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Friday, 07 March 2025
Hiroshima Day ; The day of human curse

Hiroshima Day ; The day of human curse

Alok Acharja

The world has now become the battlefield of the latest weapons. The big and powerful countries are competing among themselves by means of power, which means arms. Small countries are also trying to decorate themselves with modern weapons as much as possible. In these modern and devastating weapons, atomic weapons are terrible because the world has witnessed the huge destruction of this weapon. So even though the earth is newly equipped, the words of nuclear bombs are actually a huge destruction of the eyes.

When a war begins, the power of nuclear weapons comes out. This is the possibility of nuclear weapons in the Russia-Ukraine war. There has been widespread discussion as to whether Russia will use these weapons. It is also reported that nuclear weapons are expected to grow worldwide for the first time since the Cold War. The results of several new research projects from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) were found. The SIPRI says Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Western support for Kiev have increased tensions between the world's five nuclear-armed countries. It is reported that Russia has the highest number of nuclear weapons in the world.

The two countries, Russia and America, have more than 90 percent of the world's total nuclear weapons. So it is not difficult to guess that the existence of the earth does not exist in any way. But 'the question is, why is not a nuclear-free world being created despite knowing this destruction? It is basically the failure of powerful countries. Weapons are needed to display power and hold one's own influence.

And nuclear weapons serve as one of our strengths in this regard. The whole thing is pushing power politics in the world now. The history of nuclear weapons dates back more than seven decades. The first nuclear bomb was dropped in Hiroshima, Japan. The people of the world saw the destruction of a cruel weapon. So when it comes to nuclear weapons, the name of Japan comes up. For the first time at the end of World War II, the first nuclear bomb was dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9. The weapon called 'Little Boy and Fat Man' has devastating destruction.

The countries that have these bombs are the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, and Pakistan. There are also these bombs in North Korea. It is still thought to have about 14,000 nuclear weapons. At one point, the world realizes this weapon is threatening the world. This weapons expansion control agreement was signed on July 1, 1968. 189 countries signed that contract. The Start Arms Agreement was signed between the two countries (Russia and the United States) in 2010. A more devastating bomb was discovered than the atomic bomb.

The hydrogen bomb is 700 times stronger than the nuclear bomb. However, it was not used in any wars. The whole thing is now trembling at the risk of terrifying weapons. Nuclear weapons are much more destructive than all other weapons in terms of destruction. The world's headache is more with nuclear weapons than with other weapons. The number of countries rich in nuclear weapons around the world is small. However, the number of weapons still in these countries can be easily degraded. Occasionally, when tensions are created between different countries, the application of nuclear weapons arises. The existence of the world is under threat.

We are busy destroying each other. But building a beautiful world takes a long time. There are more weapons in the world than are needed to destroy the small world. With the blessings of science, human civilization has progressed far today. As we have been able to improve the earth at the doorstep of the 21st century, we have always threatened civilization by decorating ourselves with new sophisticated weapons. This destructive weapon needs to be completely destroyed by the earth. What will happen with the weapon that does not work in civilization? But 'it is not the responsibility of any one country. Everyone has to perform the duties equally. We have created a weapon-based world. It is not our time to admit that it is our success or failure. However, it is not hesitant to say that we are under threat of this beautiful style. The world's superpowers threaten the earth by making one-in-one

The use of weapons and their risks are extremely lethal and long-lasting. Nuclear weapons are really a threat to the existence of the world. Increasing one's own power and capabilities will not serve human well-being if it becomes a threat to the world. It is said that the third world war will destroy the existence of the world because the current situation is different from the world war of that time. All the deadly weapons are in the hands of militarily powerful countries. There is the use of robots. So it would be good if all the countries could be restrained. If nuclear weapons are used a second time, and if both are nuclear-armed countries, the world will see a terrible sight. Maybe everything will be destroyed before we see it.

Nature will be destroyed along with man. No life will survive. It is good for everyone that the world is free of nuclear weapons and safe. The world wants countries to implement the treaty to reduce nuclear weapons. The powerful countries of the world should make efforts to make the world safe. A workable agreement that could defuse escalating arms tensions. And in no way could the world be exposed to nuclear weapons again. The world does not want to see another Hiroshima or Nagasaki misery. The world will be safe and risk-free from nuclear weapons.

The writer is a Essyiest and columnist Pabna.

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