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Sunday, 29 September 2024
Disparity in the education sector and accountability of the state

Disparity in the education sector and accountability of the state

KM Masum Billah

Swami Vivekananda said "Get up, wake up, wake yourself up and wake up others." Those who do the work of awakening the society quietly, those who create enlightened people to enlighten the society are teachers! Poet Qazi Quader Nawaz said at the end of his poem on the status of the teacher "From today the head of the teacher is ever-elevated, indeed you are the great generous King Alamgir". The teacher's head is really always improved, but only if the head is improved, who can avoid the responsibility of the society and the state? Then the big question is when the teachers of this country will get rid of the economic discrimination that they have been suffering since the beginning of time, then it is really necessary to say that even if the country can make structural improvements, it is difficult for the country to stand tall. It is not necessary to say that the condition of teachers has not changed in the last 53 years after independence, there have been several changes, but there was an opportunity to work on the inequalities that still remained. But we as a nation have failed to do that. Even if the developed world is excluded, we are at the bottom of the list of teachers' honor even if only a few countries in South Asia are considered! It cannot be desirable in any way.

If our country's school and college students are asked what is your goal in life? Someone wants to be a doctor, someone engineer, someone big officer! Does anyone want to be a "teacher"? Perhaps such a number is very insignificant because everyone wants financial security, everyone wants social status, but does the salary given in our primary or private secondary and higher secondary ensure financial security! Or what status is given to them socially! Of course not! It is an illusion to think that the first class students will be attracted to this profession by the salary given up to high school in our country!

Primary education was nationalized during the previous government. Also minimum graduation pass is prescribed for both male and female. In recent times, primary teachers are applying for their inclusion in 10th grade. Relatively speaking, it may seem that after officialization why they are agitating for 10th grade. But its rationale must be considered. Especially in the last pay scale announced in 2015, there were 20 grades in four categories. Whereas 9th grade has been given the status of 1st grade and 10-12th grade as 2nd grade, besides 13-20th grade has been kept as 3rd and 4th grade employees. Grade wise Currently primary teachers are attending 13th grade. That is, the state system is giving a teacher the status of a 3rd class employee! Is it not shameful for the nation? So the state has to decide whether they will consider their teachers as employees in the future! When the country is giving its teachers the status of employees, what can the country expect from them in returnPerhaps the matter was not thought of that way but we have to wonder whether a teacher who is self-inflicted ever gets a chance to guide his students in the right direction as it is just as humiliating for a teacher to be rated as a "3rd class employee"! The newly formed Education Commission has to work on this matter, if there is no scope for inclusion in 10th grade then at least they must be considered to be included in 2nd grade officers (10-12th grade). In traditional times, it is seen that after the nationalization of primary education, talented people including public universities of the country are showing interest in this profession. So other disparities have to be considered. Tiffin allowance of 200 taka per month to primary teachers is not acceptable at all. In addition, there is no office assistant to do the official work of the school, so the teachers have to do the official work and even the teachers have to ring the holiday bell! There is no one to clean the class room as there is no office assistant. It is important to have proper sanitation and adequate fans in classrooms. In the last few years, thousands of students from the country's public universities have joined the primary as teachers, which is eye-catching! If they are given the status of 2nd class officers, it is hoped that in the future talented people will not suffer inferiority to enter this profession. And the country's primary education system will be strengthened.

The condition of teachers and staff of secondary and higher secondary level MPO schools and colleges is also not very favorable. Although recruitment process of government schools is different and comparatively more competitive, currently MPO schools colleges go through three stages under NTRC and then are recruited as teachers based on merit. However, there is a huge difference between the salary and other benefits of MPO school teachers from government schools! MPO school college teachers get only basic salary. There is no provision for them for house rent. So the question is that they do not have to pay rent? Also, teachers of MPO schools and colleges get 25% of the basic in terms of bonus on religious festivals including Eid. With the money that is being given to them at 25% of this basic, what festive atmosphere is being felt in their homes with their families! Day after day these teachers are being subjected to such discrimination. Last year, when the previous government promised to eliminate discrimination in the private teachers' movement, the teachers suspended the movement. However, if this discrimination is not removed, it is natural that this movement will return again and again. If nationalization is not possible in bulk, at least a certain percentage of basic house rent and festive bonus equal to basic can be expected to remove the disparity. Also the recruitment process through NTRC should be made easier, especially after passing the registration most of them sit waiting for the public notification. And public notification is not done at any particular time. As a result there is some uncertainty. Moreover, teachers have complaints of various types of harassment from joining to withdrawal of salary. Government schools have transfer opportunities but there is no such opportunity in MPO schools and colleges!

In 2018, 303 colleges were nationalized, but there are several inconsistencies and discrimination in the institutions, according to many teachers in social media including newspapers. In particular, there are complaints that the process is complicated and prolonged by delay. Colleges are facing the biggest problem with teacher shortage. Since 2016, no new teaching staff could be appointed due to the contract. Also, many teachers have retired, resulting in new vacancies, but no appointments have been made against them. As a result, the institutions are suffering from acute teacher shortage. Also, the complaints about the lengthy process are old, especially the fact that the entire process has not been completed even after 8 years is quite disappointing. Also the grade downgrading has created a big disparity so that there are several inconsistencies including downgrade from 7th grade to 9th grade, lower pay than private sector, 9th grade instructors, librarians and physical education teachers downgraded to 10th grade, 10th grade assistant librarians downgraded to 14th grade etc. . Also, since the release of JIO in August 2018, no final decision has been taken on those who have retired in the last 6 years. As a result those who have retired in the last 6 years are spending their days only in despair. Even if they retired in the private sector, they would have received some one-time retirement money within one or two years, but they are in danger as if they were in the government. Besides, the decision to consider half the service period of the private sector is also unreasonable. As a result retired teachers and senior teachers will suffer financially.

It is not possible to maintain the education system with these inconsistencies. He will have to come out of the practice of entrusting the Ministry of Education only by bringing degrees from outside. Because many things of the nation depend on this ministry. These disparities in education should be eliminated by taking timely decisions. It is important to increase the allocation in the education sector in the budget. If necessary, the unplanned mega projects which are taken up should be excluded and spent on education sector. The inconsistencies of the education sector should be identified and necessary measures taken to build Bangladesh against discrimination in the future. We need a change in the education sector where the first class students do not suffer from financial security to choose teaching as a career. Teaching is a great profession, it should not be said that it is great in the mouth, the state should take the responsibility of the teachers and evaluate them.

The write is a, Columnist & Bank Officer, Janata Bank Plc, Chowrasta Branch, Patuakhali.

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