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Friday, 18 October 2024
Where the dynamic economy stops

Where the dynamic economy stops

Shudir Baran Mazi

Bribery, corruption, bad debts and money laundering destroy the social, economic and political stability of a country. These problems can disrupt not only the economy of a country, but also its social structure. Bribery, corruption and money laundering is a major national problem in our country. Bribery, corruption, defaulted loans and money laundering are the death knell for the ever-increasing commodity prices. Bribery, corruption and money laundering have added new dimensions.

The service sector of Bangladesh is affected by the disease of bribery and corruption. Their prevention and control is very important for the development, prosperity, dynamic economy of a country. If bribery, corruption, defaulted loans and money laundering cannot be prevented, the sense of life will be destroyed, kinship is created in the fields of education, sports-culture, history, tradition, art-literature, development, progress, prosperity, national, international etc. Bribery, corruption, money laundering and corruption have reached new heights. In recent times, the corruption and wealth of some top government officials has brought the issue to the fore. And through this chaos in social, political, economic, family and personal life becomes extreme. By no means desirable for an independent, sovereign country.

We want the development of the country, we want progress, we want prosperity, we want to climb to the highest peak of science and sports. We do not want to see anti-state bribery, corruption, money laundering, loan sharking and nefarious activities like market syndicates. One of the main causes of reserve depletion is money laundering, capital flight. Bangladesh is worried about many things. Above all, however, the collapse of the rupee against the dollar and the collapse of reserves are at the center of discussion. Of course inflation is related to that. The right thing to do at this moment is to look at all the steps that need to be taken to bring Bangladesh's current fragile situation under control. A wise approach would be to rescue the sinking ship first and scold the captain later. Foreign exchange reserves are continuously decreasing.

There is no service without bribes. About 71 percent of the families of the country have to take bribes from various sectors of the government. Bribery has become an open secret today. Some call this bribery speed money. Some say the power of work. Corruption, economic crisis, poverty, criminal tendencies, extremism are increasing due to bribery.

Due to bribery, the prices of the country's goods are increasing drastically and its reach cannot be controlled. The economic, social and national development structure of the country is shaking, the plans of the government are disrupted, the development process of the state is hindered. Bribery - Corruption destroys the development of human intellect and human qualities. As a result, sensitive issues such as disorder, murder, suicide, murder, rape, divorce, bad culture, bad tactics, violence, hatred, madness, communalism are appearing in the society. Which leads to destruction of individual, family, society and state. Corruption is becoming easier because of bribery, corruption is easily covered up by bribery. According to the Transparency International Bangladesh survey, the most corrupt sectors are law enforcement agencies (72.5%), passports (67.3%), BRTA (65.4%), judicial services (60.5%), BHMI services ( 44.9%), education (including government and MPO) (42.9%) and health (42.5%), BRTA sector (63.1%) were victims of bribery. Also there are Gas, Local Engineering Directorate, Bangladesh Water Development Board etc. As per Khatwari of 2017, average of each house is 33805 Taka in gas sector (highest), 16314 Taka in judicial service sector, 14865 Taka in insurance sector, 11458 Taka in land service sector and 6972 Taka in law enforcement sector. According to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), an average of 70 to 75 lakh rupees worth of foreign currency is bought and sold in each of the more than 1,000 illegal money exchanges in the country. Anti-corruption organization Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has surveyed 16 important service sectors of the country and revealed a dire picture of corruption and bribery.

TIB conducts this survey in education, health, local government administration, land, agriculture, law enforcement agencies, judicial services, electricity, banking, BRTA, tax and customs, NGOs, passport, insurance, gas services. The market of bribery in employment is Rs. 5000 crores. An average of 17 thousand 619 rupees per bus has to be paid in bribes for the issue and renewal of the license of privately owned buses and minibuses in the country. Annual bribery and extortion from this sector is at least 1 thousand 59 crore rupees. According to the report of 2017, this year bribe transaction was 10 thousand 688 crore rupees. The participants described who gave what amount in which sector of 17 services. It can be seen that 10 thousand 830 crores of bribes were transacted during that period.

