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Monday, 03 March 2025
Ramadan is the month of Ramadan and the process of doing takwa

Ramadan is the month of Ramadan and the process of doing takwa

Dr. Mohammed Mahtab Hossain Mazed

The special season of worship is the month of Ramadan. The month of mercy, forgiveness and salvation. The main worship of Ramadan is 'Siam' or fasting. The main theme of Ramadan is 'Al -Qoran'. One month of Ramadan is fasting for one month; Paying two Wajib Sadakatul Fitr and performing Eid prayers; Eating five circumcision, iftar, reading Tarabih, reciting the Quran and reciting it.

The first 5 days of the holy month of Ramadan, mercy in the middle 7 days and the last days are liberated from Hell. The Holy Al-Qur'an is revealed to the liberation certificate of humanity this month than the excellence of the month of Ramadan than other months. In the Holy Qur'an Allah says that Ramadan is the month of which the Qur'an has been revealed. So any one of you will receive this month will fast this month.

This month there is a night called Lailatul Qadr or good luck. Hazrat Umm Salma Radiullah Anha said, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) never left the three acts." They are Tahajjud prayers, Biz's fasting in Ayam and the Itqaf of the month of Ramadan. He used to do it for 7 days every year and the last year of his life 20 days.

The month of Ramadan The most blessed and prestigious month of the Arabic months. The long two months of constant blessings and prayers were: 'O Allah! Bless us for the month of Rajab and Sha'ban and Ramadan us! ”This prayer was accepted. This year it became a reality for us.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiullah Anhu narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that when the month of Ramadan comes, the door of heaven is opened; The devil is chained.

> Roger Reader

In the Hadith narrated by Bukhari Sharif, Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radiullah Anhu said that the sins of the past will be forgiven of the person who fasts Ramadan in the hope of rewarding with Iman.

Hazrat Abdullah bin Omar Radiullah Anhu narrates that the Messenger of Allah (।) said, "Siam and the Qur'an will recommend for the servants of the Hassar and Allah will accept the recommendations of both of them."

Hazrat Abu Hurairah also narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrates that the zakat of every object has the zakat of the body, and the zakat of the body is to observe the fast. That is, as the purity of the goods is achieved in the zakatada, the body is sacred by the fasting of the fast.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that the reward of each human deed was increased from ten times to seven hundred times. In the hadith, Allah says, "Rosa is the exception of this rule because I will reward him in particular for me; The servant has left his food and desire - the desire for my satisfaction.

> Tarabih prayers

After the Asha prayers (obligatory and circumcision), it is circumcised to perform a total of 20 rak'ats in two rak'ats before the dispute. If possible, the end of the Tarabi will be collected.


Hazrat Sahl bin Saad Radiullah Anhu narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that there are eight gates of Paradise. One of these is the door name Ryan. Only the fasting people will enter through this door. Others also want to enter through this door. But no one will be allowed to enter the door other than the fast.

Two pleasures for fasting

Hazrat Abu Hurairah narrates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "There are two joy for Rosadar, one is the other during his Iftar."

The hadith also mentions more during the time of the Iftar. Allah accepts the blessings of the servant. And this period is being blessed-

'Allahuamma Inni Asaluka Biramikalati Wasiyat Kulla Shayin Antagfira Lizunubi.'

> Lilatul Kadar

Lailatul Qadr is the Holy Qur'an that is better than a thousand months of worship than one thousand months of worship at night. If you calculate a thousand months, one night worship is equal to 6 years and 6 months. But Allah says more or better than that.

The person who worships in the hope of riding on the night of Kadar will be forgiven of past sins. Ummul Muminin Hazrat Ayesha Siddika Radiullah Anha said, "O Messenger of Allah! If I get the night of Kadr, what will I pray? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Allahuamma Inaka Afuwun Tuhibul Afwa Fafuanni" will read this prayer.

In the hadith, you will seek the body of the Shabbat on the odd night of the last decade of Ramadan (25, 23, 23, 23 and 25).

> Itikaf

Allah says: 'Wa Anatum Akifuna Phil Masjid' you do it in the mosque. The word itkaf means to keep yourself bound. In the terminology of the Shari'ah, it is the case- in the hope of gaining the satisfaction and closeness of the Great God, men are regularly in the mosque and women in the house of the house.

