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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Election and People's Responsility

Election and People's Responsility

Hiren Pandit

Elections are the most essential means of reflecting public opinion in the democratic process. It is through elections that the people choose their representatives, and it is through the representatives that the people's expectations are fulfilled. A fair and beautiful election requires the active cooperation of the people, including the executive department. Political parties should come forward for this purpose. Due to the continuation of the democratic process, the right of people to vote has been guaranteed. The people of Bangladesh believe in peace, not conflict. Ensure that whatever is necessary is done to maintain that peace. Why do you vote? Voting is your constitutional right, and it is your civic duty to assert your rights by voting.

You have to choose the candidate of your choice, who is dedicated to developing your area. You have to cooperate to develop your area. Your responsibility is to protect and consolidate the country's democracy. Everyone should come forward to fight corruption, terrorism, militancy, and drugs. Vote for peace and development to ensure your freedom, civil rights, and a better life for your future generations. Everyone should participate in the elections to strengthen and accelerate the development of the Bangladesh Awami League. From 2009 to 2024 i.e., the development and quality of life in our country have improved; everyone is responsible for maintaining this continuity of development. Bangladesh Awami League, under the leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, made Bangladesh independent with the people of Bangladesh.

Awami League came to power and stopped the politics of assassination and conspiracy. The process of illegal seizure of power has been stopped. Democracy is secured and consolidated. Your democratic rights must be guaranteed through voting, maintaining the continuity of development. Along with development, there is a need to continue the democratic process. To maintain the continuity of development in the country, the democratic process must be continued. Fair and participatory elections strengthen democracy; democracy and development go hand in hand. The Election Commission has the same responsibility as the executive department, and the related parties are responsible for conducting fair elections.

The commission has to play a responsible role by following the constitutional rules and regulations to make the elections fair. Since the elections in 2008, the peaceful democratic process has continued, people's right to vote and the right to rice have been guaranteed, and economic development has continued. Our goal is for Bangladesh to keep its head high in the world. Bangladesh has achieved food sustainability, and the government has ensured food security. Infrastructure has been developed, and Bangladesh has shown the world by building bridges like Padma Bridge with its own funding. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib said, 'No one can control the Bengalis,' none of the Bengalis could - will be able to control in future.'

After the election in 2008, the country was peaceful in 2024. The right of people to vote has been confirmed, and the right of rice has been confirmed due to the continuation of the democratic process. The democratic trend has been confirmed, and economic development has continued. We must all remember that our progress until 2024 is only possible because of a stable environment. A stable and peaceful environment can accelerate a country's development and make it a developed country. Bangladesh is a developing country today. The father of the nation brought us to at least one place by building a war-torn country. We have transitioned from a less-developed country to a developing one, and we will implement it in 2026. And by 2041, Bangladesh will be a developed-rich Bangladesh, and Bangladesh will be a smart Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is on the highway of development in the emerging economy and is the world's role model for the future. Ever since the Awami League government came to power, the new slogan of development democracy will continue. In a democratic electoral system, the support of the majority elects representatives through the exercise of suffrage. Every state citizen has equal suffrage to elect representatives of the people in national and local elections. The right to vote is a civil right like other rights, including food and clothing. One of the most critical civil rights is the right to vote. Every citizen wants, when he/she turns 18, who will govern the country, who will govern me, my city, and my area. The right to vote is a big deal from a place like that. The whole process of voting is for the voters. When the candidates participate in the elections, they go to the voters to ask for their votes. This is the spirit of the election.

According to the Election Act, on the day of polling, voters will come to the center, and a voter will vote to select the candidate of his choice after confirming the identity of the officer in charge of the Election Commission. In the last 15 years, major projects like Padma Setu, Metrorail, new flyover, expressway, tunnel, roads, and Chattogram-Cox's Bazar railway have been implemented. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government is making relentless efforts to bring back rules and order in the socio-economic field, is working to curb corruption, is trying to bring back relief in market management, and has taken various initiatives to create employment.

The education system is working to create skilled human resources and is positively impacting the larger population. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has changed the face of Bangladesh, which was once unbelievable and unimaginable. He expressed his determination to bring change by identifying the 11 sectors this year, which has given new hope to the countrymen, and the people have started to achieve that success.

