably linked, if we talk about food without agriculture, then the matter will be absurd. There are more than 1 crore homesteads in this country. In the context of Bangladesh, homesteads are not only a place of residence but also a focal point for agriculture, fisheries, livestock, handicrafts and cottage industries. Vegetables, spices, herbs, herbs, poultry, cattle, goats, fish are mainly cultivated in the habitats of our country. These resources are not being utilized due to lack of sufficient knowledge of the farmers. It is possible to make the one house one farm program of the present government successful if the farmers' mindset is changed and these settlements can be serviced with effective information based knowledge. If this program is successful, it will be possible to eliminate the nutritional deficiency of the country and help in the development of cottage industry.

It will improve the purchasing power of the farmer and the farmer family will be self-sufficient. The agricultural clubs of this country can play a strong role in ensuring food and nutrition security for all by judicious use of the country's fallow land. In our country, government or private agricultural clubs have been formed under various names. Agricultural clubs are mainly engaged in agricultural extension and income generation activities. The main reason for their development is to deliver the invented technology, information or services within the reach of the general public on time and ensure their proper use. However, in this era of information technology, an active agricultural club called Agricultural Information and Communications Center has been formed to make digital agriculture of Bangladesh's agriculture managed by the Agriculture Information Service of the Ministry of Agriculture. Where there are computers, printers, web cams, mobile sets and sims, modems and internet sims and other modern equipment and facilities. There is no substitute for safe food to build a healthy nation and a prosperous golden Bangladesh. And nutrition and safe food are basic human rights.

At present our total food grain production has increased to 4 crore 53 lakh 43 thousand tons.
Bangladesh is in a commendable position in the World Hunger Index. Now we have to think about safe food. SDGs are closely linked to safe food. Safe food also has a significant impact on exports. No matter how high the income of people is, if food is not safe, life will be threatened. There is no substitute for safe food if development is to be sustainable. Ensuring safe food requires a legal framework. The quality of food production should be increased. However, there should be no harm due to excesses in food quality control. Famine occurred in Sri Lanka when food became organic. People of our country are now very conscious about food consumption. Initiative is needed right now

We have many successes. Yet many people are still far from food access. The food they are getting is also not safe. They are outnumbered, they are outside the central power circle. We have to think about them. Millions of people have been impoverished for a long time due to economic reasons. So on the one hand, as we are talking about safe food, we must also give special importance to the issue of food supply for people. Access to quality food is a basic human right. As a result quality food should be taken to people. The rate at which food prices are rising is also shrinking our food security. Because when people's economic conditions go beyond capacity, they are far from safe-quality food. Food safety authorities need some visible work. This is not just an anti-counterfeiting campaign. Laboratories should be established across the country. It has to be seen whether it is exposed to people after collecting samples and testing. Whether we can bring those who do not follow the rules fully under the legal system. After all we can motivate all people. This visible activity will play a big role.
> Food Security Analysis of Bangladesh:-

Poverty alleviation is closely related to food security. The rate, intensity and depth of poverty in Bangladesh was gradually decreasing. In 1991, the poverty rate was 56.7 percent, in 2016, it decreased to 23.5 percent. The poverty rate was projected to be reduced to 18.6 percent by 2020. 45.1 percent of people in Bangladesh have less than 0.05 acres of land per capita. As a result of adverse effects of climate change due to continuous population growth, urbanization, industrialization and global warming, food production is decreasing on one hand, and people's purchasing power is not up to date on the other hand, it has become a serious threat to the present and future generations. At present, about 40 percent of people in this country live below the poverty line; Of these, 12.5 percent are below the extreme poverty line. Along with the above mentioned challenges, another challenge has been added to the concept of safe food due to environmental changes and the dehumanization of people due to ignorance and greed for profit.

Food is the first basic and human right of man. The country's food demand is increasing rapidly. But the reality is that three-fourths of poor and hungry people live in villages. Most of the farmers produce food but they cannot consume that food due to lack of capacity. What these farmers need is stable productivity and a guaranteed stream of income growth. But they lack a lot; Lack of infrastructural development, modern technology and affordability of own food.

