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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Number of Benazir-like wealthy people increased: Rizvi

Number of Benazir-like wealthy people increased: Rizvi

Staff Correspondent

BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said on Monday that the number of wealthy people who are like former Inspector General of Police Benazir Ahmed has increased in the country.

Rizvi said this in a press conference held at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office in the capital citing recent media reports on Benazir Ahmed’s alleged corruption and lavish lifestyle.

The senior leader of the BNP said these rich people were blessed by Sheikh Hasina for killing and forcefully disappearing BNP’s thousands of leaders and activists.

“Besides, corruption in the name of mega projects, looting banks is not a fairy tale now, it’s real.”

He said it is true that there is a close relationship between corruption and those who exist at the apex of power.

During the Awami League regime, they have become affluent and control tender, syndicate with blessings of the ruling quarter, he claimed.

On one side, the Awami League and their oligarch are celebrating Eid lavishly, there was no joy of Eid among the country’s poor and limited-income people on the other side, he added.

“How people will buy Eid clothes for their family members when they are struggling to ensure their daily meal,” Rizvi said.

The poor people celebrated this year’s Eid with ‍starvation and unprecedented sorrows, he said.

“Awami League’s 15 years’ misrule and embezzlement of people’s money have caused a silent famine,” Rizvi claimed.

“They also deceived people of the country by holding a staged, one-sided and dummy election,” he added.

Rizvi further said Bangladesh which was born after a nine-month war against Pakistani rulers is being crushed under the feet of a tyrant, said the BNP leader.

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