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Sunday, 08 September 2024
150 injured as quota protesters, police clash at JU

150 injured as quota protesters, police clash at JU

Campus Desk

At least 150 students were injured in a clash between the quota protesters and the police on the Jahangirnagar University (JU) campus on Wednesday afternoon.

“More than 150 students, injured with rubber bullets and tear shells, came for treatment to us. Of them, five critically injured students were referred to a private hospital in Savar,” Dr Rizwanur Rahman, Deputy Director of JU Medical Centre told the Daily Sun on Wednesday night.

At around 5:30pm, the clash erupted on the road near the university’s Central Library as police fired tear shells and rubber bullets at the students, who were demonstrating defying the order to leave campus by the authorities, reports our correspondent from JU.

Before the police action, the students defied police calls to return to their dormitories.

Since 1:00pm, the students were agitating for quota reform in the government job and protesting the killings during Tuesday’s violence countrywide.

Meanwhile, a group of JU teachers have protested the attack on the students.

In footage, circulated on social media, Golam Rabbani, a professor of the Department of History at JU was heard saying, "We have no idea if such incident occurred in 1971. This can never happen...We even found no ambulance to rescue our students."

Since 8:45pm on Wednesday, the students started leaving their dormitories, reports our correspondent.

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