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Friday, 07 March 2025
Today is the most prestigious day of the Muslim Ummah, Juma: The day and night of Juma is extremely important

Today is the most prestigious day of the Muslim Ummah, Juma: The day and night of Juma is extremely important

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Majed

Juma is the day when the believing Muslim attends weekly worship. The day is the best day to Allah. On this day, a symbol of unity can be seen among the Muslim Ummah. Everyone obeys the imam and listens patiently and attentively to the khutbah. Two rakat prayers in queue. The reason? An important act of Friday prayer and gathering.

> Importance of Juma in Quran

In the light of the declaration of the Qur'an, the importance of Friday prayers and worship is very high. Allah Ta'ala has also revealed a Surah in this name. Surah Juma It is the 62nd Surah of the Quran. In this Surah, Allah Ta'ala calls to explain the extraordinary importance of Friday prayer - meaning, believers, when the call to prayer is made on Friday, you rush to the remembrance of Allah. And refrain from buying and selling. That is best for you, if you only knew.

Friday is the gathering day of Muslims. Hence the day is called 'Yawmul Juma'. The special importance of this day has come in various hadiths. For example-

> 'Allah created the heavens, the earth and the whole world in six days. The last day of these six days was Friday(Muslim)

> "The best of the days on which the sun rises is Friday. It was on this day that Adam (peace be upon him) was created, on this day he was admitted to Paradise and on this day he was brought down from Paradise to the earth. And the Hour will take place on this day.' (Muslim)

> "On this day there is a moment when the supplications of people are accepted." (Bukhari, Muslim)

On this special day, Almighty Allah has ordered the Muslim Ummah to gather in the mosque. He ordered to listen to the Imam's sermon. He ordered daily worship, tawbah, istegfar and supplications.

Friday is a day of great dignity. Allah Ta'ala kept this day every week for the assembly of mankind and Eid. But the earlier ummats failed to observe it. The Jews set their day of assembly on 'Yawmus Sabbat' i.e. Saturday and the Nazarenes on Sunday. Allah Ta'ala gives great fortune to the Muslim nation. This nation showed an outstanding contribution of obedience by accepting the day given by Allah as their special day of worship. Juma is a day full of dignity in mercy and forgiveness. It has been mentioned in the hadith-

Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, "Even if we come last, we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection." We will be the first to enter Paradise. Although they were given the (Heavenly) Book before us. And our Book was given after them. But they differed on it. Then Allah gave us the right way regarding their differences. On this day, they differed. Then Allah guided us to the right day. It is Friday. So today (the status of Friday) is ours, tomorrow (Saturday) is the Jews. And the next day (Sunday) of the Christians.' (Bukhari, Muslim)

* Friday in Qatar

After giving the call to the Friday prayer, Allah has ordered to suspend all worldly activities and queue up in the mosque to pray in congregation. And in the next verse, he gave instructions to go out in search of sustenance - meaning that when the prayer is over, spread out in the world and seek from the grace of Allah and remember Allah more and more, so that you can be successful. (Surah Juma, verse 10)

It is said in the Qur'an that the declaration of attaining the wealth of the Hereafter by first fulfilling the rights of Allah and then spreading out in search of worldly wealth and normal bread and sustenance.

* Importance and virtue

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called the people of the world and gave guidance about the deeds of this day of Friday. Which was an expression of the instructions of the Qur'an.

On the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday." On this day Adam (a.s.) was created, on this day he was admitted to Paradise and on this day he was expelled from Paradise.' (Muslim)

The day is also special in terms of period. Many events are associated with this day.

1. A sense of doom

Jumu'ah awakens people's sense of coming together on the Day of Judgment. As people get together every week on Friday. On the Day of Resurrection, all people will be gathered in the court of Allah

2. Remembrance of the congregation

Friday reminds people to pray in congregation. Because people rush to the mosque to pray in congregation on Friday. In remembrance of this day, people are called to pray 5 times a day with congregation.

3. Development of social structure

When the people of the society are together on Friday, there is an opportunity to know each other's advantages and disadvantages. In this way, Zuma teaches responsibility towards society.

4. On Friday, people learn charity. On this day, the poor and helpless people also come together to receive the special grace of Allah. On this day, the practice of donation prevails among people for a week.

5. Special reward for sacrifice

The day has a special status for the Muslim Ummah. Because on this day without sacrificing, the servant gets the virtue of sacrifice in exchange for one act. This is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said in the hadith.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu Anhu narrated that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, 'Whoever performs a bath on Friday and comes to the mosque first, it is as if he sacrificed a camel; The second person who enters the mosque is as if he sacrificed a cow; The third person who entered the mosque is like oneThe goat was sacrificed.Then the fourth person who went to the mosque, it is as if he gave a chicken in charity. And the fifth person who entered the mosque, as if he gave an egg in charity. Then when the imam came out and sat on the pulpit for the sermon, the angels stopped writing and sat down to listen to the sermon.' (Bukhari)

> Friday things to do

1. Come to the mosque to read Juma as soon as the Azan is called.

2. Preparing for Friday prayers in advance.

3. Come to the mosque first on foot.

4. Come to the mosque and be engaged in worship.

5. Complete the prayer with the imam with due importance

6. If there is a social responsibility, it should be performed after the prayer.

7. Getting down to work in search of sustenance as needed.

8. Making decisions and making decisions about coming to congregation during the week.

9. Thinking, researching and preparing for the afterlife.

10. Try to understand the importance of Juma and act accordingly.

Finally, I would like to say that believing Muslims should paint themselves in the Qur'anic period on Friday. According to the direction of the Qur'an-Sunnah, spending the day of Friday in worship. To strive to attain the declared virtues and dignity by attaining the importance of Jumu'ah.

May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslim Ummah the ability to understand the importance of Friday. Grant us Tawfiq to acquire and implement the importance and virtues of Jumma in our lives. Amen.

The writer is a, columnist and researcher Founder and Chairman, National Patient Welfare Society

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