The global economy faces four significant challenges: climate change, youth employment, economic development, and the search for an acceptable framework for globalization. Efforts are underway to find new, creative, practical solutions. Working to avert climate change is at its most alarming. Social transformation and the welfare state can help, but what is most needed is increasing opportunities for suitable employment for low-educated workers and creating new jobs. Work is underway to create more employment opportunities.

Corruption and good governance are also given particular importance. Controlling commodity prices, ensuring employable education and youth employment, building a Smart Bangladesh based on modern technology, an integrated agricultural system with the aim of profitable agriculture, increasing investment in mechanization and processing, expanding industry by taking advantage of the visible infrastructure, and increasing investment, increasing efficiency and capacity in the financial sector including banks, low income The government takes the various initiatives to provide affordable health care to people, to include everyone in the universal pension system, to ensure the effectiveness and accountability of law enforcement agencies, to prevent communalism and all forms of terrorism, militancy and to promote the protection and practice of democratic system at all levels have been appreciated by all.

Corruption is still a significant problem in Bangladesh. In the 2018 election manifesto, the Awami League promised to adopt a 'zero tolerance' policy towards corruption, but the government has not fulfilled this promise. However, after winning the 2024 elections, she is determined to stop corruption. People's lives are disrupted due to the unbearable increase in the prices of daily necessities worldwide and the dollar-fuel crisis. Multifaceted problems, including the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine wars, plague the global socio-economic system. This crisis is not going away anytime soon. Anarchy can also be seen in the garment industry, which keeps the country's economy running. Some opportunists try to carry out unwanted activities. Other strikes and blockades have severely disrupted Import and export activities. The country's political instability has never faced such crises in the past. That has a negative impact on us. We will not be able to prevent this kind of crisis from outside. We don't want any political unrest; we don't want a strike blockade. All this has deepened the economic crisis.

Therefore, necessary steps should be taken to solve the crises for the sake of the country and the industry. After the election, the new government is facing various challenges in overcoming the current economic crisis. It will be difficult to get rid of the alarming situation that has arisen in the revenue and banking sector, apart from reserve remittances and export earnings, unless immediate and effective measures are taken. Bringing the economy to a stable state will be the big challenge of the new government.

Commodity prices, currency exchange rates, and bank loan interest rates must be addressed. Some short and medium-term programs need to be implemented quickly. Care must be taken to ensure that there is no structural crisis in the country's banks or any other sector due to irregularities and mismanagement and that no problems arise in paying foreign liabilities. Suppose the government cannot meet the challenge of implementing the reform conditions under which it receives loans from the IMF and other donors after the elections. In that case, there may be fears about the economic turnaround. It will be challenging to deal with the economic crisis without significant reforms.

Therefore, several new steps are required to set the wheels of the economy in motion; the transition of the economic crisis will depend on that. Political stability requires a change in political culture. We need to focus on quality and technical education. Millions of young people cannot find jobs after finishing their education due to a lack of skills. As there is a huge demand for educated and skilled manpower within the country, there is also a demand for skilled and skilled manpower from Bangladesh abroad. There is no substitute for discipline, management, and skilled and talented trained teachers in the education system. Our agricultural system has undergone massive changes. However, by introducing modern science and technology-based agricultural systems, multi-purpose crop production, supply, marketing systems, processing, and application of modern mechanized systems have reached the goal. Emphasis should be placed on linking the agricultural system with the market system through modernization.

There is no alternative to a favorable environment to remove the crisis and advance the country's development path. Without political stability and tolerance, economic development is never sustainable. Proper planning and good governance are needed to keep economic activities running despite various adversities. In solving any problem, every citizen has to play a proper role from his own position, regardless of party opinion, in rational discussion and compromise. In this case, it is essential to form public opinion and awareness.

Elected representatives should focus on nation-building by preventing all inactions. Bangladesh should not only depend on the ready-made garment industry but should now focus on diversification of the industry and diversification of exports. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has created 100 economic zones in the country.

The Ministry of Industry can work with stakeholders on how to utilize them, attract foreign entrepreneurs, and encourage investment. Corruption has spread in our society in many ways. Eligible, talented, skilled, and experienced people should be allowed to play a societal role. Transparency should be brought in all institutions, trade, import-export, and services.

The writer is an essayist, researcher, and columnist.


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