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Smart Bangladesh :PM Sheikh Hasina's outstanding contributions to national development

Smart Bangladesh :PM Sheikh Hasina's outstanding contributions to national development

Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has announced to build 'Smart Bangladesh' by realizing the dream of Digital BangladeshThis 'Smart Bangladesh Task Force' was formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the Smart Bangladesh-2041 vision to establish Bangladesh as a knowledge-based economy and an innovative nation to implement Smart Bangladesh-2041.

It is being implemented by IT department. Undertake self-employment based training program under Digital Inclusion for Vulnerable Exclusion (DIV) initiative to build inclusive digital society and bring backward marginalized communities into the mainstream of development. Implementation responsibility of IT department.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned four pillars to build Smart Bangladesh. These are Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society. The government wants to build the future Bangladesh as a smart Bangladesh, where every manpower will be smart.

Everyone will learn to do everything online, the economy will be e-economy, where the entire money management will be done on digital devices. He mentioned, "Our education, health, employability" will all be through e-governance. Digital devices will be used in everything including e-education, e-health. We will be able to do that by 2041 and work is going on with that in mind.

The more our young community learns to use these digital devices, the faster they can move the country forward. An initiative has been taken to train the youth by taking various aspects of the fourth industrial revolution. Specialized labs will be established in every university of the country.

Establishment of 57 such labs is in progress. Establishment of Sheikh Kamal IT Training and Incubation Center in 64 districts and 10 digital villages are in progress. 92 Hi-Tech Parks, Software Technology Parks are under construction. 6,686 Digital Centers and more than 13,000 Sheikh Russel Digital Labs have been set up across the country.

Leaders and activists from Trinamool also expressed confidence in Sheikh Hasina to build a smart Bangladesh. They said that Sheikh Hasina has transformed the country into digital Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina's government will also be able to create a smart Bangladesh. Dr. MM Mazed, the prominent researcher and founder chairman of Jatiya rogi Kalyan Society of Bangladesh, wrote a column about today's topic.

What is in 'Smart Bangladesh' and how 'Smart Bangladesh' will be implemented is being discussed everywhere. On April 7, 2022, in the 3rd meeting of the 'Digital Bangladesh Task Force' formed for the implementation of Digital Bangladesh, the Honorable Prime Minister first announced that 'Smart Bangladesh' will be implemented in continuation of the implementation of Digital Bangladesh.

About eight months after the decision of the Digital Bangladesh Task Force meeting, on December 12, 2022, on Digital Bangladesh Day-2022, Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the construction of 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041, that is, she announced that Bangladesh will be knowledge-based by 2041Economy and Innovative Bangladesh.At present, the most discussed topic is 'Smart Bangladesh'.

What is in 'Smart Bangladesh' and how 'Smart Bangladesh' will be implemented is being discussed everywhere. On April 7, 2022, in the 3rd meeting of the 'Digital Bangladesh Task Force' formed for the implementation of Digital Bangladesh, the Honorable Prime Minister first announced that 'Smart Bangladesh' will be implemented in continuation of the implementation of Digital Bangladesh.

About eight months after the decision of the Digital Bangladesh Task Force meeting, on December 12, 2022, on Digital Bangladesh Day-2022, Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the construction of 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041, that is, she announced that Bangladesh will be knowledge-based by 2041Economy and Innovative Bangladesh.

On December 12, 2008, Digital Bangladesh was announced as the foundation of 'Vision-2021'. Comprehensive and multi-faceted development started with the formulation of plans one after the other and their implementation by taking up multiple mega projects simultaneously.

As per the election promise, the government has already provided broadband connectivity across the country and launched satellite Bangabandhu-1 into space. Currently, 180 million mobile SIMs are being used by 160 million people. 999 for call center based services, 333 for any information, 3331 for farmer friend services, telemedicine services and blended learning have become popular among them. The mastermind behind this transformation of Bangladesh is Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her son Information and Communication Adviser Sajeeb Wazed Joy.

On the 14th anniversary of Digital Bangladesh, the government has announced to transform the country from Digital to 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041 - which will be implemented by this time. An infrastructure of how Bangladesh will progress from 21 to 41, accordingly plans are formulated for all levels of people to build themselves accordingly.

A2I has developed and implemented several digital programs to facilitate various government services throughout the year to speed up the government's new vision of building a 'Smart Bangladesh' by 2041.

The successful implementation of 'Digital Bangladesh' to elevate Bangladesh into a developed nation has encouraged the government to adopt a new goal of building an innovation and knowledge-based 'Smart Bangladesh' in line with 'Vision-2041'And under the leadership of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu, on September 5, 1973, Bangladesh became a member of the important International Telecommunication Union (ITU) among the 15 organizations of the United Nations.

