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Tuesday, 22 October 2024
It started again

It started again

Shudir Baran Mazi

Hilsa is our national fish. Hilsa is one of our national resources. Our national resource, the national fish Hilsa, plays a very important role in building bilateral relations. Today there is an extreme crisis of hilsa for several years. Our national resource, the national fish, Hilsa, has long since disappeared from the kitchen menu of the lower class families. Hilsa has a way to rise from the list of middle class. Hilsa is now the name of choice in the food list of the high-end. Although the government has a comprehensive action plan to protect mother hilsa, this plan has been hampered for the last few years due to the extreme greed of some dishonest people. The fishermen are killing mother hilsa indiscriminately without even thinking about the future. Which is a lot like kicking yourself in the foot.

My responsibility to protect Mother Hilsa is yours and everyone's. There is no alternative to protect mother hilsa to sustain our geographical culture. I was hoping to see the river without a boat for three-four days of the campaign to protect our national resource mother hilsa and this time the campaign to protect mother hilsa is successful and we will be able to taste hilsa in the coming days. But turning that hope into disappointment, after 4 days of the 22-day campaign to protect Ma Hilsa from October 13 to November 3, the Ma Hilsa destruction festival started after 5 days.

In the midst of killing mother hilsa, not only the fishermen are suffering, but the country is also suffering. Twenty three million eggs in one hilsa. Disobeying the ban, the fishermen have indulged in killing mother hilsa, eggs. Are these fishermen more powerful than the state or the administration or because of the weakness of the administration, the fishermen indulge in this vile act. During the campaign to protect mother hilsa, unscrupulous traders and greedy fishermen, especially in Bhola, Barisal, Putuakhali, Barguna, Pirojpur, Shariatpur, Madaripur, Lakshipur Munshiganj, Mawa, Ghazaria, Chandpurer Matlab, Rajarajeshwar, Haimchar, Katakhali, Charbhairavi, Majhir Bazar, Sahebganj, Ferighat,Ishanbala and other places, are freely killing mother hilsa and egg hilsa at night. hilsa There is no substitute for rigor, accountability and awareness to increase the production of hilsa and protect mother hilsa. For the sake of the development of the state and the people of the state, the campaign to protect mother hilsa must be successful at any cost.

If mother hilsa cannot be protected during the breeding season, hilsa will no longer be found in the river, hilsa will be found in museums. We don't want to see our hilsa in a museum. Hilsa production in the river is decreasing due to submerged and floating fodder, on the other hand, hilsa production is increasing in Myanmar. River pollution, noise pollution and encroachment of rivers are also major obstacles in increasing the production of hilsa and other freshwater fish. To increase the production of hilsa and other freshwater fish, the honorable authorities should prevent river pollution and keep the river free from encroachment.

The beauty of a river without a boat in some days, will be a river full of fish in the future. Which is what we all hope for. By protecting mother hilsa and egg-bearing hilsa, our hilsa production will increase manifold and bring back economic prosperity among fishermen. We can all taste Hilsa. In order to make the campaign to protect mother hilsa a success, the strict monitoring of the administration must be increased, and the measures taken to protect mother hilsa must be successfully implemented. Administration and local leaders and activists should keep a watchful eye so that no one can take any illegal opportunity in the campaign. Along with the administration, our navy, army can also be employed to make the Hilsa protection operation a success. During the drive to protect our national resource mother hilsa, we need to take vigilance and appropriate action plan to prevent Indian fishermen from encroaching on our waters. Efficient planning and implementation, administrative transparency and public awareness can make the campaign to protect mother hilsa a success. It has been decided to stop all types of hilsa collection, transportation, marketing and storage for 22 days from October 13 to November 3.

In the past years, it has been seen that despite the ban on hilsa collection, some unscrupulous fishermen violate the ban and illegally collect hilsa, which is a big obstacle for the conservation and development of hilsa resources. As a result of inadequate measures taken by the administration to implement the ban, unscrupulous fishermen cannot be prevented from collecting hilsa. We are requesting the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and all related authorities to take urgent steps to protect the hilsa resources by preventing black market and increasing the production of hilsa resources.

In order to protect the mother hilsa, the fishermen have to do enough yard meetings, the fishermen have to understand that the mother hilsa is like their child. If the mother takes care of the hilsa in the same way as the child has to be nurtured, this hilsa will also cover their lack. Similar to the election song, the song about Mother Ilisha should be composed and broadcast widely before the news on every channel. Media workers have to play a wider role. We also wish for the success of the mother hilsa protection campaign. We also want to taste the hilsa, get the nutritional value of hilsa.

The writer is a, Teacher, Haimchar Government College, Haimchar, Chandpur

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