Proposed tannery workers’ monthly wages of Tk22, 776 unrealistic: Industry owners
Staff Correspondent
The tannery industry owners have ruled out the Centre for Policy Dialogue’s (CPD) proposal of Tk 22,776 minimum monthly wage for their workers, terming it as unrealistic.
Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) Chairman Md Shaheen Ahmed said, “The tannery industry is currently facing a very challenging time. So, the CPD’s proposal over the tannery workers' monthly wages is void of reality.”
Earlier in the day, the CPD, a think tank organisation, proposed a minimum wage of Tk22,776 for the tannery workers to ensure their smooth livelihood amid the high inflationary pressure.
The CPD also recommended a gross salary of Tk 39270 for grade-1, Tk 33641 for grade-2, Tk 29184 for grade-3, Tk 25980 for grade-4, and Tk 22,776 for grade-5 including basic, house rent, medical allowance, transportation and communication allowance and children allowances.
CPD Research Director Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem came up with the proposal during a press conference held at its auditorium in the capital Dhaka on Saturday.
CPD Senior Research Associate Tamim Ahmed presented a keynote paper titled, “Proposal for Minimum Wage for the Bangladesh Tannery Industry in 2024,” in the programme.
Chairman of Wages Board Liaquat Ali Mollah, Bangladesh Tanners Association (BTA) Chairman Md Shaheen Ahmed and Tannery Workers Union (TWU) President Md Abul Kalam Azad, among others, were present at the programme.
Some 12 indicators including the competitiveness of the industry, workers’ living cost, the living standard, productivity, cost of production, employers’ financial capability, inflation, socio-economic conditions, and risk involved with work must be considered in setting up the new minimum wage.
The CPD proposed the 2024 minimum wage based on findings on factors such as food cost, non-food cost, number of family members, and number of earning members.
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