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Saturday, 21 September 2024
Waterlogging takes serious turn at Brahmanpara after slight rainfall

Waterlogging takes serious turn at Brahmanpara after slight rainfall

Zakir Azad, Cumilla

Even if it rains a little, the waterlogging in Brahmanpara is the worst traffic jam When it rains in Brahmanpara, waterlogging occurs, severe traffic jams begin. Thousands of people suffered in this. On Thursday the residents of Brahmanpara felt the suffering and pain even in the rain. Besides, the road is becoming unusable due to waterlogging for a long time due to the formation of small potholes.

On the surface, it can be seen that the roads in front of Vision Hospital, Animal Resources Office and Shishu Matri Hospital on the Brahmanpara-Cumilla road are full of small potholes and ditches. Because of this, trucks, buses, CNG, autorickshaws and other vehicles run slowly.

As a result of which severe traffic jam was created in Brahmanpara (headquarters) market. Brahmanpara-Cumilla commuters are suffering the most from heavy traffic. Apart from this, the patients who go to Cumilla for treatment and the passengers who come to Brahmanpara from Cumilla for office are suffering more. Because earlier, where Cumilla - Brahmanpara could be reached within 35/40 minutes, it takes more than double time.

On Thursday afternoon, a few vehicles overturned on the road (Brahmanpara-Cumilla ) in front of the Upazila Animal Resources Office. Several people were injured along with property damage. The drivers said that the car overturned due to waterlogging where there were small potholes and where there were no big potholes.

Zainal Abedin drives CNG regularly on Cumilla -Brahmanpara road. He said that due to potholes and potholes, it is not possible to drive at normal speed on the road, and there is always the fear that when water enters the engine and the car becomes immobile.

In this regard, the aware circles think that if this waterlogging and roads are not repaired in the next few days, then there will be no end to the suffering of the people of Brahmanpara during this Ramadan Eid.

In this regard, Brahmanpara Upazila Parishad (Acting) Chairman Aminul Islam Sujan said, today in Brahmanpara Upazila coordination meeting, a decision was taken for drainage system on the side of this road. In the past, this situation has arisen due to the filling of ponds on both sides of the road. Measures will be taken to remove water from the road within the next two days.

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