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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Elder brother murder younger over land dispute in Gafargaon

Elder brother murder younger over land dispute in Gafargaon

Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent

Saudi Arabia Safir Uddin (50) expatriate was killed by brother in land dispute at Gafargaon under Mymensingh.Since the incident, the elder brother Amir Uddin has been escaped.

This incident happened at Kurachai village of Niggla Union under Pagla Police Station of the upazila on Friday. Amir Uddin and the deceased Safir Uddin were identified as the son of Sabed Ali in this area.

Pagla Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) said. Rasheduzzaman confirmed the matter that Amir Uddin escaped immediately after the incidentand was trying to arrest him.

Police and local sources said that there was dispute the land between the eldest son Amir Uddin and the younger son Safi Uddin. On Friday, Safir Uddin cut bamboo in the disputed land, with a quarrel with the elder brother Amir Uddin. At one stage of the trigger, the elder brother Amir Uddin flees with the Cops on the head of younger brother Safir Uddin. Later, the relatives rescued him in serious injuries and admitted to Gafargaon Upazila Health Complex and later in Mymensingh Medical College Hospital. Safir Uddin died on Friday afternoon.

Niguari Union Parishad chairman Taizuddin Mridha, said, 'Safir Uddin returns home from Saudi Arabia two months ago. This incident happened in the two brothers in the disputed land.

(OC) Mohammad Rasheduzzaman said, "Amir Uddin is absconding since the incident. Safir Uddin family filed a complaint with the police station. The body of the deceased was recovered and sent to Mymensingh Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy on Saturday.

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