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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Cultivation of colorful cauliflower for first time in Bhuapur, huge response in area

Cultivation of colorful cauliflower for first time in Bhuapur, huge response in area

Masudul Hasan Masud, Bhuapur (Tangail)

For the first time, farmer Abdul Quader of Chhabisha village in Bhuapur Upazila has received a huge response by cultivating yellow cauliflower.

He also got success by cultivating yellow cauliflower. Abdul Ghafoor cultivated this colorful cauliflower for the first time in the upazila. Ordinary curious people are coming to see the colorful cauliflower in the farmer's field. He took seedlings from the upazila agriculture office and planted this colorful variety of cauliflower in one bigha of land.

Farmer Abdul Quader said that I got to know about the distribution of colorful varieties of cauliflower seedlings through the Upazila Agriculture Sub-Assistant Officer.

After contacting the agriculture officer, four hundred saplings were given to me from the office. On their advice, I cultivated this colorful cauliflower in 1 bigha land. He said that all kinds of support including seedlings, fertilizers, insect control methods have been provided from the Upazila Agriculture Office in the cultivation of colorful cauliflower.

The cost of production of colored cauliflower and normal cauliflower is the same. However, the price of this cauliflower is double because it is colorful. More colored cauliflowers can be planted than it takes to grow a white cauliflower.

Many people come every day to see the news of this yellow cauliflower. He also said that white cauliflower is currently being sold at Tk 15/20 in the market. I am selling this colorful cauliflower for Tk 50/60 per piece.

Yellow cauliflower has been cultivated for the first time in Bhuyapur upazila. So many people are willingly buying from the land. School students Siam come to see the cultivation of this colorful cauliflower. He said he saw this for the first time in his life. I like it very much. I really want to harvest this colorful cauliflower.

In this regard, the Upazila Agriculture Officer, Dr. Humayan Kabir said, colorful flower coppice seeds were brought from India. The seeds are planted and distributed among the farmers.

This is the first time that experimental yellow cauliflower seedlings have been planted in Abdul Quader's land of Chabbisha village of Bhuyapur upazila. Foreigners use this variety of cauliflower as salat.

The yellow color is very beautiful to look at. In our country it is very useful to eat half boiled. The method of cultivation of colored cauliflower is the same as the method of cultivation of other cauliflowers.

Abdul Quader was given four hundred seedlings from the first agricultural office office. He is very happy with this first cultivation. Farmers will be encouraged to grow colorful cauliflower in this area.

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