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Virtues of the second Friday of the month of Shawwal

Virtues of the second Friday of the month of Shawwal

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Today is the second Friday of the holy month of Shawwal. The importance of the holy Friday in this short worldly life of a Muslim is very wide and extensive. And the word Jumu'ah is Arabic. It means to unite, join together, line up. Since, on certain days of the week, on Fridays, adult believers-Muslims gather at the same place at a certain time and perform this prayer in congregation instead of Zuhr prayer on that day, hence this prayer is called "Jumu'ar prayer". Although the time is the same, there are some differences in the routine of Zohar and Friday prayers, and Friday is the weekly Eid day. best day of the week The importance and significance of this day in Islam are many. The Holy Qur'an instructs, stop selling when Friday call is called, remember Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) described the great virtues of this day. He also gave orders for different eras.

> On the day of Friday, which came in the first Hijri year. The Prophet (PBUH) left Makkah and went to Madinah. The day the Prophet (PBUH) reached Madinah was Yaomul Aruba (Friday). On that day, when he went to the valley of Bani Salem tribe, it was time for Zuhr prayer. There he performed Friday prayers instead of Zuhr prayers. This is the first Friday prayer in history. However, the official start was later. After Rasulullah (s.a.w.s.) went to Madinah and before Friday prayer was obligatory, once the companions of Ansar of Madinah sat in discussion. They said, There is one day of the week fixed for the Jews, on which they all come together. Nazarenes also meet once a week. So it is necessary for us to have a day in the week fixed, on which we all gather together to remember Allah and pray. Then they said in the discussion, Saturday is fixed for the Jews and Sunday is fixed for the Christians. Finally they adopted the Yaomul Aruba Friday and named it 'Juma'. (Seeratul Mustafa and Darse Tirmidhi)
★ Friday of Quran:-
The importance of Friday and Friday prayers has been highlighted by Allah Almighty in the Qur'an. Regarding Friday prayers, he said, O believers! When the call to prayer is given on the day of Friday, walk fast in remembrance of Allah and stop trading. It is better for you if you understand. Then when the prayer is over, spread out in the world and seek the grace of Allah and remember Allah more, so that you may be successful. (Surah Juma: Verses 9-10)
Friday in Hadith:-
Hazrat Abu Huraira (RANarrated: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Whoever performs ablution well, then comes to read Jumu'ah and listens to the Khutbah attentively in silence, his sins between this Jumu'ah and the (next) Jumu'ah and the additional three (minor) days are forgiven." done And whoever touches the stone (during the sermon), he has done in vain. (meaning he destroyed the reward of Jumu'ah.) (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Musnad Ahmad's chapter on prayer)
Juma prayer rules:-
Friday prayer is obligatory. The two rakat farz prayers of Friday and the Imam's sermon have been replaced by the four rakat farz prayers of Zohar. A hadith was narrated from Hazrat Tariq Ibn Shihab (RA). He said, Rasulullah (s.a.)He said, it is an essential duty (fard) for all Muslims to perform Friday prayers in congregation, except for slaves, women, minor children and sick people. (Abu Dawud: 1067, Mustadreke Hakeem: 1062, As-Sunanul Kabir: 5587) Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA)In a hadith narrated from, it is said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, whoever skips the Friday prayer without a legitimate reason, his name will be recorded as a hypocrite in a book that cannot be erased or changed. (Tafseer Mazhari, B-: 9, page: 283) Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA)In this context, the hadith narrates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said about those who stay away from (does not offer) the Friday prayer, "Surely I wish that I order someone to lead the prayer, that he should lead people to the prayer." Then I will burn the houses of those who do not offer Friday prayers. (Muslim: 652, Musnad Ahmad: 3816, Musnad Ibn Abi Shaiba: 5539, As-Sunanul Kubra: 4935)
*Prohibited activities on Friday:-
On Jumu'ah, there are some obligatory provisions in the period from the Azan to the end of the prayer. During this time some rules must be followed. No deed outside the Shariah can be done. For example, being busy in business or useless work even after the call to prayer. It is wajib for the worshipers present to listen to the sermon. Therefore, it is not permissible in the eyes of the Shari'ah to engage in useless activities during the sermon.
Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) said, Hazrat Rasulullah (SAW)He said, "If you tell your companion to shut up while delivering the sermon on Friday, then you have spoken in vain." (Sahih Bukhari: 1/128)
It is strongly proved through the narrated hadith that it is wajib to listen to the khutbah silently during the khutbah and it is haram to talk. It is also not permissible to offer Sunnat-Nafal prayers during similar sermons. Another hadith states that when the imam goes out for the sermon, he will neither pray nor speak. (Meshkat: 3/432)
Fatawa al-Shami, a reliable book of fiqh, states a principle that actions which are haram during the prayer are also haram during the Khutbah. For example: talking, eating and drinking etc. (Fatawaeh Shami: 3/35)
Special practice:-
Friday has unlimited virtues. The Prophet (PBUH) has highlighted these virtues in various hadiths. In the hadith of Bukhari Sharif, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "When a man takes a bath on Jumu'ah, ablutions as much as he can, uses oil or whatever perfume is in the house, then goes out (for Jumu'ah) and separates two people (for sitting).