Reserves in any country are like a water tank on the roof of a house or a cow. Water will enter from one side, and the water will come out from the other side to meet the needs of the recipient. The balance is maintained if water enters at exactly the same rate as the water exits, otherwise the water will overflow and cause wastage, or the residents will be deprived of water. Again, like water is the life of people, reserves are also the life of an economy. Why is the rapid decline in the dollar and reserves? Before this, especially in the last two decades, why did not face such a situation? Simply put, the answer is that water is entering the calf at a lower rate than the rate at which the calf's water is being used. Because of hundi, informal channel in English—dollars sent from abroad are entering the country, but not being deposited in banks. So borrowing from abroad at high interest rates, meeting the ten conditions, can provide temporary relief, but not long-term relief. Increasing reserves by bringing in foreign investment is difficult at the moment.

Because rampant corruption and money-laundering incidents are prompting the country to downgrade. At this moment, if the government does not change the traditional customs to prevent corruption and money laundering, if the smuggled money cannot be brought back quickly and set an example, then the fear of dangers cannot be ruled out. Anarchy is bound to happen in a society where some people grow into a banana plant while some people dry up and become like a finger.

The issues that are understandable to the general public are: 11 types of educational institutions have been established at the level of primary education in the country, where the children's schooling and education means discrimination due to parents' finances; Four types of secondary and higher education institutions are being developed in the country; The country's health system is completely marketized; Bank loans are becoming the ax of a small section of society and delinquency is increasing dangerously; Land, apartments, plots, flats, i.e. real estate prices in the country have increased tremendously; Money laundering abroad is on the rise; The population of Dhaka city has reached 23 million. Where again 40 percent of the people are slum dwellers; the import of cars, especially luxury cars in the country has increased rapidly; 9) Has been forced to buy houses, businesses abroad; Wealthy families are increasingly traveling abroad; The flow of children from upper-class families to study abroad is increasing; High-class family members frequently travel abroad for medical treatment; Private hospitals and luxury clinics are growing rapidly. The establishment of private universities and private medical colleges has been encouraged; English medium kindergartens, cadet schools, public schools and O level/A level educational institutions are being developed in the country; Traffic jams in Dhaka and Chittagong mainly caused by private cars are disrupting the life of citizens and political and bureaucratic corruption is increasing in the country and disrupting public life step by step. Most of the corrupt money is being smuggled abroad.

While most of the economic indicators are in poor shape, exports and repatriation earnings are in somewhat comforting condition. The increase in the value of the dollar has had an impact on expatriate income. Meanwhile, implementation of the Annual Development Program (ADP) in 11 months of the just concluded fiscal year was 57 percent, which is the lowest in the last 3 fiscal years. The size of the revised ADP was Tk 2 lakh 54 thousand 351 crores in the just concluded financial year. Non-performing loans increased by more than Rs 36,000 crore in these three months from January to March. At the end of last March, the bank's defaulted loans increased to 1 lakh 82 thousand 295 crores, which is 11.11 percent of the total disbursed loans.

In the last few decades, thousands of crores of loans have been taken from the public and private banks of the country in the name of industries and trade, but those loans have not been repaid. On the other hand, industrialization and employment have also not been as expected. Within a decade of independence, the amount of defaulted loans of major industrial groups in the country exceeded Tk 200 crore. In the 1990s, the government factories started to be closed down through the Adamji Bandh. Due to the fact that budget money goes to the accounts of the top rich, the number of debtors is increasing, money laundering abroad is increasing abnormally. As a result, there is no industrialization or employment in this country.

Sonali, Rupali, Janata Bank's 84,000 crore defaulted loans mean 9% of the country's budget! This money has been taken in the name of industrialization. However, with this money, there was no production, no industrialization, no job creation in the rural economy, no development of small and medium industries. Jute industry, paper industry, textile industry, sugar industry are dying; But millions of people's money has been looted in the name of industrialization. A 26,000 megawatt capacity power plant was built with public tax money. But half the capacity sits idle. (Of this, Adani alone has to pay 3.5 thousand crores of ``rent'' annually. In 14 years, a Bangladeshi company based in Singapore received 12 thousand crores of taka!)

Strong legislation and effective enforcement is essential to prevent bribery, corruption, bribery and money laundering. Ensuring the maximum punishment of Bangladesh Penal Code against bribe takers, corrupt people, debtors and money launderers and confiscation of their acquired wealth. Along with this, their shelter-supporters should also be brought under the same law. There is a need to ensure transparency and accountability in administrative work. Every sector of the country should be sincere and set the highest example of patriotism to build a developed, prosperous and dynamic economy Bangladesh.

Teacher, Haimchar Government College, Haimchar, Chandpur.

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