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Sunday, 29 September 2024
Sweet Summer Struggle: Mangoes, Jackfruit, and Other Summer Fruits Knowing When Stop to Eat

Sweet Summer Struggle: Mangoes, Jackfruit, and Other Summer Fruits Knowing When Stop to Eat

Jarin Tasnim Rafa

Summer in Bangladesh! The scorching sun, the vibrant green landscape, and the irresistible allure of seasonal fruits - the majestic mango and the texturally delightful jackfruit.

These titans of taste tantalize our senses, but overindulgence can lead to unintended consequences. Let's delve into the science behind these fruits and explore healthy ways to savor them throughout the season. These kings and queens of the season tantalize our taste buds with their sweetness and exotic flavors. But as we indulge in these delightful treats, it's important to remember: that moderation is key.

Mangoes are a treasure trove of essential nutrients. Research published in the journal 'BMC Complementary and Medicine Research' highlights their richness in vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. These micronutrients play a crucial role in boosting immunity, promoting healthy digestion, and even enhancing skin health.

Jackfruit, with its unique fragrance and satisfying sweetness, is no slouch either. Studies published in the 'Asian Journal of Food and Agriculture-Special' showcase its abundance in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. These attributes contribute to improved digestion, support heart health, and provide a natural energy boost.

Now let’s The Flip Side of the Coin. While mangoes and jackfruits offer a plethora of health benefits, exceeding the recommended intake can trigger some unwanted effects:

Weight Gain: Both fruits are naturally high in calories and sugars. A 2020 study by the Bangladesh Institute of Public Health Nutrition suggests that excessive consumption, particularly for those with less active lifestyles, can contribute to weight gain.

Blood Sugar Regulation: The natural sugars in these fruits may cause blood sugar spikes, as reported by the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) - Bangladesh in their 2022 guidelines on diabetes management. This can be particularly concerning for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

Digestive Discomfort: The high fiber content, though beneficial for digestion in moderation, can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhea if consumed in large quantities, as mentioned in a research paper published in the Bangladesh Journal of Gastroenterology.

Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have mango allergies, experiencing symptoms like rashes, itching, and respiratory problems. Overeating can worsen these allergic reactions, according to a study published in the Mymensingh Medical Journal.

So, how can we relish the summer bounty without compromising our well-being? Here are some tips:

The Bangladesh Food Guide recommends a serving of mango to be roughly the size of your fist, and for jackfruit, a small cup of chopped pieces is sufficient.

Enjoy mangoes and jackfruits with yogurt, nuts, or a sprinkle of lime juice. This practice, supported by research in 'Food Science & Nutrition,' helps balance the sweetness and adds a touch of tang, promoting satiety and curbing overconsumption

Don't limit yourself to just these two fruits. Explore the abundance of seasonal options like litchi, watermelon, and blackberries. This ensures a well-rounded intake of vitamins and minerals, as emphasized by the Institute of Public Health Nutrition.

Pay close attention to how you feel after consuming these fruits. If you experience any discomfort, slow down or take a break.

Summer in Bangladesh is a vibrant celebration. By enjoying mangoes and jackfruits responsibly and incorporating healthy practices, we can savor these delightful treats without any regrets.


1. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Research (Research paper on the nutritional content of mangoes)
2. Bangladesh Journal of Gastroenterology
3. BMC Public Health (on weight gain and sugar content)
4. Bangladesh Diabetes Association (Information on blood sugar spikes)
5. Bangladesh Medical Journal (Research paper on digestive issues and fiber content)
6. Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (Information on mango allergies)

The writer is a, Undergrad Student of food and nutrition (2nd year)

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