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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Discussion on caretaker issue is a must: BNP

Discussion on caretaker issue is a must: BNP

Staff Correspondent

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has said that his party can sit across the table with the ruling Awami League only to discuss the issue of caretaker government.

“A discussion can be held only on the caretaker issue and prior to it, the government will have to announce that they would accept the concept of caretaker government,” said the BNP leader.

Fakhrul also criticised Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader as he said that BNP has stopped the path of discussion. “It is a blatant lie. We are always talking about the discussion on the caretaker government to hold the next general election in a free, fair and inclusive manner,” he said.

About the country’s prevailing political situation, Fakhrul said the government is pushing the country to the verge of confrontation ahead of the upcoming general election to be held either at the end of 2023 or early 2024.

“With an aim to hold a unilateral election again like the 2014 and 2018 ones, the ruling quarter is pushing the country towards the confrontation in a planned way. But, this time, it will not be possible,” Fakhrul said.

While addressing a press conference held at BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office in Dhaka on Wednesday, Fakhrul said that his party will never allow any election under the supervision of the Hasina-led administration.

“We made it clear that the government must resign and the current parliament must be dissolved paving the path of holding a free, fair and inclusive election in the country,” said the BNP leader.

About the one-point oust government movement, Fakhrul said, “Our movement will be strengthened gradually and we believe that the government will be forced to step down in the face of the mass anger.” Responding to a query about the outcome of the meeting held with the US pre-election monitoring team, he said his party has made it clear that there is no congenial atmosphere in Bangladesh to hold the next general election in a free and fair manner.

“We want her (Hasina) resignation and the government must hand over power to a caretaker government. Unless no election can take place in the country,” he said.

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