The Earth-Resource Technology Satellite Program for socio-economic survey, meteorological data exchange was implemented under his direction.

On June 14, 1975, Bangabandhu inaugurated the Satellite Earth Station at Betbunia. Dr. giving importance to science, technology and technical education. A scientist like Muhammad Kudrat-e-Khuda led the education commission report and included the aim of using technology in education in the first five year plan of Bangladesh was his very well thought out and visionary initiative.

Just looking at the various initiatives and activities undertaken in the expansion and development of information and communication technology, it can be seen that the foundation of a modern science-minded technology-based Bangladesh was created by the hands of Bangabandhu, which shows the way for Bangladesh to participate in the digital revolution.

In the context of digital revolution, it is also relevant today to highlight the foundation of science, technology and modern technology-based Bangladesh in independent Bangladesh. The digital revolution began with the invention of the Internet in 1969.

The connection of devices with the Internet began to affect people's daily life, culture, business, production. Due to scientific, technical and technological progress, the development of the world is at a great pace. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman deeply understood its importance. Because he wanted to build Sonar Bangla. He was determined to realize his dream. Bangabandhu got time to run the state for only three and a half years.

At this time, the wise and prudent statesman Bangabandhu did not implement the planned initiatives and activities, including agriculture, education, health, information and communication technology, in the construction of his dream Sonar Bangla.

From the time of her return home on May 17, 1981, Sheikh Hasina has continued to struggle for the people's vote and the basic rights of the common people, despite hundreds of obstacles and threats of death. Under his leadership, the people of Bangladesh have achieved democracy and freedom of speech. Bangladesh got the status of developing country. Bangladesh has been able to stand tall in the world today due to the immense sacrifice of Sheikh Hasina.

Notable achievements of the Sheikh Hasina government during the 1996-2001 period were: 30-year Ganges water agreement with India, Chittagong Hill Tracts Peace Agreement, construction of Bangabandhu Bridge over Yamuna River and achieving self-sufficiency in food production. Besides, he introduced various welfare programs for farmers and social security programs for landless, destitute people. Notable among these are:

Distressed Women and Widows Allowance, Handicapped Allowance, Freedom Fighters Allowance, Elderly Allowance, Shanti Niwas for the Aged, Shelter Scheme for the Homeless and One House One Farm Scheme.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Jannetri Sheikh Hasina and under the supervision and guidance of ICT Advisor Sajeeb Wazed Joy, Digital Bangladesh has identified four specific main pillars of connectivity for all, skilled human resource development, e-government and ICT industry promotion for the implementation of Digital Bangladeshhas been implemented.With honesty, courage and foresight, in just 14 years, he brought the country with 40 percent electricity under 100 percent electricity by making the whole world stand up.

Where there were lakhs of internet users, ICT consultant Sajeeb Wazed's innovative plan reached crores of imagination and supermarshes to broadband connectivity union. Currently the number of internet users in the country is more than 13 crore and the number of mobile connections is over 18 crore.

More than 16,000 entrepreneurs are currently working in around 8,800 digital centers across the country to deliver services to people's doorsteps, where 50 percent are women entrepreneurs. As a result, on the one hand the inequality between men and women, on the other hand the inequality between the rich and the poor and the inequality between rural and urban areas is being eliminated. The government will invest Tk 500 crore in the next five years to develop the startup culture in the country and pave the way for startups to exploit innovative opportunities.

Ten Startup Ecosystem has been developed by providing talented young entrepreneurs with interest and collateral free equity investment and various facilities including training, incubation, mentoring and coaching. 2500 startups including Bikash, Pathao, Chaldal, Sure Cash, Sahaj, Paperfly are actively working. Who created about 1.5 million more jobs. Our youth was not familiar with this culture even 10 years ago. In just seven years, 700 million dollars have been invested in this sector.

Bangladesh has a good position in online labor force in the world. Before 2009, none of the government services in Bangladesh were digital. But currently all the basic information and services of all government departments are available on the website.

Along with this, all government information verification and storage and various services and applications are being conducted online. In the meantime we have launched an inter-operable digital transaction platform 'Binimay'. Nowadays, banking services have reached the fingertips of every customer. Many jobs are being created through digitization. Money from freelancing is fueling our national growth. Modern digital banking system has been developed in the country through the use of information technology. All these are the benefits of digital Bangladesh.

Equal participation of men and women, ensuring access to technology for all irrespective of rich and poor, reducing distance in access to urban and rural services were all the main objectives and goals of our Digital Bangladesh.

Inclusive development in Digital Bangladesh has made it possible to reach remote villages with internet, through implementation of initiatives like Union Digital Centre, employment of women entrepreneurs has also been ensured.

