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Sunday, 29 September 2024
Russel's Viper caught in Kalapara

Russel's Viper caught in Kalapara

Payra Port (Patuakhali) Correspondent

A deadly poisonous Russell's viper known as a killing machine has been caught in the net of a farmer in Boulatli village of Dhulasar union (adjacent to Boulatli government primary school) of Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali. It is 5 feet in length.

At eight o'clock on Monday morning, the snake got stuck in a leaf net on the pond of Nur Howladar Radi of Boulatali village. Later, the farmer hit the snake with a stick and kept it alive in a large plastic bag while injured. At that time, the eager people of the area gathered to have a glimpse of the snake. However, the Kalapara team members of Animal Lovers of Patuakhali are trying to rescue the snake. Panic spread in the area. Although panicked, he immediately hit the snake with a stick and saved it alive in a large plastic bag while injured.

It is learnt that the Russell Viper is the most venomous of all the snakes that can be seen in Bangladesh today. The bite of this snake spreads poison in the bitten part of the body and causes various physical symptoms including limb loss, continuous bleeding, blood clots, nerve damage, heavy eyes, paralysis and kidney damage.

Local farmer Md Nur Howladar said that my wife saw the snake getting caught in our net first. I tried to recover it when I was told later. At this time, on the words of my wife, I hit the snake with a stick several times. But it is still alive. I stored it in a plastic container. However, if someone from the forest department or the government takes it, I will give it to him.

Shahin Chowkidar of Nayakata village said, this is the first time I have seen Russell's viper snake. Earlier, I saw this snake picture widely on YouTube and Facebook. It is a poisonous snake. But it should be killed.

Yusuf Bhuiyan of Tarikata village said, "I came here after hearing that Russell's Viper was caught. Although the snake looks beautiful, it is a highly venomous snake. Like me, hundreds of people came here to take a look at the snake. But it was not right to kill the snake. It is badly injured, it is doubtful whether it can be saved. I request the snake to be released in the forest after first treatment.

Animal Lovers of Patuakhali's Kalapara team member Bayjid Munshi said, a team of ours is going to the spot. I will rescue the snake and give it first aid and hand it over to the forest departmentHe also said, I request everyone not to panic at the sight of snakes and inform us. In case of snakebite, it is requested to go to the nearest government hospital. Besides, the members of the snake rescue team should also be informed. Snakes are actually very useful friends for our biodiversity. Which plays an important role in the food chain.

Kalapara Upazila Hospital doctor Dr. Shankar Chandra Adhikari said that everyone should be careful from Russell's viper. If someone is injured, bring them to the hospital immediately. There are treatment facilities in the hospital.

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