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Sunday, 29 September 2024
Role of social media to the movement and recent scenery

Role of social media to the movement and recent scenery

Sadikur Sadik

It is said that Gen Z ( Generation Z), the social media-addicted generation, overthrew the dictator Sheikh Hasina using this social media. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube made a big contribution to this successful Anti-discriminatory movement which has turned into a one-demand movement that is why We get a second independence from the dictator Sheikh Hasina's regime through the mass sacrifice of lives of thousands of students. Here the general people are also included in sacrificing their lives. The movement was called the ‘Anti-discriminatory movement’ and centered on the government job quota system. Some Facebook groups helped to control the movement and helped to organize under the movement's motive.

The movement was logical to almost all the people in the country. The Awami League, the ruling party, and the student wing of the party tortured and tried to stop the movement by force. Finally, the law enforcement agency fired them irrespectively, and almost a thousand people were killed and many more were injured. These went viral on social media when the mainstream media didn't cover enough facts. All the repression turns the demand from nine points to one. The one point was the resignation of the prime minister. At last the result, we know.

This year, a deadly month in August will be remembered for the martyrs and the step-down of the Fascist Sheikh Hasina government. After her flee we get the new independence expected by the students as well as the people of Bangladesh. The former Awami Government has destroyed almost all the sectors by abusing power. Now the awareness is raised through various social media platforms for reforming all the sectors. Mainstream media also covers the trends and viral issues that are related to irregularities, partiality, and bias. This demand is the demand of people knowing through social media including mainstream TV and print media. All the programs of the Anti-discriminatory Movement were published and reached the students through Facebook posts, which is why the government was obliged to shut down all internet connections but failed to stop the movement.

After the second independence, the people of the country had the opportunity to express their opinions and now they can easily post and share any kind of criticism of the interim government and any kind of responsible person. People regained the right to speak, they can condemn the illogical deception, and activities, and they can open their mouths against the irregularity on social media. This advantage helps to put pressure on the concerned authority to be on the right path. As we saw the result of the spread of positivity to young people, social media is very effective.

On the contrary, social media is the main source of spreading fake and false news. It is mainly responsible for spreading rumors about various issues which are the most concerning issues from the movement period to after the movement period. This interim government has to face many challenges due to the failure of the former government. In this situation, rumors can disturb and hinder progress in reforming the corrupted system of the country. Sometimes some people share the news photo card without actual interpretations and share false motives in the caption. Recently, the fallen political party and its activists have been trying to spread those rumours to disturb the government and break the unity and harmony among the people of Bangladesh. It is an open platform for intellectual conflict which has both negative and positive sides.

It is now a very open field to comment on specific issues by posting and commenting on Facebook and sharing others' posts. But a lot of popular Facebook groups especially based on University have a huge impact on social media. If the admin and moderator panel become aware of these rumors and fake information, it will be a useful step. Some sensitive issues like minority and religious issues and conflicts on Hill Truck are now discussable issues that turn into our existence. In these issues, social media has an impact, it can fuel the fire at any time by spreading false news and rumors. Sometimes social media users cannot distinguish right or wrong exactly. Before justifying the fact they share and react like an extrimist on this point.

At last, the content creators and the celebrities are the key ones responsible for spreading right and wrong, fact and false to today's online-based generation. They are responsible for keeping our unity by knowledge-based and can ensure the harmony by nationality irrespectively. Individual social media users are also responsible for misusing this by becoming part of the propaganda. Bangles are so much emotional. It is essential for expressing the feeling, and the evildoer may use it to carry out their malicious intent. When discussing topics about the minor religious community and ethnic groups on social media, we should use caution. We should be more cautious about utilizing social media not to be independent, but to maintain true independence.

The writer is a, Student, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh & Member, Bangladesh Tarun Column Lekhok Forum, Islamic University Unit.

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