There has been a revolution in agriculture in Bangladesh. With the application of various modern techniques including bio-technology, the production of food grains and population in Bangladesh has more than doubled in the last three decades. But the amount of cultivable land has decreased. According to 2010 estimates, 35.4 percent of Bangladesh's landless population and 45.1 percent own less than 0.05 acres of land. As a result, despite the increase in production, imports also increased. For example, the total food import in 1995-96 was 24.27 lakh tonnes which in 2013-14 was 31.24 lakh tonnes; In 2022, the import demand stands at 3.5 million tons. That is, availability of food grains in Bangladesh is not sufficient internally. Whereas Bangladesh had set a target of self-sufficiency in food by 2013. Note, food availability depends on gross domestic production, stocks, net imports, foreign aid and net foreign trade.

In the rush to provide food in the face of population growth, production of nutritious food is largely neglected. According to the World Health Organization, about 600 million people in the world get sick from consuming unsafe food and about 442,000 people die from it. In addition, 43 percent of children under the age of 5 get sick due to unsafe food, which kills 125,000 children every year. But safe food is like a new moon as the world struggles to ensure food security for this growing population. According to the World Health Organization, the world's population will reach 9 billion by 2050 and food requirements will increase by 85%. In the meantime, its glimpse is available.

Due to the effects of the corona epidemic around the world 4 years ago and the massive food shortage caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, people in many countries including Bangladesh are still suffering from food insecurity. The prices of daily essential food items can be said to be sky high which is beyond the reach of common man. Low income people are unable to afford three meals a day. While some developed countries can ensure food security in many areas, food remains insecure in most areas. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 850 million people in the world are still suffering from food shortage.

