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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Allegation of attempt to kill BTV journalist Nargis Jui

Allegation of attempt to kill BTV journalist Nargis Jui

Staff Reporter

Bangladesh Television ( BTV) reporter Nargis Jui has been allegedly beaten by her husband by keeping her locked at home with the intention of killing her.

Jui alleged that the incident took place on Thursday at 3/13/B, Pratap Das Lane, Old Dhaka, because of the rejection of giving apartments to Jui's brother -in -law and father-in-law's house.

On calling 999 Sutrapur police came and opened the lock and rescued her . Jui returned home at night after receiving treatment at Dhaka Medical Hospital in a severely injured and bloody condition. She is now passing her days in panic.

She wants everyone's cooperation in this regard. Jui said the attack was pre-planned.Earlier, in 2020, Jui complained of attempted murder by locking him in his house and threatening to kill him by blocking him.

On receiving information, the police came and opened the lock and freed him. Jui complained that two flats on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the house (7th floor) at 3/13/B, Shingtola, Sutrapur police station, Dhaka city, were purchased with the money of Bangladesh Television reporter Nargis Jui's father.

Nargis Jui had been in dispute with her cousins Syed Delwar Hossain and Syed Manjur Hossain Gong over this flat for a long time. As a result of this last Thursday afternoon in the 3rd floor flat of the house Basur's rejected Indane Jui was brutally tortured.

Jui went to file a case in this regard, but the local councilor assured to solve the matter, but there was no further case.

Jui said that before this, the people of father-in-law's house tried to set the house on fire by hanging the lock, sprinkling white gunpowder and later disconnected the electricity connection of the flat.Sutrapur police station SI Subrata Kumar Singh along with the force came to the spot after receiving the information and opened the lock and freed the journalist's family.

After receiving the news, Sutrapur Police Station Officer-in-Charge and 43 Ward Councilor of Mahanagar Dakshin City Corporation Md. Arif Hossain Choton visited the spot.

At that time, when Syed Delwar Hossain, the false claimant of the flat, asked to see the ownership document of the flat, he failed to show it. At that time, when journalist Nargis Jui was shown the valid documents of the flat, the counselor immediately ordered journalist Nargis Jui to stay in the flat and ordered Syed Delwar Hossain Gong, the false claimant of the opposing flat, not to cause any disturbance.

Jui also said that on Thursday morning, my husband told me to write the flat to his brother Manjur, and I said why should I write the flat bought by my father? At that time, during a conversation, my husband jumped on me and beat me.

My nephews kept giving instructions and orders to my husband from the neighboring building that nothing will happen if the journalist is killed. I will finish everything with money. How many journalists have been killed but nothing has happened. After a few days they attacked me for writing about the flat. Hundreds of people stood far away to see my screams but no one came forward fearing that my swordsmen were terrorists.

Jui also said that they are harming me in various ways by filing a false case. They attack me because I am a woman. Abusing unspeakable dirty language and insulting the entire journalist society in degrading and disrespectful public language. My cousins have filed false cases against my relatives who are related to me.

They were intimidated by going to their house not to have anything to do with me. Jui said today, Singtola Panchayat General Secretary Loton Sikder came to Jui's house, Ward No. 43 Councilor Md. Arif Hossain Chotan, and repeatedly said that the councilor has sent Jui not to file a case, the counselor will solve it.

Being a helpless woman, I am drawing the attention of the administration, judiciary, law and order, journalistic organisations and the Prime Minister. I demand justice and exemplary punishment of the guilty.


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