The last decade of Ramadan (from the east of Ramadan to the chand of the month of Shawwal) is the Kifaya of Mu'akkada in the Sunnah. Without need, you will not be able to leave the place of itkaf for any excuse other than bath, food, urine. There will be mosquitoes in the Nafal prayers of the Qur'an recitation of the Quran.

In fact, Ramadan is the month of promising to live a true Muslim apologizing for all previous sins. The periods of this month should be spent in worship very much.

> Month of achievement

Ramadan is the month of achievement. And the pursuit of Siam or the fasting of the fasting is a unique sopan. The significance of fasting month -long fasting during Ramadan lies here. Allah says

'O believers! Fasting is obligatory for you as it was obligatory for you to forever; So that you can achieve the takwa ”(Surah Bakara: Verse 1).

> Sadakatul Fitr

Sadakatul Fitr is a grant that has to be paid during the month of Ramadan. So that the needy people of the Muslim community can easily celebrate Eid. It is necessary to perform this charity before Eid prayers. The Companions used to deliver this to the needy several days before Eid. So that they can celebrate Eid clothes and shopping different food items.

> Protect the sanctity of Ramadan

Maintain the atmosphere of worship during Ramadan. Follow the obligations of Ramadan, Wajib and Sunnah. Do good deeds yourself, inspire and help others with good deeds. Ensure the happiness of the world and the release of the Hereafter. Through the fasting of Ramadan and worshiping Allah, try to get the satisfaction of Allah and to get rid of the anger and to get rid of Bala-Masibat. In the Hadith, Allah says in the Qudsi: "I will reward it for me."

The main area of sympathy is to keep the price of the goods stable and to the reach of the consumer consumer. Do not mix adulterated in food and not reduce weight. Islam is not just all the religion of the ritual, but the main word of humanity is the excellence of humanity. The obedience of Allah and the Messenger and sympathy and love for all creation, including human beings. In the holy Ramadan, it is desirable that honesty restraint and purity will be touched throughout the life of a Muslim. Ramadan Mubarak's Siam pursuit is here.


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) narrates that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "There is a door called Rayan in Paradise." On the Day of Resurrection, only the fasting people will enter through this door. No one will be allowed to enter (Paradise) through this door except them. It will be announced- where are the fasting people? Then they (all fasting) will stand. No one will enter the door except them. Immediately after the entrance to the fast, the door (Ryan) will be closed. So that no one can enter the door. (Bukhari)

Therefore, the Muslim Ummah should observe the fast of Ramadan and to earn his rights. He highlights something special for the fasting in that light:

1. Fasting is not the name of eating and drinking during the day, but every day to refrain from doing wrong, falsehood, gibbat, forbidden earnings. Fasting does not have any benefit to fasting all day. Therefore, it is important to avoid all wrongdoing by fasting.

2. It is very important to implement the Qur'an in the period of the month of Ramadan. Because this month, the great book al-Qur'an was revealed. Faith is claimed: 'Every practice of the servant will be according to the Qur'an and Sunnah.

3. Fasting teaches people hard tolerant. Teaches to evaluate the condition of the exposed people. Fasting all day encourages his nafs to control. So refrain from intake of excess food in Sahari and Iftar. It is important to eliminate additional foods during Ramadan.

3. If you do not spend time on unnecessary stories and rumors, to prepare for Isha and Tarabih prayers at the time of Iftar. Again, Tarabih was the last night to pray with nafal prayers, Zikir-Azkar and praying. At the end of the night, the good work can be taken at the end of the night, to pay special attention.

3. Fasting is one of the teachings of avoiding all obscene and inherent acts during Ramadan. Working pornography by fasting, watching cinema-television by wasting unnecessary time, walking in the rich mediums of innocence is the act of Ramadan. Therefore, it is one of the demands of fasting to abandon all the bad mediums.

3. One of the biggest obstacles to worship of Ramadan is the living of the enjoyment. After the first week of Ramadan, it started to roam and buy. Although this time is less likely to happen because of the epidemic, so that it does not waste time.

Finally, I would like to say that the month of Ramadan is one of the other months of ethics. This month, people feel more comfortable in self-employment in moral and religious education. Therefore, for those who will be able to fast this month by earning the right rights, the special Paradise Ryan is the scheduled and world -renowned Ramadan.

May Allaah grant the Muslim Ummah the tawafik of fasting properly. Donate the tawfiq of fasting and dignity. Amin.

Thw writer is a, columnist Founder and Chairman, Jatiya Rogi Kallyan Society.

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