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World Breastfeeding Week Day: Breastfeeding benefits both mother and baby

World Breastfeeding Week Day: Breastfeeding benefits both mother and baby

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Safe Mother's Milk Week 2024 starts today from Thursday, the first seven days of August. This year's theme is remove all barriers, ensure drinking mother's milk. Since 1992, World Breastfeeding Week has been a global campaign to raise awareness and encourage breastfeeding among mothers around the world, in honor of the 1990 declaration by the Innocenti Research Center in Florence, Italy. August 1, the first day of Breastfeeding Week, is recognized as World Breastfeeding Day. Governments of various countries, UNICEF, WHO and other organizations signed the declaration. On February 14, 1991, a global network named World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) was established in support of the declaration.

More than 800,000 children's lives will be saved every year by drinking breast milk alone. Most of the babies are under six months of age. There is no alternative to breast feeding the baby. Breastfeeding benefits both mother and baby. If mother's milk is given to the baby within 1 hour of birth, mother's uterus falls quickly, the bleeding stops easily, as a result the mother is saved from anemia. Helps with fertility, reduces the risk of breast and uterine cancer and high blood pressure. It has many benefits including ensuring maximum physical growth and mental development of the baby, boosting immunity, reducing the risk of diarrhea and its severity, reducing respiratory infections and ear infections, helping teeth and gums to form.

If the mother does not breastfeed, the risk of death due to pneumonia increases about 15 times, the risk of death from diarrhea increases about 11 times, the risk of death from malnutrition and other causes increases about 14 times, the risk of diarrhea increases along with jaundice, eye infections and digestive tract infections. Physical growth and intellectual development are hindered. Excessive weight gain compared to age; Increased risk of chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease, obesity). On the occasion of World Breast Milk Week 2024, National Nutrition Service, Institute of Public Health Nutrition, Directorate of Health, Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and National Patient Welfare Society, Bangladesh Breastfeeding Foundation have undertaken various programs across the country which will be celebrated throughout the month. Like other countries of the world, the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh inaugurated the World Breast Milk Week in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 and the World Breast Milk Week is being celebrated nationally on the instructions of the Prime Minister.

Three out of every five babies in the world do not receive breast milk in the first hour of birth.

Breastfeeding up to two years can save the lives of 820,000 children a year. Breastfeeding mothers can also prevent many life-threatening diseases; That's why doctors ask to encourage them more. According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the newborn should be breastfed within the first hour of birth. For the first 6 months, the baby will only eat breast milk, not even water. After that, breast milk should be continued until at least two years of age with complementary foods. Since 1992, 'World Breast Milk Week' has been celebrated in the first week of August to raise awareness about this issue.

But still only 41 percent of the world's babies are exclusively breastfed for the first six months after birth. The World Health Assembly has set a target of increasing this rate to 50 percent by 2025. And now thousands of mothers in our country drink artificial milk instead of breast milk to maintain their beauty. It is doing more harm than good. The future life of the child is running towards darkness. Mother's milk is the best food and drink for babies. There is no alternative to mother's breast milk in the case of the mother's quick recovery with the child's immunity and defense system. And now thousands of mothers in our country drink artificial milk in the market instead of drinking their own breast milk to maintain their beauty.

It is doing more harm than good. The future life of the child is running towards darkness. Mother's milk is the best food and drink for babies. There is no alternative to mother's breast milk in terms of the mother's quick recovery along with the child's immunity and defense system. And the safest shelter possible in the world is the mother's womb. A more safe, sterile and comfortable place is not possible. From there, when a newborn comes to the world covered with dust and germs, his fragile body and weak immune system make life dangerous! In this environment, like a safety fence protecting him from all adversity, the loving mother's arms and the mother's milk rich in the extraordinary qualities of the child's immunity! In our country, this matter is very neglected - because it is assumed that the one who gave birth will breastfeed, it is his sole responsibility and unquestionable matter. The matter is not so easy, and that is why it is seen that in the end many new born children are deprived of breast milk!! Infants deprived of mother's milk are easily affected by various diseases and sometimes die prematurely.

There is nothing new to say about the benefits of mother's milk!! Mother's milk is not only the best nutritious and correct food for the baby but also more powerful and effective than any vaccine. Apart from building strong immunity against diseases such as diarrhoea, influenza, otitis media, herpes infection, respiratory tract infection, necrotizing enteropathy etc., it increases the effectiveness of synthetic vaccinesChildren raised on formula or artificial baby food are at a much higher risk of contracting various diseases than those raised on breast milk. These diseases disrupt the normal growth of the child and increase the risk of child mortality.

Mother's milk not only has the best nutrition and immunity, but it is also cost-effective as it protects the life of the baby - breast milk saves the family both cost and time as a baby food.

1. The first and foremost important factor in breastfeeding is the mother's health (both physical and mental). An excess of various hormones can be seen in the body of a pregnant mother, it can be said that the body of a pregnant woman has a hormonal festival. As a result, he was affected physically and mentallyAfter the birth of the child, this effect is somewhat reduced, but he is physically weak and in many cases mentally disturbed. In the upbringing of the child and like everything else, the role of the mother as well as the father is very important. This is the reality of our country's social system, although it may surprise many people. The mother will breastfeed the child and the father will ensure the mother's care, nutrition and rest.
2. At this time proper diet and nutrition of the mother is essential. Malnutrition of the mother is the biggest hindrance to milk production. During this time, it is important to take nutritious food including milk, eggs and vegetables as much as possible.
3. Hydration or drinking enough water is very important for breastfeeding mothers.
4. Adequate rest and sleep (minimum 8 hours per day) is essential for mental and physical health.

