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Sunday, 29 September 2024
Mineral filled with dragon fruit

Mineral filled with dragon fruit

Shamiran Biswas

Even though it is a foreign fruit, the dragon has quickly become known in our country. It is actually a type of cactus based fruit. Dragon fruit is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It plays a role in controlling our blood sugar levels. It also reduces the risk of cancer.

The demand for this attractive and delicious fruit is increasing in our country. Apart from eating the fruit, you can make smoothies, milkshakes, salads, etc.

Know the benefits of dragon fruit-

Dragon fruit nutrition:

Dragon fruit is very low in calories. It contains enough dietary fiber. One cup of dragon fruit contains 136 calories, 3 grams of protein, 7 grams of fiber, 8 percent of iron, 18 percent of magnesium, 9 percent of vitamin C, 4 percent of vitamin E, and no fat at all.

Rich in Antioxidants:

Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants. It contains antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolic acids and betacyanins. These natural ingredients protect our cells from free radicals. It prevents problems like cancer and premature aging.

Reduces the risk of diabetes: Dragon fruit also works to reduce the risk of diabetes. It contains enough fiber, which helps control blood sugar levels. Eating dragon fruit regularly can keep diabetes away. So those who are at such risk, can eat dragon fruit regularly.

Reduces the risk of cancer:

Regular consumption of dragon fruit works to reduce the risk of cancer. Because it has anti-cancer properties. This fruit works specially to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C. So eating this fruit increases immunity quickly. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes apart from cancer.

Good for digestion:

Dragon fruit is very good for digestion. It helps in the growth of beneficial bacteria in our body. Due to which digestion is also good. It is rich in fiber which helps in maintaining good digestive system. So if you want to maintain good digestion, you need to eat dragon fruit regularly.

Why eat dragon fruit (summary) :

Dragon fruit is high in fiber which lowers blood fat, aids in digestion, good for heart health, relieves constipation and controls diabetes. Lycopene acts as an anti-cancer agent. The protein in dragon fruit helps in all metabolic functions of the body. Being rich in calcium keeps bones strong and teeth strong.

This fruit is especially important for women. Adequate vitamin C in dragon fruit boosts immunity. Restores skin freshness. Helps to remove wrinkles. It also plays a role in maintaining good hair health. Apart from this, having more iron increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood; Which is necessary for teenagers, pregnant women, pregnant women.

It reduces weight due to its high protein, fiber and water content. Dragon fruit contains several essential antioxidants. They are essential for our health.

A large amount of vitamin C is found in the fruit. Regular consumption increases the immunity of the body. Dragon fruit plays a role in proper control of harmful and beneficial bacteria for the body. An excellent source of iron is colorful dragon fruit. If you want to eliminate the problem of anemia, then you want to eat this fruit every day.

This beneficial fruit has a role in controlling blood pressure. Beta-13. Regular consumption of the carotene-rich fruit improves eyesight and reduces the risk of cataracts. The small black seeds of dragon fruit contain omega three and omega nine fatty acids. They are beneficial for the heart.

The writer is a Agriculture & Environment Specialist, Dhaka.

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