Public suffering due to exorbitant alternative vehicles, occupy of footpaths in Rajshahi
Obaydul Islam Robi in Rajshahi
Unbridled easy bikes and auto rickshaws and occupy of footpath is dangerous aspect for human life. It is exorbitant increasing day by day in the city of Rajshahi. Rajshahi is green and cline city but these ongoing crises hampered the civil society and environment.
A huge amount had been expended for making the Rajshahi City. But do not control to exorbitant alternative vehicles and occupy of footpath over the city in Rajshahi. As soon as possible should be to taken effective measures against ongoing crises. A large number people of City have scale support against irregularities of easy bikes and auto rickshaws.
According to Rajshahi City Corporations (RCC) that, a total 10 thousand easy bikes and auto rickshaws is under authority by RCC but unauthorized more easy bike and auto rickshaws are available around the city. Due to, could not under control theirs irregularities. However, after charge of interim government the local people has demand within short time will be under control the secession. Not only that, the traffic police not available theirs duties.
The law and orders is not as usual because of the temporary traders occupy the foot path here and there. The traders are opining there temporary shop very close proximity nearby main road and some time they are close the foot path with their shop. In this connection, the school and college student include various government and non-government employees have been suffering went to the office on time. Finally, RCC has taken action with help of department of traffic police in RMP.
Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) of traffic has issued instructions to bring order to the roads in Rajshahi metropolis to reduce public suffering. Easy bikes and auto rickshaws are requested to follow this directive from 15th September.
It is said in this instruction, from 15th September. It is requested to move red colored easy bikes in the morning and green colored easy bikes in the afternoon as before. On the first 15 days of the month i.e. from 01st to 15th, green colored easy bikes will run from 06.00 am to 02.00 pm and red colored easy bikes will run from 02.00 pm to 10.00 pm.
From 16th onwards, the red colored easy bikes will run in the morning and the green colored easy bikes will run in the afternoon. Easy bikes and Auto rickshaws shall not enter Rajshahi Metropolis without registration from City Corporation.
Drivers and owners of easy bikes and auto rickshaws are requested to follow these instructions. Otherwise, the traffic police has taken legal action if they are not obeys the rules said RMP office.
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