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Sunday, 08 September 2024
Awareness of chest pain is not neglect

Awareness of chest pain is not neglect

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Chest pain is very common. All of us may experience chest pain once or more in our life. It ranges from simple causes to very serious ones. In most cases, chest pain is thought to be an acidity problem and relieved by taking antacids. But simple cures for chest pain cannot be guaranteed based on assumptions.

Many people have to suffer from terrible situations like heart attack because we have no idea about what to do in case of sudden chest pain. And if you ever feel pain in your chest then the cause must be identified first. Yes, because there are numerous causes of chest pain. And in each case different type of treatment has to be followed. As the days go by, our physical complications are increasing. In particular, the risk of heart disease has become the worst in the present time.

> What does chest pain mean?

Chest pain is discomfort or pain that can occur anywhere in the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen. Chest pain has many different causes. While some causes are mild, others can be serious and life-threatening. And any tissue or organ in the body, such as the heart, esophagus (food tube), lungs, nerves, muscles, tendons, or ribs, can cause chest pain. Pain can also radiate from the abdomen, back or neck region to the chest.

> What causes chest pain?

Chest pain can be caused by various reasons. A person may feel pain only on one side of the chest. The intensity of the pain varies from mild to severe. Causes of chest pain include:

* Heart-related problems: The following heart-related problems can cause chest pain:
Heart Attack / Myocardial Infarction: This condition is characterized by blockage of blood flow to the heart.
*Pericarditis: This is a condition where the sac around the heart becomes inflamed.
* Myocarditis: This is a condition where the heart muscle shows inflammation.
* Angina / Coronary Artery Disease: Blockage of blood vessels in the heart leading to chest pain known as angina or coronary artery disease.
> Cardiomyopathy: It is a type of heart disease.
*Aortic Dissection: This is a rare disease that involves tearing of the aorta (the large vessel leading out of the heart).
* Coronary artery dissection: A rare condition caused by a tear in the coronary artery is known as coronary artery dissection.
* Mitral valve prolapse: A condition where the mitral valve present in the heart does not close properly is called mitral valve prolapse.

* Lung related problems: The following lung related problems can cause chest pain:
* Pneumonia: A lung infection with symptoms like fever, chills and cough, along with chest pain is known as pneumonia.
* Pneumothorax: It is a condition of lung injury due to chest trauma.
* Bronchospasm: Bronchospasm is commonly seen in patients with asthma, and other related diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Viral bronchitis
* Pulmonary Embolism / Blood Clot: A blood clot in the lungs is known as pulmonary embolism.
* Pleurisy: This is a condition where the lining around the lungs and chest becomes inflamed.
> Gastrointestinal problems: Below are some gastrointestinal problems that can cause chest pain:
* Heartburn / Acid Reflux / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
* (GERD): Burning in the chest when stomach contents come up in the throat.
* Gallstones- These are hard deposits of digestive fluid in the gallbladder that can cause severe pain and discomfort in the upper abdominal region.
> Inflammation of the pancreas or gallbladder:
* Disadvantages: It is caused by diseases of esophagus (food pipe).
* Hiatal Hernia- This is a condition where part of the stomach is pushed into the chest area, causing heartburn and vomiting.
* Peptic Ulcer - An ulcer that occurs in the lining of the food pipe, stomach and small intestine causing dull pain in the chest and upper abdomen, vomiting etc.
* Bone-related or muscle-related causes: The following muscle or bone-related causes can cause chest pain:

> Fractured ribs:

* Compression Fracture: These fractures
* Puts pressure on a nerve.
* Chronic pain syndrome. * Muscle aches: Muscle aches due to exertion.

> Other causes of chest pain:

* Shingles: This is a viral condition that causes a painful rash. It is caused by the reactivation of a chickenpox virus that occurred earlier. Panic attacks and NCAT attacks.
> What are the symptoms of chest pain?
Some may show symptoms associated with chest pain. Some common symptoms are:

Symptoms related to heart conditions

* Chest tension or chest pressure
*A pressing feeling in the breastbone area
* Fatigue * Chest pain that radiates to the arms, jaw, or back * Dizziness * Shortness of breath * Pain on exertion * Abdominal pain * Nausea * Severe chest pain or stabbing pain
* Very low heart rate or low blood pressure

> Other symptoms

Other symptoms associated with chest pain that may not be related to the heart include:
* Fever * Chill * Body ache * Cough * Cold
* Anxiety * Back pain that radiates to the front of the chest * Acidic or sour taste in the mouth * Difficulty swallowing food * Pain present only when eating or swallowing * Pain that increases when coughing or taking a deep breath * Pain that is more or less with different positions of the bodyIf any of the above symptoms occur, it is important to go to an experienced doctor or the nearest hospital.

