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Thursday, 19 September 2024
Transfer-postings : Decisions of administration being changed again and again

Transfer-postings : Decisions of administration being changed again and again

Special Correspondent

Five additional secretaries who were retired during the Awami League government were appointed on contractual basis to the posts of secretaries of various departments on August 17. A day later on August 18, the decision was changed and they were appointed as 'Senior Secretary'.

Among these five, MA Akmal Hossain Azad, assigned to the Ministry of Railways, was transferred to the Health Services Department after three days. Planning Commission member Abdul Baki was given the post of Railway Secretary.

Similarly, on August 14, Md.Mokabbir Hossain was appointed as the senior secretary of the Public Security Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs. After three days on August 17, he was transferred to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Decisions are being changed frequently in various important positions of public administration. That decision is being reversed within 24 to 48 hours of issuing the order to assign someone to a post. Some former secretaries told this correspondent that these incidents are a manifestation of the instability within the administration. This proves that the decisions were not taken with proper time. Therefore, there is a need to change the decision within a short period of time.

The latest instance of quick decision-making in the administration happened in the appointment of Deputy Commissioners (DCs). It has already been corrected in two rounds with new DCs in 59 districts of the country last Monday and Tuesday.

Again, it was found that without selecting a suitable officer for any position, the employees were removed quickly. This has created a vacuum at various levels of administration. 25 DCs were simultaneously withdrawn from the field without finalizing the DC fitlist. Similarly, the secretaries of some ministries were removed without appointing anyone to that post. Still the posts of secretaries of seven ministries, two departmental commissioners and director general posts of at least 12 departments including the directorate of primary education, directorate of secondary and higher education are vacant and the
work speed has slowed down

Officials at various levels of the administration admit in informal discussions that the pace of work has slowed dramatically in recent times. Although the secretaries were directed to speed up the work by making necessary reforms at all levels of administration. August 4 in a meeting with the secretaries, the chief advisor said. Muhammad Yunus. He also ordered the secretaries to work quickly in accepting and implementing the reform program.

It has been found that a large part of the bureaucrats are worried about their future as they were secretaries during the previous government. Some told Samakal that they do not understand whether the government has taken them into confidence. In this situation, taking initiative in any reform work can be counterproductive.

On the other hand, it has been said in several meetings of the top echelon of the government and the anti-discrimination student movement that the administration supported by Sheikh Hasina should be dismantled. Deprived people should be appointed there. As part of this, some people have been appointed. In such a situation, the senior officials are worried about whether the posts will be right.

It has been seen that there is still unrest in the secretariat. Whether qualified or not, everyone from the secretary to the peon is now claiming to be a 'victim of discrimination' by the previous government. In the face of their demands and protests, many have left their posts. Those who are, are also afraid.

Confusion in appointment of DC :

Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration. Mokhles ur Rahman told reporters in his office at the secretariat yesterday that those appointed on Tuesday in these eight districts - Laxmipur, Jaipurhat, Kushtia, Rajshahi, Sirajganj, Shariatpur, Dinajpur and Rajbari - have been withdrawn.

Apart from this, Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City-2 director of Supporting Infrastructure Construction Project. The transfer orders of Saiduzzaman (Jaipurhat) and Commerce Ministry Deputy Secretary Farhana Islam (Kushtia) as DCs have also been cancelled. These two officers were given responsibility on Monday.

Out of the four districts in which the post of DC was reshuffled yesterday, the DC of Tangail was transferred to Panchagarh, the DC of Nilphamari was transferred to Tangail, the DC of Natore was transferred to Lakshmipur and the DC of Panchagarh was transferred to Nilphamari.

Mokhles ur Rahman said, DCs are fitlisted through a selection committee. That committee sat today. By reviewing the immediate that has happened, the appointment of 8 people has already been cancelled.

Interference in the appointment of DC in the name of coordinator!

There have been serious allegations that the DC list was finalized on the advice of a person named Tanveer Ahmed, Coordinator of Anti-discrimination Students' Movement. He has visited the room of Public Administration Joint Secretary KM Ali Azam for the past few days.

The deprived officials claimed that Tanveer and Ali Azam held private meetings in his room in the secretariat for several days till 2 am. According to eyewitness accounts, KM Ali Azam, Coordinator of the Anti-discrimination Students' Movement, addressed the claimant Tanveer as Sir.

KM Ali Azam claimed that he did not meet with any coordinator. He said, Tanveer came to me. I did not call the coordinators of the student movement.

Additional Secretary of Administrative Service Association (BASA) Mahbubur Rahman said, we have received news that a coordinator came to the Ministry of Public Administration and made a complaint.

He said that on Wednesday afternoon of last week, Information and Broadcasting Adviser Nahid Islam came to the Ministry of Public Administration . When we drew the attention of Nahid Islam regarding Tanveer, Nahid Islam made it clear that Tanveer cannot be ignored.

The underprivileged protested at the Ministry of Public Administration yesterday to cancel the two DC appointment notices. They sought cancellation of the notification by 5 pm. It didn't happen though. They met with the Public Administration Secretary. Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration Nurul Karim Bhuiyan said, Senior Secretary Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus promised to talk to Dr Yunus and decide on this matter.

He said, we have complaints and objections against many of the 59 DCs who have been appointed.

Formation of investigation committee

A committee has been constituted to investigate the incident of ruckus by deprived officials in the Ministry of Public Administration in the Secretariat regarding the appointment of DC. The information was informed in a circular of the Ministry of Public Administration on Wednesday. MA Akmal Hossain Azad, senior secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, has been made the head of the one-member committee. He will submit the report within seven working days.

"Those who have not become DC, they have not lost their dignity"

Akmal Hossain Azad, head of the investigation committee, said, "those who did not become DC were not demoted, so they were not dishonoured."

Regarding the chaos of those who want to become DC in the secretariat, he said, I see various news and think in general, it is not proper. If they think that they have become DC just by having the name in the list, it is not correct.

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