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Friday, 28 June 2024
Miyazaki : The most expensive mango in the world

Miyazaki : The most expensive mango in the world

Shamiran Biswas

Miyazaki mango, whose one kg price is 3 lakh taka, do you know why it costs so much? What is this mango? Miyazaki mango contains beneficial ingredients like beta carotene and folic acid. In addition, studies have shown that this mango also helps in avoiding cancer. Besides, Miyazaki mango is rich in zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K, copper and magnesium.

Miyazaki mango is the most expensive mango in the world, guess how much a kg can be, 3 lakh rupees! Yes, such an incredible price for Miyazaki mangoes from Japan. Known as the “Egg of the Sun”, Miyazaki mangoes are famous around the world for their exceptional quality and high price. But why is this Japanese fruit so expensive, and what are its health benefits? Miyazaki mangoes are one of the world's most expensive fruits, selling for several thousand dollars a pair. There are several reasons behind this.

Careful Cultivation Method:

This mango is grown in friendly environment in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. Farmers use nets to ensure that each mango gets an equal amount of sunlight, resulting in darker and sweeter mangoes. They also use a unique method of wrapping each mango in foam netting while still on the tree, so that the shape and texture of the mango is perfect.

Limited production:

Production of Miyazaki mangoes is limited. Due to careful cultivation methods, it is not possible to produce many mangoes at once, making it a rare fruit.

Quality control:

Each mango goes through strict quality control tests. Only mangoes that meet certain weight, sweetness and color criteria are sold under the Miyazaki brand. Its price is so high to ensure this high quality.

Nutrition and Benefits of Miyazaki Mango:

Apart from being known as a luxurious fruit, Miyazaki mango has several nutrients that are very beneficial for health. Vitamins and minerals: Miyazaki mangoes are rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as potassium and magnesium. Vitamin A is essential for eye health, Vitamin C boosts the immune system and aids in iron absorption. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage.


These mangoes are rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, which prevent oxidation in the body and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Antioxidants are very important in maintaining overall health and preventing conditions like heart disease, cancer.

Dietary Fiber:

Miyazaki mangoes aid digestion and maintain a healthy gut due to their high dietary fiber content. Fiber is essential for preventing constipation and regular bowel movements.

Natural sugars:

Although sweet, the sugars in Miyazaki mangoes are natural and the presence of fiber helps regulate blood sugar levels. As a result, it is a better alternative to processed sweets.

Low in calories:

Despite being delicious, these mangoes are relatively low in calories. So those who want to keep their weight under control, can eat it safely.

In other words, by eating Miyazaki mangoes, it helps prevent cancer, controls cholesterol, gives the skin a youthful glow, restores stomach health, and helps control sugar levels. Miyazaki mangoes are not only nutritious but also a favorite ingredient in cuisine. Its deep red color and juicy, sweet rind make it a popular choice for luxury foods and desserts. Chefs around the world use it to add a touch of luxury to dishes ranging from salads and smoothies to complex desserts. In Japan, the Miyazaki mango is not just a fruit, but a symbol of care, devotion and perfection. Given as a gift on special occasions, it represents cordiality and luxury. The process of growing and harvesting these mangoes reflects the Japanese philosophy of meticulous attention to detail and respect for natural beauty. Although its price is exorbitant to many, the health benefits of this fruit and its cultural and other attributes make up for it. For those who can afford it, the collectible reflects prestige.

The writer is a, Agriculture and Environment Specialist, Dhaka.

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