> How to diagnose chest pain?

The doctor may ask you to do some tests to check if there are any heart-related problems that are causing the chest pain. Some of these tests include: * Electrocardiogram (ECG) * Chest X-ray * Blood tests * MRI
* echocardiogram * stress test * angiogram.

> Homeo Solution:-The patient is treated not the disease so an experienced doctor.According to Hahnemann's homeopathic rules, any complex and difficult disease including chest pain can be treated with the help of God's grace if the treatment is based on individual characteristics, physical symptoms, group of symptoms, and chest pain patients.

Aconite, lycopodia, cratigus, arum metallicum, adonis, vanalis, arjuna, mag phos, nux vom, sulph, acid, silicea, belladonna, escolas, antim tart, arnica, arsenic, bryonia, capsicum, chamomile, china, cocculus, colchicum, Colocynth, Gelsemium, Glonin, Calmia, Lachesis, Lidam,Many other medicines may come in on the symptoms, including Mercurius, Mezerium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rheum, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Spizelia, Stannum, and Ras TockHowever, there is no single action of homeopathy medicine. A medicine works for different diseases. So if only one right medicine can be applied to the right symptoms then the disease will definitely be cured. So take the advice of an experienced homeopathy doctor instead of self-medicating.

> Home remedies for chest pain

Home remedies should be used only after consulting your doctor.

* Tulsi or Tulsi – Tulsi has several medicinal properties that help cure many health problems. Tulsi leaves are rich in magnesium and prevent increase in cholesterol levels, hence prevent chest pain. Tulsi reduces chest pain and other heart problems. Drink the juice extracted from fresh basil leaves for desired results. One can add some honey to the juice for taste. This method helps in relieving chest pain.
* Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera is an effective medicinal plant. It is used in the treatment of skin diseases and other diseases. Medicinal properties of aloe vera help reduce heart problems and relieve chest pain. A glass of lukewarm water with a spoonful of aloe vera juice will give the desired results. Consult your doctor before taking aloe vera for the first time.
* Pomegranate – According to studies, pomegranate helps reduce the risk of heart disease and also relieves chest pain. Pomegranate contains several minerals and vitamins that help reduce stress levels. Consuming pomegranate juice daily nourishes the body and also helps reduce chest pain.
* Ginger – Ginger is considered very beneficial for our health. Ginger is an ancient herb that helps treat many health problems. The extract has antioxidant properties that help reduce cholesterol levels in the body. It can be used in several ways. Ginger can be added to food or tea. Ginger slices can also be eaten raw.
* Turmeric – Turmeric is a very useful home remedy, which helps in reducing many health conditions. It has several medicinal properties. Turmeric helps prevent the formation of plaque (made up of cholesterol, calcium, white blood cells, and other substances in the artery wall) in the arteries and reduces the likelihood of inflammation. It helps prevent chest pain. Turmeric can be mixed with a glass of warm milk and consumed. It can be added to daily food preparation.
* Garlic – Garlic not only enhances the taste of food, but is also beneficial in treating various health conditions. Garlic is considered to be a good home remedy for chest pain. Consumption of garlic helps reduce the risk of heart disease and also helps in reducing chest pain. Garlic regulates cholesterol levels in the body and prevents plaque build-up in the arteries. It also helps improve blood circulation in the body. You can take two to three cloves of garlic in a glass of warm water.
* Cold Pack – Muscle tension causes chest pain, using a cold pack to ice the area will reduce the swelling and stop the pain.
* Almonds – Eating a few almonds a day or drinking a cup of almond milk can reduce acid reflux which causes chest pain.
* Hot drinks – hot water can help relieve chest pain that may be caused by bloating or gas. Hibiscus tea, for example, reduces inflammation, as well as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
* Baking Soda – Adding baking soda to hot or cold water creates an alkaline solution that reduces stomach acid and associated chest pain.
* Lie down – Lying with the head slightly elevated can relieve chest pain.
* Apple cider vinegar – It helps relieve acid reflux that can cause chest pain.
* Fenugreek seeds – Consuming fenugreek seeds helps control cholesterol levels in the body, improves blood pressure and relieves chest pain.
* Healthy eating.
* Avoid smoking and drinking

Finally, if you have chest pain, if it is from the heart, you should go to the hospital for proper treatment. A heart attack carries the risk of death as well as lifelong paralysis.
If you go to the hospital and are sure about your heart disease, then you have to change your lifestyle. Changes in diet, control of diabetes if present and of course abstinence from smoking.
We live in a time when heart disease is the biggest fear. So don't ignore chest pain.

Author, columnist and researcher

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