![Blessed Rajini Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban](https://dailycountrytodaybd.com/public/default-image/default-730x400.png )
Blessed Rajini Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban "Karan-Burjni
Dr. Mohammed Mahtab Hossain Mazed
Hijri 1 year or the eighth month of the lunar month is the holy month of Shaban. Today is Friday, February 7, 2020. The day is 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban'. And one of the days and Rajini famous in the Islamic Tamudun and Muslim culture is Shabe Barat. The word Shabe is Persian. Shab means night, Barat means liberation; Shabe Barat means redemption. Its Arabic is 'Lilatul Baraat'. In the Hadith Sharif it is called 'Nisaf Shaban' or midnight of the month of Sha'ban. The Indian subcontinent, Persian, many countries of the world, including Persian, Urdu, Bangla, Hindi, are known as' Shabe Barat '. Allah Ta'ala says,' Ha Mim! By oath! Obviously, I have revealed it on a blessed night; Surely I was a warner. So that all important things are determined. This instruction is from me, surely I send the envoy. This is the mercy of your Lord, surely he listens and knows all. For the ages, the night-famous night is widely known as 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban' as the fate of the Hadith. But in the narration of the hadith it is the month of forgiveness or release.
The desired night is not the end of the over. Again, this night is absolutely dignified, but many are engaged in excessive departure. Let's briefly learn something about this night-
It is not right to call Shabe Barat the virtues completely baseless. Because the hadiths related to the virtues of Shabbat are mentioned from the Companions. Therefore, the virtues of Shabbat and the worship of the night are not completely baseless or Vidyat. Rather, it is important to admit in the light of reality, this night is the night of good liberation. Waking up this night is a virtuous act of worshiping nafal. However, there is no special rules for worshiping this night in Islam.
So it is nice to say that this night is not Shabbat or Lailatul Baraat, it is nice to say or named 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban' used in the hadith. It will be fulfilled in the Sunnah and will be acceptable to all.
Moreover, it is important to act on the hadith without exaggerating the differences or exaggeration in the dignity. What did the world say about this night?
Hadith is instructed on fasting in Shaban in the eighth month of Hijri. And on the 5th of this month, the desired 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban' or Shabe Barat begins.
It is known as a special pardon in the narration of Hasan Hadith. The Hadith has also been described about seeking Rizik this night. However, this hadith is called MaojuIn addition to the weak narration of the hadith, the issue of forgiveness and forgiveness of the pure narration has become clear-Hazrat Abu Musa al-Ashrai Radiullah Anhu narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Allah has made the mid-Shaban on the night of Sha'ban and all the pardon of his creation and forgiveness.Do it. '(Ibn Majah)
- Hazrat Ayesha Radiullah Anha narrates, one night I did not find the Messenger of Allah (।) in search of him. I noticed that he was in Paradise. His head is raised to the sky. He said, 'O Aisha! Did you fear that Allah and His Messenger will do wrong to you? .He said: "God Allah landed in the sky near the world on the night of Sha'ban, and forgives the sins of more people than the sheep of the Kalb tribe." (Ibn Majah).
Therefore, it is better not to exaggerate and exaggerate about the worship and forgiveness of the middle night of the month of fasting, keeping in mind the Hadith. Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban, the golden opportunity to forgive their sins by asking forgiveness from God in his own home or alone.
> Biz's fasting in Ayam
Everyone should remember that there is a special benefit of fasting throughout the Shaban month. Hadith Sharif has given great importance to this. Ayesha (RA) said, "I did not see the Prophet Karim (pbuh) so much (nafl) fasting in the month of Sha'ban and any other month." Except for a few days of this month, he used to fast all months. (Tirmizi, Hadith: 1) The Hadith Sharif has also been encouraged to fast on 'Ayam Biz' or fasting on the 5th, 5th and 5th of every month. This is the circumcision of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
> Fasting of Shabe Barat:-Shaban Shabe Barat. A hadith is instructed to fast this night the next day. The Prophet (peace be upon him) narrated from AliHe said, "When the night of Sha'ban is, you should observe the night in worship and fast during the day. Because after sunset this night Allah came to the heavens and said, "Is there any apology?" I will forgive him. Is there a ridge explorer? I'll give him Rizik. Is there any diseased? I'll give him cure. Thus, until Sadiq Sadiq, Allah refer to the different needs of the people. ”(Ibn Majah, Hadith: 1
> Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban 'Some of the most vulnerable practices at night :-
3- To avoid the belief and organizing all year long in the middle of organizing special food for the family on the occasion of 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban'.
2- Avoiding the expression of joy in 'Lilatan Nisfe Min Shaban' to refrain from the expulsion of the deadly noise of the tool of contamination and fireworks.
৩- ‘লাইলাতান নিসফে মিন শাবান’-এ গোনাহ মাফের নিয়তে সন্ধ্যা রাতে গোসল করা থেকে বিরত থাকা। ঘরে, আঙিনায়, কবরে মোমবাতি-আগরবাতি জ্বালানো ও গোলাপজল ছিটানো থেকে বিরত থাকা।
৪-‘লাইলাতান নিসফে মিন শাবান’-এ বাড়ি ঘর আলোকসজ্জা, কবরস্থানে আলোকসজ্জা ইত্যাদিও পরিহার করা আবশ্যক। কারণ শবে বরাতের নামে ইসলামে যেসব মারাত্মক সীমালংঘন। No in any way valid.> Whatever should not be done: (1) fireworks, crackers, (2) to wander the useless except worship, (1) to make unwanted joy, (3) unnecessarily behaving and reckless, (3) the other. Disrupting someone's worship or sleeping, (1) to waste more time behind halwa-bread or feeding.
> Especially-
It is also the duty of Muhammad to seek Allah's help by reading the blessings taught by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
Pronunciation: Allahumma Barikalana-Fee Shaban wa Balligana- Ramadan.
Meaning: O Allah! You bless us in the month of Sha'ban and let us reach Ramadan. That is why give us the good life, so that we can get the blessings of Ramadan by getting the month of Ramadan.
He also prayed like this-
Pronunciation: 'Allahumma Balligana Ramadan wa I'naa Ala Siamihi Wa Qiyamihi.'
Meaning: O Allah! Let us reach Ramadan and give us fasting in Ramadan (during the day) and (at night) prayers. '
.Finally, fasting on the occasion of Shabbat, performing nafal prayers, prolonging kirat and ruku-sajda; Recite the Quran; Darud Sharif is more read, to make more resignation; Various prayers, Tasbih-Tahlil and Zikir-Azkar, etc. If possible, to visit the grave, to apologize for yourself, for your parents, relatives, friends and all believers and Muslims and seek the welfare and prosperity of the country and the nation. Donate the taufiq to refrain from acting outside the Sunnah. Donate the controversy about this night, the exaggeration and the taufiq to avoid the departure. Amin.
The writer is a, columnist and researcher on Islam-Founding Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society.
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