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Thursday, 04 July 2024
India is an unavoidable truth for Bangladesh

India is an unavoidable truth for Bangladesh

Iqbal Hossain

India is a big exporter country of the world. Bangladesh is the nearest neighboring country which is beset nearly all the four sides by this country. It occupies a very little land, but due to excessive people-residing Bangladesh has various problems. Food, water, gas, power etc. problems are frequently seen in the country evidently.

The problem of 54 identical rivers’ water-flow which is being ran over the both countries. The staying of Bangladesh is in the sediment of this sub-continent. The food-grains production in Bangladesh is impeded for dry season in its need while India closes the water-flow of different rivers in the dry season. Again Bangladesh is flooded while India goes on the water-flow of different rivers due to excessive rain in the rainy season. Crops, homesteads, cattle etc. are seriously destroyed. Bangladesh’s rivers are gradually losing its deepness because of remaining close the water-flow of India’s rivers.

Bangladesh has been carrying killing-problem in the border area that is created by the BSF of India for long days. The innumerous Bangladeshi citizens fall in jaws of death every year by the BSF’s gun-fire in the border during bringing cattle illegally from India. There is a rule of BSF’s policy to fire if someone visits frequently in the border area illegally. Even sometimes BSF shots the Bangladeshi citizens seeing to work in their lands near the border. The flag-meetings between BGB and BSF are frequently held for considering these issues from human viewpoint. The intense protests are informed to the BSF in these meetings on behalf of Bangladesh for indiscriminately killing and also urged them to be human.

Due to being a little production of food-grains in comparison of population Bangladesh is to import some essential commodities including food-grains from countries every year. Besides, the people, being obliged are to buy food-grains and essential commodities in high price for cheating of some dishonest businessmen in spite of not remaining deficit in the country.

In this regard the government is to take initiative to import essential commodities from foreign countries quickly to keep running the markets and to bring the price under the people’s buying ability. Especially, in spite of remaining stored up according to demand of the country green-pungent, onion, garlic, ginger, potato, beefs etc. the dishonest businessmen, increasing price of the commodities fall the people in pain. The government, even being strict cannot control our greedy businessmen’s cheating. In this perspective the government being obliged keeps control the markets importing those essential commodities from our neighboring India. The opportunities of bringing these commodities from India are that it is possible to import very soon and comparatively at a low price.

The Awami league government would always like to work with all keeping up amity not enmity. In this regard, as the nearest neighboring country it is natural to keep strong the friendship with India. The water-distribution-crisis is not a present day’s crisis. It is seen in this region after being made ‘Farakka dam’ on the Ganga of India. After independence Bangabandhu, due to good-relation between Bangladesh and India became able to bring enough water. But after Bangabandhu-massacre it was faded for downfall of relation with India in the next government. But the Awami league coming in power after 21 years renewed the water-distribution-agreement.

It is unfortunate for our nation that some political parties including BNP looks askance at these efforts while Awami league government, in the interest of country’s people and thinking about their evil days would try to keep good-relation with India that is our nearest neighboring country. Even they urge the people to disown the Indian commodities.

Recently Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has visited India. A bilateral meeting has been held between Bangladesh and India. Two Prime Ministers signed 10 agreements and understanding memorandums. Seven are new and three have been renovated. The Prime Minister of India has made sure that E-visa would be issued for the patients in the medical category and a technical team of India would visit Bangladesh very soon for Tista-agreement. Besides, India would open an Assistant High commission in Rangpur for advantage of South-West region’s people. Prime Minister Norendra Modi has also said, ‘Developed India and Smart Bangladesh will be established in combined association’.

No one is liked by BNP those agreements and understanding memorandums between two countries have been signed in the bilateral meeting. They have mentioned these as the knelt down foreign policy’s outer-display of this government. Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, general secretary of BNP has said, ‘Awami league has kept hostage the whole Bangladesh to India’. We get to see the symbol of BNP’s anti-India mentality while Awami league comes in power. But they did not such infavorable comments about India during their reign. BNP did also not discuss with India about our problems while their Prime Minister visited India. She forgot to present the issue of our Tista-water-distribution to India. The Awami government solved the ‘Chitmohal’ problems of long days establishing good-relation with India.

So, we have to try to solve the problems of two countries’ middle keeping up amity not to thinking India as an enemy. We have to mind all times that India is a big exporter and democratic country. If we insult and comment ugly about them then no good-news will come for us except threat. We have only to observe that no agreement and understanding can fall Bangladesh in danger in future. In this regard, government party, opposition parties and all have to work being brought together in the interest of the country.

The writer is a columnist and retired deputy director of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

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