Thanks to inclusive development and technology, now anyone can work in freelancing even in the village. All this has been made possible by the progressive technological, inclusive development of People's Leader Sheikh Hasina's Digital Bangladesh. That is why the theme of this year's Digital Bangladesh Day has been set as 'Progressive Technology, Inclusive Development'.

After successfully implementing the pledge to build Digital Bangladesh, we are now moving forward with new programs. That is Smart Bangladesh. A cost-effective, sustainable, intelligent, knowledge-based, innovative Smart Bangladesh will be built on the four main foundations of Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society by 2041.

The fourth revolution is underway. Where artificial intelligence is used to manage human intelligence and will power, factory production, agriculture and all daily activities and the world. Bangladesh is not far behind. Preparations are underway to create a smart Bangladesh by 2041.

But along with smart devices and technology, citizens also need to be smart in thinking, behavior and culture. Constantly we commit many mistakes, irregularities, injustices and injustices without our knowledge, which can be corrected with a little desire. I can contribute to making Smart Bangladesh. For example, many people throw garbage everywhere on the road.

On December 12, 2008, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the creation of Digital Bangladesh as the main foundation of 'Vision 2021'. Referring to the steps taken by the government to formulate one after another plans for the development of the country and implement them, he said, "The Delta Plan of 2010 and the vision plan of 2021 to 2041 have also been prepared.

That is, we have formulated a structure and plan of how Bangladesh will develop from 21 to 41. Generation after generation of this delta is saved from climate shock, the country is developed and they can live smartly independently and beautifully in developed countries. I am also making that arrangement. Now everything depends on our young generation and youth society. "The power of youth, the development of Bangladesh. This was our 2018 election manifesto.

Building Digital Bangladesh is an inspiring undertaking in the political history of Bangladesh. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced Vision 2021 with the aim of building an information-technology-rich Bangladesh in the modern form of Sonar Bangla, the dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. By implementing this concept, Bangladesh has achieved a revolution in the spread of modern information technology.

The speed at which technology has developed in the world is truly incredible. But under the guidance of Bangabandhu's Honorable Prime Minister Jannetri Sheikh Hasina and under the supervision of ICT Advisor Sajib Wazed Joy, Bangladesh is not lagging behind global digital progress. We are moving along an information technology highway at an unstoppable speed. We have a success story in this sector, which is truly a matter of pride and joy. Bangladesh has made its debut in the world as a digital country.

Finally, I would like to say that Bangladesh is moving forward in science and technology under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Bangabandhu. The progress that has been made in science and technology has become digital Bangladesh in practical application, now Bangladesh is moving forward under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina to build a smart Bangladesh.

Today, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh is advancing at an unstoppable speed on the highway of development. Bangladesh is being considered as a 'role model' of global development in various sectors including education, health, agriculture, information technology, women's empowerment. The dream Padma Bridge and Metrorail have already been opened for public use.

Which is making an important contribution to the overall economy including the country's communication system. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Tunnel on Karnaphuli River will be a unique milestone in the communication system of Bangladesh in the long run. The government is determined to build a corruption-free society. Corruption free work - everyone wants.

The more corruption free the work, the more correct the development. Costs will decrease. It will play a big role in the economy of the country. Cost of the project increases due to longer time taken. Corruption also increases as a result of taking more time.

Want skilled, honest and patriotic workforceAnd those who have witnessed Sheikh Hasina in the last 14 years cannot deny that she has been able to take herself to unique heights as a leader. His leadership qualities were not only appreciated among the people of the country, but his leadership was appreciated in the world court.

From the leader of Bangladesh, he has established himself as a world leader.In addition to conducting development activities within the country, she has always been involved in various issues including climate change and women's empowerment in the international arena, so international organizations and heads of state of major countries have praised her work.

Even his economic activities and development plans have been praised by the leaders of different countries of the world. The government's success in dealing with Covid-19 has been praised globally. Under his leadership, recommendations for inclusion of Bangladesh in the list of developing countries have been received.

And the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has become a symbol of the hopes and aspirations of about 17 crore people in our Bangladesh. It is because of his visionary leadership that Bangladesh has achieved the position it is today. However, the continuity of the government has helped him achieve this goal because in the political reality of a country like Bangladesh, if there is no continuity of the government, development is hindered.

The people of Bangladesh trusted him and allowed him to work according to his plans. People's leader Sheikh Hasina has given a new vision of building a modern form of Sonar Bangla of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's dream by the year 2041, economical, sustainable, intelligent, knowledge-based, innovative, smart Bangladesh. In building that Smart Bangladesh, Bangladesh will become one of the best countries in the world by implementing integrated modern communication system including Metrorail.

The writer is a columnist, researcher & political analyst Founder, Jatiya Rogi Kalyan Society

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