> Special food:-
*.Milk * .Kalojira * .Gourd * Homeopathy medicine, Agnus Castus" and many other medicines can come on the symptoms so consult an experienced homeopath *.Sagodanar pies *.Papaya *.Methi- Like black cumin in our country, methi is encouraged to take in Japan and now in America too. Fenugreek capsules and fenugreek tea are widely sold in lactation centers.

> Position:-The proper position of breastfeeding is very important:-1. Cradle:- The most popular and effective breastfeeding position is the normal lap position.
2.Ball holding:- Breastfeeding in conventional method or cradle position after caesarean section delivery becomes difficult, sometimes almost impossible for the mother. In this case "ball holding" is very effectiveHolding a ball in one hand while breastfeeding does not put the baby's weight on the mother's lower abdomen or caesarean section wound, making breastfeeding easier for both mother and baby.
3. Cross Cradle:- More helpful in premature babies.
4.Lying:- Although somewhat relaxing for the mother, it is quite dangerous for the baby in many cases.

> For working mothers: Many mothers have to resort to artificial food or baby food, cow's milk or powdered milk after returning to work after maternity leave despite their inner wishes, which is not desirable at all. To solve this problem, a device called "breast pump" is almost a friend for working mothers. If it is not possible to breastfeed the baby during work, they can collect the breast milk with the help of this pump and store it in a proper way. In their absence, someone else in the family can feed the baby through a bottle. As a result, even in the absence of the mother, the child is not deprived of the benefits of mother's milk. In the case of new mothers, breast pumps play an important role in the beginning of breastfeeding. Breast pumps have different prices, but electric pumps are the most effective and somewhat expensive. These pumps can be rented from lactation centers.

> Clothing:-Comfortable and comfortable clothing suitable for breastfeeding is essential for mothers. Lactation center helps in this too.

> Preparation:- As much as breastfeeding is unfamiliar to a man, it is much the same for a first-time mother. Hence, mental preparation is essential from the moment of pregnancy. Family mentors and husbands can play the biggest role in this preparation by providing encouragement.

> Modernity and Breastfeeding:
Over time, as people become more modern and educated, mothers in the developed world are returning to breastfeeding. Education, awareness of the benefits of breast milk and its importance for the baby is encouraging them in this regard. In the midst of thousands of activities, the child is not deprived of mother's milk. One of the most beautiful and important aspects of breastfeeding is that there is no alternative to strengthen the emotional closeness or bond between mother and child.

> Symptoms of breast milk deficiency
One way to determine if your breast milk supply is low is to notice if your baby is getting enough milk.

The best way to know if there is an adequate supply of breast milk is to check your baby's weight. You should take your baby to the doctor regularly and check the baby's weight to monitor proper growth and development. However, weight loss soon after childbirth is common. This will continue to improve within the first five or six days and within fourteen days your baby will be back to its birth weight.

If you're not sure about your baby's weight, look for the following signs to make sure you're making enough milk:

* Breastfeeding is pleasant and painless for you.
* Your baby will love to eat again and again.
* Breast milk is digested quickly and your baby will want to drink it again and again. This does not mean that you are not producing enough milk. * Most babies breastfeed every 1.5 to 2 hours.
* Your breasts will be soft and empty after each feeding.
* You may notice your baby swallowing while eating.
* Your baby will want to come off the breast on his own after feeding
Your baby will urinate about seven times a day.
* Stools will be light yellow in color with some lumps or lumps.

* Exclusively breastfed babies may have bowel movements several times a day or sometimes only once every five days.

* Both types of situations are considered normal and you have no reason to worry about it.
The following symptoms do not mean that your milk supply is low, although you may think they are indicative of a serious problem:

* Hasty sucking in the evening
* Reduced eating duration
* Increased tendency to eat frequently
Not expressing milk from your breasts
Little or no milk when expressed by pressure
How to increase milk production?

> Here are some things you can do to increase breast milk production:

* It is very important to breastfeed your baby properly. If the baby cannot hold the nipple in the mouth or it is in the wrong position, it will be difficult to feed himWhile some other physiological problems may interfere with proper feeding, complete emptying of the breast is essential for adequate milk production. If your baby cannot empty completely, you should express the milk.
* Breast milk can be emptied if you feed frequently. Every 1.5 to 2 hours your baby should feed as long as he wants.
* Taking a break from your daily routine will help you establish a feeding routine. Create a feeding schedule that is convenient for you and your baby over two to three days.
* Use both breasts while feeding. When one side is eaten, pass the other.
Pacifiers and feeding bottles should be avoided as much as possible.
* Give your baby only breast milk and avoid any other type of food.
* Take care of yourself Make sure you eat nutritious food and get enough rest along with the baby.
* You can use a pump to make sure the breast is completely empty. The best way to ensure breast milk growth is to express milk completely from the breast.

Finally, mother's milk is a special blessing of Almighty Allah. Because many mothers have children, but the baby does not have enough milk to drink. In this case, mothers should be given nutritious food beforehand. Therefore, the benefits of mother's milk cannot be overstated. But the sad fact is, worldwide infant feeding rates are still very low. In Bangladesh, 69 percent of babies are given breast milk within an hour of birth. In only 65 percent cases the child is exclusively breastfed till the age of six months. Lack of education and awareness among all of us is responsible for this condition. So everyone should be educated and aware about the benefits of breastfeeding. And today's child is the bright future of tomorrow. Mother's breast milk should be ensured for physical and mental development of children. It is a right or entitlement to the mother for the child. The mortality rate of breastfed babies is also very lowThis week will be observed in Bangladesh along with 170 countries of the world.

The writer, physician, columnist and researcher Founder Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society.

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