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Sunday, 08 September 2024
Sheikh Hasina: A great hero in the development history of Bangladesh

Sheikh Hasina: A great hero in the development history of Bangladesh

Dr Matiur Rahman

Bangladesh, a nation with a rich history and vibrant culture, has undergone significant transformations over the years, particularly in its development trajectory. One name that stands out prominently in the annals of Bangladesh's development history is Sheikh Hasina, the country's current prime minister. Widely regarded as a visionary leader, Sheikh Hasina has played a pivotal role in steering Bangladesh towards progress and prosperity.

Born on September 28, 1947, in Tungipara, Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina is the daughter of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali of all time and the founding leader and Father of the Bengali nation. Growing up in a politically charged environment, she witnessed firsthand the struggles and sacrifices made by her family for the independence of Bangladesh. Tragically, her family faced a devastating blow after the Liberation War of 1971, when her father, mother, three brothers and other family members were brutally assassinated on August 15, 1975.

Despite these hardships, Sheikh Hasina persevered and took up the mantle of leadership. Her political journey began in the early 1980s when she assumed the leadership of the Awami League, a political party founded by her father. Under her astute guidance, the party gradually regained strength and emerged as a formidable force in Bangladeshi politics.

One of Sheikh Hasina's most significant contributions to Bangladesh's development has been her commitment to economic reforms. Recognising the importance of a robust economy for the overall well-being of the nation, she implemented a series of policies aimed at promoting economic growth and sustainability.

During her tenure, Bangladesh experienced consistent economic growth, with a focus on key sectors such as agriculture, textiles, and information technology. Sheikh Hasina's government actively promoted foreign investment and implemented measures to improve the business environment, contributing to a thriving economy.

Moreover, Sheikh Hasina prioritised poverty alleviation programs, recognising that economic progress must be inclusive. Her administration launched various social safety net initiatives, educational programs, and healthcare projects to uplift the impoverished segments of society. As a result, Bangladesh witnessed a significant reduction in poverty rates, and millions of people were lifted out of extreme poverty.

Sheikh Hasina's vision for a modern and interconnected Bangladesh manifested in her emphasis on infrastructure development. Understanding the pivotal role of robust infrastructure in fostering economic growth, her government invested heavily in transportation, energy, and communication projects.

Under her leadership, Bangladesh witnessed the construction of new highways, bridges, and ports, enhancing connectivity within the country and beyond. The Padma Bridge, a flagship infrastructure project, symbolises Bangladesh's commitment to progress and development. Sheikh Hasina's government successfully overcame challenges to ensure the completion of this monumental bridge, connecting the previously isolated southern regions to the capital, Dhaka.

A champion of education and human development, Sheikh Hasina prioritised investments in the education sector to equip the youth with the skills necessary for a rapidly evolving global economy. Her government focused on increasing access to education, improving the quality of schools and universities, and fostering research and innovation.

The Digital Bangladesh initiative, launched under Sheikh Hasina's leadership, aimed to harness the power of technology for national development. The widespread adoption of digital solutions in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and governance, has propelled Bangladesh into the digital age, contributing to increased efficiency and transparency.

Sheikh Hasina recognised the importance of environmental sustainability in the face of global challenges such as climate change. Bangladesh, a low-lying deltaic nation, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and extreme weather events.

In response to these challenges, Sheikh Hasina's government implemented comprehensive measures to address environmental concerns. Initiatives such as afforestation programs, renewable energy projects, and climate resilience strategies have been crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of climate change and ensuring the sustainability of Bangladesh's natural resources.

Sheikh Hasina's leadership extends beyond the borders of Bangladesh, with a keen focus on fostering strong diplomatic ties and international cooperation. Her administration has actively engaged in regional and global forums, working towards mutual collaboration and addressing shared challenges.

Efforts to strengthen relations with neighbouring countries, such as India and China, have resulted in significant economic partnerships and infrastructure development projects. Sheikh Hasina's adept diplomacy has positioned Bangladesh as an influential player on the global stage, garnering support for the country's development initiatives and securing international cooperation in various spheres.

While remarkable achievements have marked Sheikh Hasina's tenure, it has not been without challenges. The political landscape in Bangladesh is complex, with issues such as corruption, political unrest, and socio-economic disparities posing persistent challenges. However, Sheikh Hasina's resilience and commitment to the betterment of Bangladesh have allowed her to navigate these challenges with determination.

Sheikh Hasina stands as a towering figure in the history of Bangladesh's development. Her leadership has been instrumental in transforming the nation into a dynamic and resilient force on the global stage. Through economic reforms, infrastructure development, and a commitment to social welfare, Sheikh Hasina has ushered in an era of progress and prosperity for Bangladesh. As the country continues its journey towards greater heights, Sheikh Hasina's legacy as a great hero in Bangladesh's development history is firmly established.

The writer is a researcher and development worker

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