Revenue from pond lease in Baliadangi increases fourfold
Thakurgaon Correspondent
The lease price of the traditional Duo pond of Duosuo Union of Baliadangi Upazila of Thakurgaon district has increased more than fourfold.
This government-owned closed water palace with an area of 3 acres 26th century. It has been leased for 9,80,000 taka for the Bengali year 1432-1434.
Incidentally, in the Bengali year 1429-1431, the same pond was leased for 2,40,750 taka. The lease price was low due to the syndicate of the Awami League for a long time. This time, the syndicate was broken and a fair auction was held, and the lease price has increased fourfold. As a result, not only has the government's revenue increased, but the actual fishermen will also benefit.
Baliadangi Upazila Fisheries Officer Jyotsna Ara Begum said, "The increased lease price is the result of proper management of the pond and increased participation of entrepreneurs interested in fish farming."
Locals said that the pond has long been known as one of the sources of livelihood for local fishermen. The increase in the lease price is expected to increase government revenue, as well as have a positive impact on fish production and the local economy with proper management. For a long time, the pond was being leased at a low price through an AL syndicate. This time, the syndicate was broken up and the real fishermen got the lease and the government is also getting four times more revenue.
The Baliadangi Upazila administration said that the auction process was completed transparently and systematically and the lessees have been instructed to manage the pond in accordance with government rules and regulations.
Baliadangi Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Arafat Hossain said, 'The increase in the lease price of Duo Pond has opened new possibilities for the government's revenue collection. This will bring positive changes in the local economy and will bear evidence of transparency in the management of government water bodies.'
This time, the lease of Duo Pond has been obtained by Alokchipi CIG Cooperative Society Ltd. Abdur Razzak, president of the society, said, 'I am very happy that we have obtained the lease through a beautiful auction after breaking the syndicate. Not only will we benefit from this, but the government's revenue collection has also increased.
Local resident Hasan Ali said, 'This pond of ours is very important for fish farming. The increase in the lease price will increase the scope of fish farming and create local employment.'
It is mentioned that Duo Pond is traditionally a familiar name to the local fishing community. Many families in the area have been earning a living by farming fish in this pond. Those concerned believe that the increase in lease prices will not only increase government revenue, but will also lead to the development of the local fisheries sector.
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