> History of World Food Day The member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization established World Food Day at the Twentieth General Assembly in November 1979 and called for World Food Day to be observed on 16 October 1981. The resolution was approved by the United Nations General Assembly on 5 December 1980 and calls on governments and international, national and local organizations to contribute to the celebration of World Food Day. World Food Day is celebrated every year since 1981. As we all know, some food/vegetables are also eaten raw. Because most of the nutrients are available in the raw state, many of its important properties are destroyed after frying.
> Food plays an important role in human body:- As discussed below, without food our life is impossible. A strong, disease-free and healthy body is necessary for daily activities and movement. And food is needed to maintain this healthy body. Food builds, grows and replenishes the body; Increases thermal power and performance. Apart from this it helps to keep disease free. It also helps the sick body to heal. But there are many categories of food. And it is very important to know how much food is needed for the body to keep the body healthy.
By classifying food ingredients we can divide these ingredients into six categories. These are again divided into main and secondary elementsMajor food components' - sugars or carbohydrates (sources - rice, wheat, maize, chickpeas, millet, sugar, potatoes, staple foods)
Non-vegetarian (fish, meat, eggs, milk, pulses, gram seeds, jackfruit seeds, nuts etc.)
Foods of affection (oils, ghee, butter, fats etc.)* Secondary components of food:- Nutrients or vitamins (sources-colorful vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, liver etc.).Mineral components (sources-small shrimps, small Fish forks, fish sticks, kachushak etc.).
Safe water, which food ingredients need to be eaten dailyCarbohydrates: 50-60 percent of the total energy intake should be carbohydrates. Meat: 1 gram per kilogram of body weight (for adults). 2-3 grams per kg of body weight (for 4 year old child). 1.7 grams per kg of body weight (for ages 4-18 years). 1.5 grams per kg of body weight (pregnant and puerperal). Sweet food: about 35-40 grams (for adults). 2-3 grams per kg of body weight daily (for children up to 1 year)Vitamins (oil or fat soluble):- Vitamin-A: about 5000 IU (for adults). About 6000 IU (for pregnant women). About 2000-4500 IU (up to 1-12 years of age).
- Vitamin-D: 2.5 micrograms (for adult males). 10 micrograms (for pregnant women, maternity and children).- Vitamin-E: about 5-10 mg
* Vitamins (water soluble) :-Vitamin-C : 20 mg (for children). 30 mg (for adults). 50 mg (for pregnant and lactating women)
-Vitamin-B2 : 1.4 mg (for men). 1.0 mg (for women). 1.1 mg (for pregnant women).- Niacin : 18.2 mg (for men). 13.2 mg (for women). 15.1 mg (for pregnant women).
- Vitamin-B12 : 1.0 micrograms (for children). 2.0 micrograms (for adults). 3.0 micrograms (for pregnant women).
> Minerals:-* Calcium : 450 mg (for adults).*Phosphorus: 800 mg (for adults)* Potassium: 2.5 mg (for adults)* Iron: 9 mg (for adults)* Iodine: 150 micrograms for adults *Water: about 2-2.5 liters Balanced diet for adults* : Slim figure is now championed all over the world. A lean and attractive body shape is loved by everyone. Fulfilling this expectation is not a very difficult task. A normal weight and a healthy body is easily possible by consuming a moderate balanced diet and regular exercise.
The food in which all the food elements necessary for the human body are present in quantity is called balanced food. In other words, food containing six elements required by human body and in quantity is considered as balanced food. A balanced diet provides nutrient-rich foods according to the body's needs. Through this balanced diet, immunity is acquired along with body depletion, intelligence, energy production.
In the context of our country below is a list of balanced diet from local low-cost food for an adult normal working person. Cereals (rice, flour, flour semolina) : 285 gm/ (260 gm)
Lentils, Mung, Chickpeas, Peas, Kesari : 100g / 40g Sweet Pumpkin, Potato : 200g / 120g
Kachu, various green vegetables: 100 g Cashew nuts, pistachios: 200 g Sprouted seeds: 40 g Edible oil: 50 g Sugar/molasses: 20 g Seasonal fruits: 250 g Meat: 50 g Milk: 250 g
Fresh vegetables: 120 grams, eggs: 20 grams
> How many calories should be burned daily for weight loss? To lose weight, an adult male and female should eat 500 fewer calories. For example: If an adult male eats 2200 calories (as per daily calorie requirement) then 2200-500 = 1700 calories should be eaten. If an adult woman eats 1700 calories (as per daily calorie requirement) then 1700-500 = 1200 calories should be consumed. These 500 calories will be eaten less by combining exercise calories and food calories. Eating less of it can reduce the metabolism, the body can become weak. Eating 500 times 7 = 3500 calories less will reduce weight by one pound or half a kilogram per week. This 500 calorie reduction could be burning 250 calories per day exercising + eating 250 calories less per day. For example: A person who eats 2200 calories per day, if he burns 250 calories in exercise, then he will eat 250 calories less to lose weight. This is the healthiest way to lose weight. Many people eat less food, they think they will lose weight faster by eating less foodIt is a wrong idea, but if you eat less than 500 calories per day, you will lose weight properly. Only those who are very overweight should continue to lose weight very quickly or more than one pound per week (according to the advice of a doctor/nutritionist)Through this, you can retain the weight that you lose later.
Finally, there is no substitute for food for survival. Good health and people need safe food security and nutritious food. The Safe Food Act was passed in 2013 to ensure nutritious food. Safe Food Authority was formed in 2015.

Eating unsafe food can lead to various physical and mental complications of the pregnant mother and health problems during pregnancy and post-pregnancy, up to the birth of disabled children cannot be ruled out. Average life expectancy of people is decreasing due to consumption of adulterated unsafe food. There is a negative impact on the national economy. Due to the fact that the manufactured products are not of international standard, there is a problem in export. Common people are suffering economically in different ways.R

Nowadays, a large number of people have to live outside their homes for their livelihood and daily activities. Forced to eat outside shops, hotels, restaurants, packaged or processed food. Apart from this, food is now not only a life-saving element, but has become a part of rituals and cultural traditions. Food becomes unsafe in production, processing, marketing, packaging etc. According to the calculations of the World Bank, the loss due to foodborne diseases is about 95 billion dollars and the cost of treating the disease is 15 billion dollars.

Bangladesh is the 88th country in the world in terms of size, but it is the eighth in the world in terms of population. South Asia has strengthened its position in various demographic indicators. Our average life expectancy has increased in the last 60 years. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 requires building skilled human resources with healthy bodies and healthy minds. Ensuring food security is paramount to building a busy and happy life.

The writer is a, organizer, columnist and researcher Founder and Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society

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