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World Water Day: Acute water crisis due to pollution and climate change

World Water Day: Acute water crisis due to pollution and climate change

Dr. Mohammed Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Today is Saturday 22 March, World Water Day 2025. Like other countries of the world, Bangladesh has taken various programs to celebrate the day in Bangladesh. Water and sustainable development in the riverine Bangladesh are intimately involved with each other. Without water, our lives are stagnant; Likewise, water is essential for the natural flow of the climate and nature- which is closely associated with our lives and livelihoods. Another name for water is life. There is no alternative to water to save lives. It is also ready to bet life for a sip of water. This competition is now a daily view of the present worldIn order to solve the water problem, the official proposal to celebrate First World Water Day was raised at the Agenda 21 of the United Nations Environment and Development Conference (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, and World Water Day was celebrated in the 1993 th. Since then the importance of celebrating this day has gradually increased. The member states of the United Nations dedicated this day as a day of focus on the recommendations and development of the United Nations in their respective states. In order to survive, it must be recognized as a fundamental predecessor. It is said that the demand for water in the world will increase by 2030 percent in 40 years. The amount of water now, we are very crying. As a result, no one knows where the new water will come from. We have to move on to prevent the maximum use of existing water and the waste of water. It is said that in the southern hemisphere, more than percent of the industrial wastes are dumped in ground water. This means that our ground water is constantly being polluted by the industrial waste. By 90, more than half of the people in the city area of the world will live in slums, where there will be no pure water facilities. The world's 2030 million people are deprived of safe drinking water. 884million people are suffering from various water -borne diseases. We talk about water rights and water. The establishment of equality here is a big deal, which applies the same in Bangladesh and the world reality. It is said that in a developing country, a poor citizen has to spend 12 times more money than the condition for water per liter. This is global statistics. It is said that every year in the world, 1.7 trillion gallons of water are wasted.

We are dependent on the river. People usually understand the water of the river when the ground water is not visible in the eyes. But we have a lot of dependence on groundwater. Speaking of water or protection, everyone just talks about protecting the river. As the visible is visible, the issue of the river water quickly comes to us. But in agriculture, clean water and industrialization, we have a lot of dependence on groundwater. But we are not at all focused on conserving groundwater. There is a lack of civic movement to preserve them. International rivers meet 60 percent of the world's sweet water demand. About 145 percent of the world's population is dependent on 40 international rivers. The most commonly used in the world of water is in crop production, industrial factories and as drinking water. We also use water to generate electricity.

Now come to Bangladesh statistics. There are only one thousand deep tube wells in Dhaka. And there are seven thousand different industries. The water level is falling three meters every year. The amount of drought -affected land is about 1 lakh hectares. The demand for water daily in Dhaka is about 55 million liters and it is increasing. Compared to the hilly areas or coastal areas with Dhaka, it is seen that a man has to walk for an average of 2 hours to collect water in the coastal area. And the total income costs 25-30 percent of the total water only for water. Even then, 23 percent of the coastal people drink saline and unsafe water. According to a UN study, women do 74 percent water collecting work. 63 percent of people face the problem of drinking water. 75 percent of people depend on the hand tubewell, though in many areas they do not get water properly. Arsenic has an impact in about 41 districts. Another statistics show that 5 percent of the population drinks contaminated water with water. Only 63 percent of the people get fresh water. 75million people face arsenic contaminated water. In the reality of Bangladesh, water is a matter of equality. Consistently calculated, it is seen that people on the coast spend four times more than the people of Dhaka to get water. 70 percent of the slum dwellers do not have any valid documents. As a city dweller, 1got 40 liters of water, but in that proportion, a slum dweller gets 20 liters of water. The government spends 80 percent of the money the government spends on the water. It costs only 20 percent for the people of the village. Water is more wasted in the agricultural sector. Another emerging problem of water availability in Bangladesh is the challenge and plastic pollution of climate change. Many of our fresh water for the aggression of the sea has become saline, it will increase further in the future. Plastic pollution in our reservoirs is increasing severely. There is still confusion over the actual number of our rivers. Some say, the number of rivers in Bangladesh is 770. The Water Development Board says 405. It is very important to determine the exact number of rivers.

Due to pollution and climate change, a major water crisis is being created. In the river water of the Asia Pacific, the river water in Bangladesh is most polluted. Of these, 29 rivers are severely polluted. Moreover, the rate of losing the wetlands in Bangladesh is the highest in the world. Our constitution is expected to protect biodiversity, including reservoirs. The right of life is synonymous with water rights. Without water and healthy air, the right of life becomes meaningless. There is WASA in the city area for water supply and local government agencies are at the local level. The list of companies that is kayakar with water is quite long. The High Court has declared the river a living entity. The verdict says that the geographical location of the rivers and reservoirs should be created by creating a digital database. The verdict has been declared a criminal offense for land grab. Even then the river occupation does not stop. Due to the occupation, the donor company is withdrawing money from Meghna to Dhaka city. The government does not have apparent initiatives to overthrow the occupants in Meghna. Water crisis is evident in coastal areas, southern and Barind areas. Special measures should be taken for these three regions. Rain water conservation must be made compulsory. Due to commercial forestry in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, all the fountains are drying. A social and economic impact of these plantations should be stopped by stopping them and ensuring natural forestry there. Heavy equipment is being used to lift sand and stone from rivers in the hill areas. They have adversely affected the river water and the neighborhood system. They have to be turned off. For coastal areas, you must think about conservation of rain water. Mapping the water availability of the whole country will have to be publicly published in public. Otherwise people will not be aware. Deep tubewell should be discouraged. The reservoir has to be arranged.