If he does not, then he prays as much as he can and remains silent when the imam speaks, then his (sin) is forgiven until the next Friday.
★ On the basis of hadith, Fiqah scholars have specified these practices. For example, * Bathing on Friday. Rasulullah (s.a.w.) made it obligatory for those on whom Friday is obligatory to take a bath on this day. However, according to the Ahnaf Madhhab, it is Sunnah. * It is a good practice to cut nails and hair on that day as part of cleanliness. * Use of perfume for Juma Salat

Bukhari) 4. Miswak (Ibn Majah) 5. Use oil on the body. (Bukhari) 6. To observe Juma by wearing good clothes. (Ibn Majah) 7. Worshipers sit facing the imam. (Tirmidhi) 8. Walking to the mosque. (Abu Dawood) 9. Durood reading is more on Jumma day and Jumma night. (Abu Dawud: 1047) 10. Pray more on this day. (Bukhari) 11. Don't move forward in the mosque by passing the Muslims. (Bukhari) 12. Reading Surah Kahf on Friday. Allah Ta'ala illuminates the period between the two Fridays for the reciter.
Time to accept prayers on Friday:- The most significant aspect of the virtues of Friday is that there is a time on this day when a believer makes a prayer and Allah Almighty accepts his prayer. A hadith was narrated from Abu Huraira (RA). He said, The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There is a time on the day of Friday, when a believer asks Allah for something good, Allah will certainly grant it to him." (Sahih Muslim: 852, Musnad Ahmad: 7151, As-Sunanul Kubra: 10234) Which is the most valuable time for prayers to be accepted on Friday? There are 45 opinions about this. However, the most popular opinion is that after Asr prayer until Maghrib, the time of prayer is accepted. A hadith is narrated from Hazrat Anas (RA). He said, Rasulullah (SAW) said, the desired time of Friday is from after Asr to before sunset. (Musnad Ibn Abi Shaiba: 5460, Tirmidhi: 489)

★Amal of special Darood Sharif of Friday:-Anas RA. Narrated from, Hazrat Rasoolullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: Recite more Durood Sharif on Friday. Because Jibreel Alaihis Salam has just arrived with the message of Allah. Allah Ta'ala says, When a Muslim in the world recites Durood on you once, I send down mercy on him ten times and all My angels intercede for him ten times. Targib: 3/299 Hazrat Abu Huraira RA. Narrated by: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "There will be light at the time of crossing the Pulsirat to recite blessings upon me." A person who recites Darud 80 times on Friday will be forgiven for 80 years of his sinsIt is said that the person who recites this Durood Sharif 80 times before rising from his place after Asr prayer on Friday, Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadinin Nabiyyil Ummiii Wa Ala Alihi Wa As Habihi Wasallimu Taslima. His sins of 80 years are forgiven and the reward of 80 years of worship is written in his record.

Finally, may Allah Ta'ala grant us Tawfik to perform our Friday deeds in the right way and after today's Friday prayer, I will pray to the great Rabbul Alameen for all the oppressed Muslims of the world. In this way, may Allah accept the prayers of the third Friday of the month of Shawwal and may we all go to the house of Allah with a healthy body and mind. Ameen.

The writer is a, Founder and Chairman,Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society

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