Heavy vehicles moving over risky bridges, fatal accident anytime in Mirzaganj
Moh Ziaur Rahman, Mirzaganj (Patuakhali)
Heavy vehicles weighing 20-22 tons are constantly moving over two risky Bailey bridges in Mirzaganj, Patuakhali.
Locals fear that serious accidents can occur at any moment due to the movement of such heavy vehicles over these bridges.
It is learnt that these two bridges were built at least 30-35 years ago. Since the two bridges are risky, the Patuakhali Roads and Highways Department has already declared the two bridges risky and banned the movement of vehicles weighing more than 5 (five) tons and put up warning notice signboards.
Even then, the movement of heavy vehicles over these bridges has not stopped. In addition, since these two bridges, located at Kapalvera and Gabtala on the Mirzaganj-Patuakhali road, are very old, the decks have rusted and small and large holes have formed in various places and the decks have shifted and become empty. Students of various schools and colleges, ordinary pedestrians and vehicles cross this bridge every day.
Local Mamun Goldar said, "Although the two bridges are dangerous and dilapidated, heavy freight vehicles weighing 20-22 tons are constantly passing over them. And due to the rusting and gaping holes and gaps on the bridge, rickshaws, easy bikes, motorcycles and people are falling into the holes and gaps every day and are victims of accidents." He drew the attention of the administration to ensure that no vehicle heavier than the capacity of the bridge can pass over this Bailey bridge. The locals said,
"These two important bridges have become dilapidated due to their age. Despite this, heavy freight trucks cross this bridge at great risk during the day and night. This can lead to serious accidents at any moment." They demanded that the government remove these two bridges and build a paved bridge. Jamal Hossain, superintendent of Golap Goldar Independent Ebtedayi Madrasa in Madhya Mirzaganj, said, "Hundreds of ordinary people and young students of schools and madrasas use that bridge every day. Therefore, urgent renovation and maintenance of the two bridges is necessary to avoid any accidents and ensure the safe travel of young students." Upazila Executive Officer Md. Tariqul Islam said, "I have discussed with the Deputy Commissioner about the movement of overweight vehicles. I will present this issue in this month's coordination meeting as well.
The condition of the road is also very bad. Since that road is a road and highway, if they arrange a weight scale on their behalf, it will be easier for us to take legal action." Patuakhali Roads and Highways Department Executive Engineer Md. Jamil Akhter Limon said, the issue of weight scales is very time-consuming. It has to be discussed in the ministry.
Moreover, these equipment are very rare in our country. For now, it would be better if steps are taken to prevent vehicles from passing through that road.
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