Twenty -two rivers victims of severe pollution will have to be ecologically critical area. Exemplary punishment should be arranged against the pollutants and the occupants. So far, even a river has not been able to free the government. The law should be enforced against the occupants, the rivers should be saved even if necessary. It is time to evaluate how the biodiversity is lost if the river is subjected to pollution and occupation. Public awareness has to be raised. Must be vocal about pollution and occupation. You have to rationing the use of water.
> Health Information :-
When life is another name of water. Without water, our existence cannot be thought. The opportunity to get the drinking water is currently recognized worldwide as human rights. The United States has declared water rights as human rights. There is no doubt that water is an essential ingredient for a healthy life. But how much water is it necessary to drink every day in a healthy life?
Experts say-more than 70 percent of our body is water, so we need to drink enough water throughout the year. However, the demand for normal water is different.
For example -> children, men and women's water demand is also different. Again, those who work more physical work, exercise regularly should drink more water than others.
> Women 6-8glasses per day
> Women who do exercise or heavy work 8 to 10 glasses
> 8 to 10 glasses of water is enough for men, but those who work extra drink 10 to 14 glasses of water.
And every morning getting up in the morning, drinking water on an empty stomach is very useful for the body. At the end of the night, get up and drink water on an empty stomach. Drink as much as you can. Let the day start water.

Finally, the lack of pure or pure water is gradually evident here. More people die of life on earth than in various diseases, and more people lose their lives in the absence of pure water. The amount of death in the influence of water -borne diseases is still the highest in the world. Thousands of people die daily in various water -borne diseases including diarrhea, cholera. Most of them are children again. And we have a water rights law. Under this Act is considered as the right water and water used for cleanliness and sewage. It is the responsibility of everyone to prevent water wastage and abuse as everyone has the right to water. But water rights cannot be protected by law. First you want water supply. After that the question of rights. So we have to play a role in obtaining water. In fact, it is the matter of responsibility before the right.

Article 11 is said to ensure the quality of life. The United Nations says about 40 percent of the world's people do not get enough water. It is said that by the next 2050 years, only 900 crore out of 30 million people will be in trouble with water. Therefore, to deal with this problem, effective steps need to be taken about preventing water wastage and climate change. It requires water to survive, but contaminated water can cause livelihood. Water is only three-quarters of the earth. Nevertheless, it is unknown to anyone how much velocity we have to get for pure and safe water. The availability and management of water is the crisis on the one hand and good luck on the other. Because water is one of the most valuable resources of this planet called Earth.

According to the World Economic Forum, more than 77 million people in the world are deprived of safe water facilities around their homes. And more than 1 million people die every year for unsafe water and weakness.

Water pollution is usually the process of human use as a result of a toxic product or contaminated waste material in the water. That is, water is mixed with various harmful substances in the waterWater pollution affects the entire biodiversity. The functioning of the human being is the main cause of water pollution. Water is contaminated by pesticides, pesticides, chemicals in the factory and household waste. In addition, water is also contaminated due to bathing cows in rivers or ponds, rubbing garbage and washing clothesWater pollution causes aquatic animals to die and disrupts the aquatic food chain. The impact of this pollution also has on people. People are suffering from water -borne diseases like diarrhea or cholera by drinking contaminated water. Drinking water can be prevented by reducing the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agricultureIn addition, the kitchen drainage and toilet waste can be prevented without leaving the water without water. Ponds, rivers, lakes or seas can be reduced without garbageTherefore, it is important to control the proper use of water, conservation and pollution. We have to raise awareness about this issue all year long. In addition, at least on World Water Day, there will be widespread campaigns on the horrors of water pollution. If we cannot prevent this water pollution, we will have to leave an insecure world to the next generation. As we move forward, the horrors of pollution are increasing. On the other hand, we never think of this problem as ourselves. So we are failing to take the right steps to reduce its pollution levels. It is natural to not get the right results in a single effort to keep the earth's water safe. So for this, we should be committed to creating a proper law worldwide and the proper use of this Act, keeping the water safe and creating a beautiful living world. Therefore, the importance of the guarantee of pure water and the effective use of the source of the water should be emphasized. We expect this on World Water Day.

Writer, organizer, columnist Founding Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kalyan Society.

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